Introducing a new workshop add-on for Garry's Mod that seamlessly connects the game with OpenAI's advanced AI technology. With this add-on, players can now access exciting features such as:
- the chat function (!chat) which allows for seamless communication between players
- the image generation function (!dalle) which enables players to generate stunning visuals in real-time.
-- Shared Hook
hook.Add("OpenAI.OnChatReceive", "OpenAI.OnChatReceive", function(ply, prompt, response)
print( ply:Nick() ) -- vicentefelipechile
print( prompt ) -- What is OpenAI
print( response ) -- OpenAI is an blah blah blah...
-- Shared Hook
hook.Add("OpenAI.OnImageReceive", "OpenAI.OnImageReceive", function(ply, prompt, url)
print( ply:Nick() ) -- vicentefelipechile
print( prompt ) -- A cat in the space
print( url ) -- https://...
-- Client-side Hook
hook.Add("OpenAI.OnImageDownloaded", "OpenAI.OnImageDownloaded", function(ply, location, prompt)
print( ply:Nick() ) -- vicentefelipechile
print( location ) -- openai/image/1681134554_a_cat_in_the_space <- Path to the image in "DATA"
print( prompt ) -- A cat in the space