π’ The blog was created using the Laravel 6.1 Framework
HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Webpack, Yarn, Gravatar, Heroku, Nginx, PHP, Laravel Framework, Laravel Eloquent, Laravel Socialite, Laravel Blade, Laravel Dusk, Laravel Homestead, Laravel Backup, Composer, Redis, Google reCAPTCHA V3, Amazon S3, Algolia, Pusher, PostgreSQL, New Relic, Timber.io Logging, Mailgun, Mailtrap.
- Clone the repo and
into it - Run this command
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
- Run this command
composer install
- Run this command Mac / Linux
php vendor/bin/homestead make
or Windowsvendor\\bin\\homestead make
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Set your GitHub app credentials in your
file - Set your amazon s3 credentials in your
file - Set your reCAPTCHA v3 credentials in your
file - Set your algolia credentials in your
file - Set your pusher credentials in your
file - Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
vagrant up
- Run this command
vagrant ssh
- Run this command
cd home/vagrant/code/
- Run this command
php artisan migration
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run dev
- Visit
in your browser
- Clone the repo and
into it - Create users and table in PostgreSQL
- Run this command
composer install
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Set your database credentials in your
file - Set your redis credentials in your
file - Set your mail credentials in your
- Set your algolia credentials in your
file - Set your pusher credentials in your
file - Set your reCAPTCHA v3 credentials in your
file - Set your amazon s3 credentials in your
file - Set your GitHub app credentials in your
file - Set your
in your.env
file - Set your
in your.env
file with the valuetrue
- Set your
in your.env
file with the valuetrue
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Article"
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run dev
- Run this command
php artisan serve
or use Laravel Valet or Laravel Homestead - Visit
in your browser
- Clone the repo and
into it - Create users and table in PostgreSQL
- Configure Nginx with these settings
- Run this command
composer install
- Rename or copy
file to.env
- Run this command
php artisan key:generate
- Set your database credentials in your
file - Set your redis credentials in your
file - Set your mail credentials in your
file - Set your algolia credentials in your
file - Set your pusher credentials in your
file - Set your reCAPTCHA v3 credentials in your
file - Set your amazon s3 credentials in your
file - Set your GitHub app credentials in your
file - Set your
in your.env
file - Set your
in your.env
file with the valuefalse
- Set your
in your.env
file with the valuefalse
- Run this command
php artisan config:cache
- Run this command
php artisan db:seed
- Run this command
php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Article"
- Run this command
yarn install
- Run this command
yarn run production
- Clone the repo and
into it - Run this command
heroku create
- Run this command
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/php
- Run this command
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
- Run this command
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
- Run this command
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
- Run this command
heroku addons:create scheduler:standard
- Run this command
heroku addons:create algoliasearch:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create pusher:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create timber-logging:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create newrelic:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create cloudcube:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create mailtrap:free
- Run this command
heroku addons:create mailgun:free
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_NAME=Wordsmith
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_ENV=production
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_DEBUG=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set TELESCOPE_ENABLED=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set APP_URL=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set LOG_CHANNEL=errorlog
- Run this command
heroku config:set DB_CONNECTION=pgsql
- Run this command
heroku config:set CAPTCHA_HOSTNAME=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set ALGOLIA_APP_ID=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set ALGOLIA_SECRET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_ALGOLIA_APP_ID=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_ALGOLIA_SECRET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set PUSHER_APP_ID=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set PUSHER_APP_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set PUSHER_APP_SECRET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set BROADCAST_DRIVER=pusher
- Run this command
heroku config:set CACHE_DRIVER=redis
- Run this command
heroku config:set SESSION_DRIVER=redis
- Run this command
heroku config:set SESSION_LIFETIME=120
- Run this command
heroku config:set QUEUE_DRIVER=redis
- Run this command
heroku config:set GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set GITHUB_CLIENT_URL=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=s3
- Run this command
heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set AWS_BUCKET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set AWS_URL=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set URL_FILE=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MIX_URL_FILE=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_DRIVER=mailgun
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAILGUN_DOMAIN=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAILGUN_SECRET=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAILGUN_ENDPOINT=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=secret
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAIL_FROM_NAME=Wordsmith Site
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAILGUN_DOMAIN=Wordsmith Site
- Run this command
heroku config:set MAILGUN_SECRET=Wordsmith Site
- Run this command
git push heroku master
- Run this command
heroku open
βββ after.sh
βββ aliases
βββ app
β βββ Console
β β βββ Kernel.php
β βββ Events
β β βββ CommentSent.php
β βββ Exceptions
β β βββ Handler.php
β βββ Http
β β βββ Controllers
β β β βββ AbstractController.php
β β β βββ Admin
β β β β βββ AdminController.php
β β β β βββ ArticleController.php
β β β β βββ BaseController.php
β β β β βββ CategoryController.php
β β β β βββ CommentsController.php
β β β β βββ PageController.php
β β β β βββ RoleController.php
β β β β βββ SeoController.php
β β β β βββ SettingController.php
β β β β βββ SociallinkController.php
β β β β βββ SubscribeController.php
β β β β βββ UserController.php
β β β βββ Api
β β β β βββ v1
β β β β βββ ArticleController.php
β β β β βββ BaseController.php
β β β β βββ CategoryController.php
β β β β βββ CommentController.php
β β β βββ Auth
β β β β βββ BaseController.php
β β β β βββ ForgotPasswordController.php
β β β β βββ LoginController.php
β β β β βββ RegisterController.php
β β β β βββ ResetPasswordController.php
β β β β βββ VerificationController.php
β β β βββ Site
β β β βββ ArticleController.php
β β β βββ BaseController.php
β β β βββ CategoryController.php
β β β βββ CommentsController.php
β β β βββ ProfileController.php
β β β βββ SiteController.php
β β β βββ SitemapController.php
β β β βββ SubscribeController.php
β β βββ Kernel.php
β β βββ Middleware
β β β βββ Authenticate.php
β β β βββ CheckForMaintenanceMode.php
β β β βββ CheckRole.php
β β β βββ EncryptCookies.php
β β β βββ RedirectIfAuthenticated.php
β β β βββ TrimStrings.php
β β β βββ TrustProxies.php
β β β βββ VerifyCsrfToken.php
β β βββ Requests
β β βββ AbstractRequest.php
β β βββ Admin
β β β βββ ArticleStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ ArticleUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ CategoryStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ CategoryUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ CommentStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ CommentUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ PageUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ RoleUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ SeoStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ SeoUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ SettingUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ SociallinkStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ SociallinkUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ SubscribeStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ SubscribeUpdateRequest.php
β β β βββ UserStoreRequest.php
β β β βββ UserUpdateRequest.php
β β βββ Site
β β βββ CommentRequest.php
β β βββ ContactRequest.php
β β βββ ProfileEditRequest.php
β β βββ ProfilePasswordRequest.php
β β βββ SearchRequest.php
β β βββ SubscribeRequest.php
β βββ Mail
β β βββ MailShipped.php
β βββ Models
β β βββ Article.php
β β βββ Category.php
β β βββ Comment.php
β β βββ Page.php
β β βββ Role.php
β β βββ Seo.php
β β βββ Setting.php
β β βββ Sociallink.php
β β βββ Subscribe.php
β β βββ User.php
β βββ Observers
β β βββ ArticleObserver.php
β β βββ CategoryObserver.php
β β βββ CommentObserver.php
β β βββ PageObserver.php
β β βββ RoleObserver.php
β β βββ SeoObserver.php
β β βββ SettingObserver.php
β β βββ SociallinkObserver.php
β β βββ SubscribeObserver.php
β β βββ UserObserver.php
β βββ Providers
β β βββ AppServiceProvider.php
β β βββ AuthServiceProvider.php
β β βββ BroadcastServiceProvider.php
β β βββ EventServiceProvider.php
β β βββ RouteServiceProvider.php
β β βββ TelescopeServiceProvider.php
β βββ Repositories
β βββ ArticleRepository.php
β βββ CacheRepository.php
β βββ CategoryRepository.php
β βββ CommentRepository.php
β βββ PageRepository.php
β βββ RepositoryInterface.php
β βββ RoleRepository.php
β βββ SeoRepository.php
β βββ SettingRepository.php
β βββ SociallinkRepository.php
β βββ SubscribeRepository.php
β βββ UserRepository.php
βββ app.json
βββ artisan
βββ bootstrap
β βββ app.php
β βββ cache
β βββ config.php
β βββ packages.php
β βββ services.php
βββ composer.json
βββ composer.lock
βββ config
β βββ app.php
β βββ auth.php
β βββ broadcasting.php
β βββ cache.php
β βββ database.php
β βββ filesystems.php
β βββ hashing.php
β βββ logging.php
β βββ mail.php
β βββ queue.php
β βββ scout.php
β βββ services.php
β βββ session.php
β βββ telescope.php
β βββ view.php
βββ database
β βββ factories
β β βββ UserFactory.php
β βββ migrations
β β βββ 2018_06_24_172602_create_roles_table.php
β β βββ 2018_06_24_172603_create_users_table.php
β β βββ 2018_06_24_172604_create_password_resets_table.php
β β βββ 2018_06_24_172605_create_seos_table.php
β β βββ 2018_06_24_172606_create_settings_table.php
β β βββ 2018_08_19_120114_create_subscribes_table.php
β β βββ 2018_09_07_092849_create_categories_table.php
β β βββ 2018_09_11_143425_create_sociallinks_table.php
β β βββ 2018_09_22_102802_create_articles_table.php
β β βββ 2018_09_23_130248_create_comments_table.php
β β βββ 2018_09_24_184220_create_pages_table.php
β β βββ 2019_01_24_153837_create_sessions_table.php
β β βββ 2019_03_30_142204_create_cache_table.php
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β βββ CategoriesTableSeeder.php
β βββ CommentsTableSeeder.php
β βββ DatabaseSeeder.php
β βββ PagesTableSeeder.php
β βββ RolesTableSeeder.php
β βββ SeoTableSeeder.php
β βββ SettingsTableSeeder.php
β βββ SociallinkTableSeeder.php
β βββ UsersTableSeeder.php
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βββ nginx.heroku.conf
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β βββ Feature
β β βββ ExampleTest.php
β βββ TestCase.php
β βββ Unit
β βββ ExampleTest.php
βββ Vagrantfile
βββ webpack.mix.js
βββ yarn.lock
Collision is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.