echo "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" | semver-tagger login --password-stdin "${REGISTRY_URL}" -u "${REGISTRY_USER}"
semver-tagger tag "${IMAGE}" latest '{{major}}' '{{major}}.{{minor}}'
semver-tagger is a tool to add tags to a repository only if the provided image (first argument) is the latest version available on the registry.
The Semantic Versions is read from images metadata org.opencontainers.image.version
so your images must be correctly labeled.
The tool interact directly with the registry and do not require the image locally (no need to pull/push).
This is usefull in ci if you want indempotent jobs and "latest" tags on your registry. If you run again a ci job of an old version of your image (you may want to rebuild a lost image from sources), semver-tagger will ensure that you don't override a more recent version of your image. It is also usefull if you maintains different major versions of your image as you can push them in any order without risking to tag to a wrong version.
For example, with a registry that contains the following images/tags:
- foo/bar:1: v1.0.0
- foo/bar:1.0: v1.0.0
- foo/bar:1.0.0: v1.0.0
Then you push the image:
- foo/bar:1.1.0
And run semver-tagger tag foo/bar:1.1.0 foo/bar:latest foo/bar:1 foo/bar:1.1
This will set the following tags:
- foo/bar:latest: v1.1.0
- foo/bar:1: v1.1.0
- foo/bar:1.1: v1.1.0
But if you (re) run semver-tagger tag foo/bar:1.0.0 foo/bar:latest foo/bar:1 foo/bar:1.0
No tag is changed because each tags versions are superior or equals to the version of foo/bar:1.1.0
, foo/bar:1
& foo/bar:1.0
ar already at v1.1.0).
semver-tagger is a tool to remotely tag an image if it is the latest version
semver-tagger [flags]
semver-tagger [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
login Log in to a registry
tag Tag a remote image if its version is greater than the version of the remote tag
-h, --help help for semver-tagger
--insecure Allow image references to be fetched without TLS
-v, --verbose Enable debug logs
Use "semver-tagger [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Tag a remote image if its version is greater than the version of the remote tag
semver-tagger tag IMAGE [TAG...] [flags]
-h, --help help for tag
--version-label string Specifies the image label containing the version. (default "org.opencontainers.image.version")
Global Flags:
--insecure Allow image references to be fetched without TLS
-v, --verbose Enable debug logs
Specified tags are interpreted as go templates with the following functions defined:
: major version of the image semantic versionminor
: minor version of the image semantic versionpatch
: patch version of the image semantic versionprerelease
: pre-release version of the image semantic versionmetadata
: metadata on the version of the image semantic version
'{{major}}' '{{major}}.{{minor}}' '{{major}}.{{minor}}.{{patch}}'
Log in to a registry
semver-tagger login [OPTIONS] [SERVER] [flags]
# Log in to
crane auth login -u AzureDiamond -p hunter2
-h, --help help for login
-p, --password string Password
--password-stdin Take the password from stdin
-u, --username string Username
Global Flags:
--insecure Allow image references to be fetched without TLS
-v, --verbose Enable debug logs
This project was made thanks to This is kind of a stripped down version with an improved tag command.