Peer to Peer Video Streaming
This is our implementation of a Peer to Peer Video streaming system which is implemented in Java8 SE.
Here are some of the salient features of the Project.
- Any client in the system will be able to request for a particular video or search the swarm for a list of available videos.
- Peers may collect chunks of the video from a single peer or multiple peers.
- The centralized server will coordinate registration of a new peer, deletion of any existing peer and also provide information about list of peers who have the video.
- The videos are exchanged via a connection-less UDP Datagram.
- The Client Server communication occurs over connection oriented TCP Sockets.
- Since the system uses the VLC Media Player, it can play any video that VLC Supports.
- Java 8 SE
- VLC Media Player that can be initiated via the Terminal
- Eclipse(Optional, To make code changes)
Operating Systems tested on:
- Fedora 22 Linux
- Microsoft Windows 10 (With relevant changes to the code base)
Instructions to Run:
- Make sure that the videos to be shared are stored in the User.Home/Videos directory.
- Make sure that the Server process is running by executing the / Server.class file.
- Execute the / Client.class file.