ONE LINER install with this single command:
git clone --recursive .dotfiles \
&& cd .dotfiles && DFM_REPO=$(pwd) .res/dfm install
- Only depends on GIT
- It was designed having in mind being forked so that you can freely modify it.
- As well if you are not going to modify you can just download it.
- BASH configuration with a cool prompt and a separated file structure to ease distributing your configuratiom accross different machines.
- VIM configuration and selection of Plugins focussed in C/C++ development.
- GDB configuration which support C++ standard library data strutures and more fancy things.
- SCREEN & TMUX configuration to make it more fancy and to support 256 colors with vim.
- GIT configuration with several shortcuts, extra tools and many colors.
- Few extras such as fonts and dircolors.
- More..
# First, make sure you have git installed, if not run the next command if you are in ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install git
# Then, clone the repository and install the dotfiles:
$ git clone --recursive .dotfiles && cd .dotfiles && ./.res/dfm install && vim -c 'PluginUpdate'
The only configuration needed for vicente's dotfiles should be inside of a file
called .bash_local
in your home directory.
The file should contain these lines, but change my name and email for yours:
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez"
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]"
# Also, in order to enable C++ autocomplete features you must install libclang-dev,
# in ubuntu it would be:
$ sudo apt-get install libclang-dev
# After that you must indicate the location of the library in the .bash_independent file
export CLANG_COMPLETE_LIB="/usr/lib/"
For more info about autocomplete in my configuration join the conversation.
#It will destroy any change in those files, but not in .bash_independent. Go to dotfiles directory
$ cd ~/.dotfiles && git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/master
# This will not delete the .bash_independent file.
- DFM: a.k.a Dot Files Manager, made possible having the dotfiles in a separated directory.
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles: Some of the ideas are taking from this repository.