This package implements a fully-functional source transformation that
takes the syntax for generators/yield
from ECMAScript 2015 or ES2015 and Asynchronous Iteration proposal and
spits out efficient JS-of-today (ES5) that behaves the same way.
A small runtime library (less than 1KB compressed) is required to provide the
function. You can install it either as a CommonJS module
or as a standalone .js file, whichever you prefer.
From npm:
npm install -g regenerator
From GitHub:
cd path/to/node_modules
git clone git://
cd regenerator
npm install .
npm test
You have several options for using this module.
Simplest usage:
regenerator es6.js > es5.js # Just the transform.
regenerator --include-runtime es6.js > es5.js # Add the runtime too.
regenerator src lib # Transform every .js file in src and output to lib.
Programmatic usage:
var es5Source = require("regenerator").compile(es6Source).code;
var es5SourceWithRuntime = require("regenerator").compile(es6Source, {
includeRuntime: true
AST transformation:
var recast = require("recast");
var ast = recast.parse(es6Source);
ast = require("regenerator").transform(ast);
var es5Source = recast.print(ast);
The easiest way to get involved is to look for buggy examples using the sandbox, and when you find something strange just click the "report a bug" link (the new issue form will be populated automatically with the problematic code).
Alternatively, you can fork the repository, create some failing tests cases in test/tests.es6.js, and send pull requests for me to fix.
If you're feeling especially brave, you are more than welcome to dive into the transformer code and fix the bug(s) yourself, but I must warn you that the code could really benefit from better implementation comments.