Simple Parser which uses Compiler design concepts.
- Lexical analysis
- symbol table formation
- parse the code using symbol table
- Create UML diagrams with class code. Convert your code into UML direclty using this tool. It can convert any OOP based code into UML.
This code works for Any OOP Code. It can be made for other languages too using the same concepts.
How to run :
FOR GUI users -
- download the Zip (
- click on Parser.bat
For File users -
- give an unindented code file as parameter to main class.
- run the code
- See the file again
=================================================== UML CREATION ADDED==================================================================
Create UML diagrams with class code. Convert your code into UML direclty using this tool. It can convert any OOP based code into UML.
- Click on the "Get UML"
- You will get the UML created screen. Click on save to save it in "uml" folder in package
- Move to "uml" folder and use image however you want!!!