MtApi (MT5) version 1.0.19
Issue #122 (Implement "UnlockTicks" function in Mt5Api):
- Added event OnLockTicksEvent
- Implemented UnlockTicks function in MtApi
Issue #119 (Implement ResultRetcode function):
- Added out parameter MqlTradeResult to function PositionClose
Issue #120 (Json serialize problem):
- set field 'Symbol' as optional in MqlTradeRequest
Issue #121 (Original MtTime in MqlRates):
- Added original MtTime field to MqlRates
Issue #110 (MtApi5: implement functions for working with global variables):
- Implemented function for working with global variables
Issue #111 (MtApi5: enum SYMBOL_VISIBLE can be fixed now):
- Added enum value SYMBOL_VISIBLE
Issue #113 (Log4Net: change logfile extension to "log"):
- Changed extension of logging files to *.log
Issue #106 (QuoteUpdate enhancement):
- Extended structure Mt5Quote with fields from MqlTick (volume, last, time)