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Architecture Notebook

Maurice Parker edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 5 revisions

Without context it can be hard to understand decisions people make. Here we try to explain our rational behind why we do what we do. This is a living document and will be changed as we learn more and change our minds.

Major Architectural Goals

Cross Platform

We are focusing on Apple platforms, that is macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. By narrowing our focus to only these platforms we feel that we can create a better product than if we tried to also support Window, Linux, Android, etc..

So when we say Cross Platform, we mean within Apple’s platforms. This is a matter of economics. The more code we can share the better, so we are trying to use a portable Toolkit within Apple platforms.

Match Platform Conventions

We will try as best we can to match each Apple platform's conventions. We do this to make it easier to learn how the application works as it will match other apps people use. We also do it to make it easier to update the app as platform conventions change and evolve.


All people have the right to express themselves. We will work to make sure that Zavala will work as best we can make it for all peoples regardless of their physical or mental differences.


Zavala will has robust Shortcuts support.

iCloud Sync

This is expected of any program that manages data these days.

Realtime Collaboration

We should be able to share Outlines and collaborate with others in as close to realtime as is technically feasible.


This is the core framework that contains as much business logic and persistence logic as possible. Ideally, it should have as few platform checks as possible and be able to support different Toolkits, be that UIKit, AppKit, or SwiftUI.


The “database” is a collection of binary plist files. We will discourage external manipulation of the database files. They should be fully exportable for programatic manipulation or being manipulated in the script environment.

By using plain file system files, we can easily share these files across multiple running processes. This is especially useful for Extensions that run out of process. For example Shortcuts or Share Extensions.

Syncing and Collaboration

CloudKit will be used to implement Syncing and Collaboration functions in Templeton.


This is where most of the “business” logic resides. The model also maintains the Shadow Table.

Shadow Table

The Shadow Table backs an index based user interface element that displays the Outline Rows. This could be anything in the NSTableView family, for example we currently use UICollectionView.

Outline Element Changes

Add, delete, move, and reload indexes are all provided so that the UI can animate any changes that it needs to make. This is how we make the UI fully animatable, but the logic that computes it is fully portable to another framework.

Command Pattern

We leverage this pattern implementation provided by VinUtility. It allows the UI to issue commands that can provide undo support. By putting these in VinOutlineKit, they are reusable by different UI Toolkits.


This is the UI layer of the application.


The choice of UIKit to do cross platform development is more a function of the year that the app was developed in. SwiftUI would be a great choice, but in the fall of 2020, it wasn’t ready to be used in a production environment. That leaves us with doing native implementations of UIKIt and AppKit or using UIKit with Catalyst.

Since either way, a UIKIt implementation is in the works, we went with UIKIt with Catalyst. Thus far it has worked pretty well. Not quite as good on the Mac as an AppKit implementation, but it is very hard to determine that it isn't an AppKit app.