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File metadata and controls

369 lines (274 loc) · 9.81 KB


  1. Overview
  2. Writing Action Creators
  3. Dispatching to Domains
  4. How this works
  5. API


Microcosm uses actions to queue up some task and track its progress. Actions are ultimately dispatched to domains and effects for additional processing. Use actions to send requests to a server, or dispatch a global notification that some user action has occurred.

Create an action by executing Microcosm::push with a function that performs some type of work. We call this function an action creator.

// axios is an AJAX library
import axios from 'axios'

const repo = new Microcosm()

function createPlanet(data) {
  // This will return a promise, which Microcosm automatically
  // understands. Read further for more details.
  return'/planets', data)

const action = repo.push(createPlanet, { name: 'Venus' })

action.onDone(function() {
  console.log('All done!')

An action moves through several states:

  1. open: Indicates work has started.
  2. loading: Used for progress updates.
  3. done: The action has completed successfully.
  4. error: The action has failed.
  5. cancelled: Useful tracking aborted XHR requests or closed dialog modals.

You can access these states with varying degrees of control depending on how you author action creators.

Writing Action Creators

There are four ways to write action creators in Microcosm, all of which relate to the value returned from functions passed into repo.push().

Return a primitive value

Action creators that return a primitive value resolve immediately:

function addPlanet(props) {
  return props

repo.push(addPlanet, { name: 'Saturn' })

Return a promise

import axios from 'axios'

function getPlanet(id) {
  // Any promise-based AJAX library will do. We like axios
  return axios(`/planets/${id}`)

repo.push(getPlanet, 'mars')

When returning a Promise:

  1. The action is opened with the first argument of the parameters passed to repo.push. In this case: 'mars'
  2. When the request finishes, the action is resolved with the payload passed into the Promise's resolve callback
  3. If the request fails, the action is rejected with whatever error was passed with the Promise's reject callback

Return a function

Action creators that return functions grant full access to the action that represents it. If we were to write a lower level version of the Promise example earlier:

function readPlanets() {
  return function(action) {

    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', '/planets')
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {

    xhr.addEventListener('error', function() {
      action.reject({ status: xhr.status })



Heads up: Sometimes you want an action to return a function that isn't executed as a thunk. If you pass a function as an action argument and return that function in the action body, Microcosm will not treat this as a thunk.

function noThunk(fn) {
  return fn // will not be called as a thunk by Microcosm

If you need to return a function from an action body consider wrapping it in a thunk:

function actionReturnsFunction() {
  return function(action) {
    action.resolve(x => x) // the action's payload will be this inner function

Alternatively, if you want Microcosm to treat your function action argument as a thunk, you can wrap it in an anonymous function first.

function maybeThunk(thunkFn, shouldThunk) {
  if (shouldThunk) {
    return (action, repo) => thunkFn(action, repo)

Return a generator

Heads up: Generators are a new feature included in the JS2015 language specification, which does not have wide support. To get around this, we recommend using Babel with the regenerator polyfill available through babel-polyfill.

Often times we need to dispatch multiple actions in sequential order. For example, what if we want to ask the user to confirm their action before deleting a record?

This can be accomplished by using a generator:

function ask(message) {
  return action => {
    if (confirm(message)) {
    } else {

function deleteUser(id) {
  return axios.delete('/users/${id}')

function confirmAndDelete(user) {
  return function*(repo) {
    yield repo.push(ask, `Are you sure you want to delete ${}?`)
    yield repo.push(deleteUser,

Each yield in the generator processes sequentially. A parent action is returned from repo.push() to represent the entire sequence. If any action is cancelled or rejected along the way, the parent action is rejected or cancelled with the same payload.

When all steps of the generator complete, the payload of the parent action will be the resolved payload of the final action.

Yielding Actions in Parallel

By yielding an array of actions, you can wait for multiple actions to complete before continuing:

function getUser(id) {
  return fetch(`/users/${id}`)

function getUsers(ids) {
  return function*(repo) {
    yield => repo.push(getUser, id))

If all actions resolve or cancel, the generator sequence continues.

Action status methods are auto-bound

Action status methods like action.resolve() and action.reject() are auto-bound. They can be passed directly into a callback without needing to wrap them in an anonymous function.

This is particularly useful when working with AJAX libraries. For example, when working with superagent:

import superagent from 'superagent'

function getPlanets() {
  return action => {
    let request = superagent.get('/planets')

    request.on('progress', action.update)
    request.on('abort', action.cancel)

    request.then(action.resolve, action.reject)

Dispatching to Domains

One of the differences between Microcosm and other Flux implementations is the dispatch process. Sending actions to domains is handled by Microcosm. Instead of dispatching ACTION_LOADING or ACTION_FAILED, actions go through various states as they resolve. You can subscribe to these states within domains like:

// A sample domain that subscribes to every action state
const SolarSystem = {
  // ... Other domain methods

  register() {
    return {
      [getPlanet]: {
        open: this.setLoading,
        update: this.setProgress,
        done: this.addPlanet,
        error: this.setError,
        cancel: this.setCancelled

How this works

Whenever repo.push() is invoked, Microcosm creates a new Action object, appending it to a ledger of all actions. As the state of an action changes, the associated microcosm will run through all outstanding actions to determine the next state.

By default, Microcosm will only hold on to unresolved actions. This can be extended by setting the maxHistory setting when creating a Microcosm:

const repo = new Microcosm({ maxHistory: 100 })

This is useful for debugging purposes, or to implement undo/redo behavior.


onDone(callback, [scope])

Add a one-time event subscription for when the action resolves successfully. If the action is already resolved, it will immediately execute.

onError(callback, [scope])

Add a one-time event subscription for when the action is rejected. If the action has already failed, it will immediately execute.

onUpdate(callback, [scope])

Listen for progress updates from an action as it loads. For example:

function wait() {
  return function(action) {
    setTimeout(() => action.update(25), 500)
    setTimeout(() => action.update(50), 1000)
    setTimeout(() => action.update(75), 1500)
    setTimeout(() => action.resolve(100), 1000)

repo.push(wait).onUpdate(function(payload) {
  console.log(payload) // 25...50...75

An important note here is that onUpdate does not trigger when an action completes.

onCancel(callback, [scope])

Add a one-time event subscription for when the action is cancelled. If the action has already been cancelled, it will immediately execute.

then(resolve, reject)

Return a promisified version of the action. This is useful for interop with async/await, or working with testing tools like ava or mocha.

const result = await repo.push(promiseAction)

// or
repo.push(promiseAction).then(success, failure)


Elevate an action into the open state and optional update the payload. Domains registered to will pick up on an action within this state.


Send a progress update. This will move an action into the loading state and optional update the payload. Domains registered to action.loading will pick up on an action within this state.


Reject an action. This will move an action into the error state and optional update the payload. Domains registered to action.error will pick up on an action within this state.


Resolve an action. This will move an action into the done state and optional update the payload. Domains registered to action or action.done will pick up on an action within this state.


Cancel an action. This is useful for handling cases such as aborting ajax requests. Moves an action into the cancelled. Domains registered to action.cancelled will pick up on an action within this state.