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sagemathgh-36368: Laurent polynomials, Fitting ideals and characteristic varieties
<!-- Describe your changes here in detail -->
 Recently in sagemath#36128 (already in develop) characteristic varieties of
finitely presented fundamental groups were introduced. Its computation
is based on Fitting ideals of Laurent polynomial matrices. In sagemath#36299,
Fitting ideals were implemented for generic rings with some improvements
for PID and polynomial rings.

There are two original goals in this PR: to improve the output of
characteristic varieties and to use the cited implementation.  In order
to make computations faster, the implementation of Fitting ideals should
apply to Laurent polynomial rings and for this goal, several changes
should be applied to Laurent polynomials in `Sagemath`.

I am not sure if a deeper change should be made, since I applied only
the changes I needed for the above goal:

- src/sage/groups/
    - Changes in `fitting_ideals`.
- src/sage/matrix/ Style changes.
- src/sage/matrix/matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense.pyx: This is a new
file to create the class `Matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense`.
    - A method `laurent_matrix_reduction` to obtain a matrix of
polynomials where the variables are non common factors for neither the
rows nor the columns.
    - A methord `_fitting_ideal` to use the same method for matrices of
- src/sage/matrix/matrix__mpolynomial_dense.pyx: Style changes.

The main changes are for Laurent polynomials to avoid errors in the
above implementations.

- src/sage/rings/polynomials/laurent_polynomial.pyx:
    - Style changes.
    - Create `xgcd` needed for `inverse_mod`.
    - Create `inverse_mod`.
    - Create `divides`, I copied the code for polynomials with minor
- src/sage/rings/polynomials/
    - Style changes.
    - Changes in hint keyword in  `__init__`, the previous code create
issues, e.g., impossible to sum ideals of univariate Laurent polynomial
rings. They involve changes in doctests for `hint`
    - Changes in `__contains__` since `__reduce__` is different for
univariate and multivaraite case.
    - Create `gens_reduced`.
    - Changes in `polynomial_ideal` to deal differently if uni- and
- src/sage/rings/polynomials/
    - Style changes.
    - Create `divides`, I copied the code for polynomials with minor
- src/sage/rings/polynomials/
    - Style changes.
    - Some `TestSuite`'s applied to domains as base_rings; the
corresponding `TestSuite`'s for polynomials also failed if applied to
polynomial rings.
- src/sage/rings/polynomials/
    - Style changes.
    - Implement `is_noetherian`.
- src/sage/rings/polynomials/polynomial_element.pyx: Style changes.

<!-- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
<!-- If this PR resolves an open issue, please link to it here. For
example "Fixes sagemath#12345". -->
<!-- If your change requires a documentation PR, please link it
appropriately. -->

### 📝 Checklist

<!-- Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
<!-- If your change requires a documentation PR, please link it
appropriately -->
<!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're
here to help! -->
<!-- Feel free to remove irrelevant items. -->

- [x] The title is concise, informative, and self-explanatory.
- [x] The description explains in detail what this PR is about.
- [x] I have created tests covering the changes.
- [x] I have updated the documentation accordingly.

### ⌛ Dependencies

<!-- List all open PRs that this PR logically depends on
- sagemath#12345: short description why this is a dependency
- sagemath#34567: ...

<!-- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're
here to help! -->
URL: sagemath#36368
Reported by: Enrique Manuel Artal Bartolo
Reviewer(s): Enrique Manuel Artal Bartolo, kedlaya, miguelmarco, Travis Scrimshaw
  • Loading branch information
Release Manager committed Dec 3, 2023
2 parents afab701 + e14d69a commit 92d129e
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Showing 11 changed files with 429 additions and 72 deletions.
136 changes: 94 additions & 42 deletions src/sage/groups/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
from sage.sets.set import Set
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation

class GroupMorphismWithGensImages(SetMorphism):
Class used for morphisms from finitely presented groups to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1702,12 +1703,18 @@ def abelian_alexander_matrix(self, ring=QQ, simplified=True):
sage: g = FreeGroup(1) / []
sage: g.abelian_alexander_matrix()
([], [])
sage: g.abelian_alexander_matrix()[0].base_ring()
Univariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1 over Rational Field
sage: g = FreeGroup(0) / []
sage: g.abelian_alexander_matrix()
([], [])
sage: A, ideal = g.abelian_alexander_matrix(); A
sage: A.base_ring()
Rational Field
ab, R, ideal, images = self.abelianization_to_algebra(ring=ring)
A = self.alexander_matrix(im_gens=images)
if A.base_ring() != R:
A = A.change_ring(R)
if simplified:
n, m = A.dimensions()
if n == 0 or m == 0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1761,66 +1768,111 @@ def characteristic_varieties(self, ring=QQ, matrix_ideal=None, groebner=False):
If ``groebner`` is ``False`` a list of ideals defining the characteristic varieties.
If it is ``True``, a list of lists for Gröbner bases for each ideal.
A dictionary with keys the indices of the varieties. If ``groebner`` is ``False``
the values are the ideals defining the characteristic varieties.
If it is ``True``, lists for Gröbner bases for the ideal of each irreducible
component, stopping when the first time a characteristic variety is empty.
sage: L = [2*(i, j) + 2* (-i, -j) for i, j in ((1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1))]
sage: G = FreeGroup(3) / L
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(groebner=True)
[[(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1),
(f1 + 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1),
(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 + 1),
(f3^2 + 1, f1 - f3, f2 - f3),
(f1 - 1, f2 + 1, f3 - 1)],
[(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1),
(f1*f3 + 1, f2 - 1),
(f1*f2 + 1, f3 - 1),
(f2*f3 + 1, f1 - 1),
(f2*f3 + 1, f1 - f2),
(f2*f3 + 1, f1 - f3),
(f1*f3 + 1, f2 - f3)]]
{0: [(0,)],
1: [(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1), (f1*f3 + 1, f2 - 1), (f1*f2 + 1, f3 - 1), (f2*f3 + 1, f1 - 1),
(f2*f3 + 1, f1 - f2), (f2*f3 + 1, f1 - f3), (f1*f3 + 1, f2 - f3)],
2: [(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1), (f1 + 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1), (f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 + 1),
(f3^2 + 1, f1 - f3, f2 - f3), (f1 - 1, f2 + 1, f3 - 1)],
3: [(f1 - 1, f2 - 1, f3 - 1)],
4: []}
sage: G = FreeGroup(2)/[2*(1,2,-1,-2)]
sage: G.characteristic_varieties()
[Ideal (-2*f2 + 2, 2*f1 - 2) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Rational Field]
{0: Ideal (0) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Rational Field,
1: Ideal (f2 - 1, f1 - 1) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Rational Field,
2: Ideal (f2 - 1, f1 - 1) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Rational Field,
3: Ideal (1) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Rational Field}
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(ring=ZZ)
[Ideal (-2*f2 + 2, 2*f1 - 2) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Integer Ring]
{0: Ideal (0) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Integer Ring,
1: Ideal (2*f2 - 2, 2*f1 - 2) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Integer Ring,
2: Ideal (f2 - 1, f1 - 1) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Integer Ring,
3: Ideal (1) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f1, f2 over Integer Ring}
sage: G = FreeGroup(2)/[(1,2,1,-2,-1,-2)]
sage: G.characteristic_varieties()
[Ideal (1 - f2 + f2^2, -1 + f2 - f2^2) of Univariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f2 over Rational Field]
{0: Ideal (0) of Univariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f2 over Rational Field,
1: Ideal (-1 + 2*f2 - 2*f2^2 + f2^3) of Univariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f2 over Rational Field,
2: Ideal (1) of Univariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in f2 over Rational Field}
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(groebner=True)
{0: [0], 1: [-1 + f2, 1 - f2 + f2^2], 2: []}
sage: G = FreeGroup(2)/[3 * (1, ), 2 * (2, )]
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(groebner=True)
[[1 - f2 + f2^2]]
{0: [-1 + F1, 1 + F1, 1 - F1 + F1^2, 1 + F1 + F1^2], 1: [1 - F1 + F1^2], 2: []}
sage: G = FreeGroup(2)/[2 * (2, )]
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(groebner=True)
{0: [(f1 + 1,), (f1 - 1,)], 1: [(f1 + 1,), (f1 - 1, f2 - 1)], 2: []}
sage: G = (FreeGroup(0) / [])
sage: G.characteristic_varieties()
{0: Principal ideal (0) of Rational Field,
1: Principal ideal (1) of Rational Field}
sage: G.characteristic_varieties(groebner=True)
{0: [(0,)], 1: [(1,)]}
A, ideal = self.abelian_alexander_matrix(ring=ring, simplified=True)
if self.ngens() == 0:
if groebner:
return {j: [(ring(j),)] for j in (0, 1)}
return {j: ring.ideal(j) for j in (0, 1)}
A, rels = self.abelian_alexander_matrix(ring=ring, simplified=True)
R = A.base_ring()
res = []
eval_1 = {x: ring(1) for x in R.gens()}
A_scalar = A.apply_map(lambda p: p.subs(eval_1))
n = A.ncols()
n1 = n - A_scalar.rank()
ideal_1 = R.ideal([x - 1 for x in R.gens()])
S = R.polynomial_ring()
ideal = [S(elt) for elt in ideal]
for j in range(1, A.ncols()):
L = [p.monomial_reduction()[0] for p in A.minors(j)]
J = R.ideal(L + ideal)
if not groebner or not R.base_ring().is_field():
K = R.base_ring()
id_rels = R.ideal(rels)
res = dict()
bound = n + 1
for j in range(bound + 1):
J = id_rels + A.fitting_ideal(j)
# J = R.ideal(id_rels.gens() + A.fitting_ideal(j).gens())
if j <= n1:
J1 = K.ideal([K(p.subs(eval_1)) for p in J.gens()])
if J1:
J *= ideal_1
res[j] = R.ideal(J.gens_reduced())
if R(1) in res[j].gens():
bound = j
if not groebner or not ring.is_field():
return res
if R.ngens() == 1:
res0 = [gcd(S(p) for p in J.gens()) for J in res]
res1 = []
for p in res0:
if p == 0:
res = {j: gcd(S(p) for p in res[j].gens()) for j in range(bound + 1)}
char_var = dict()
strict = True
j = 0
while strict and j <= bound:
if res[j] == 0:
char_var[j] = [R(0)]
fct = [q[0] for q in R(p).factor()]
fct = [q[0] for q in R(res[j]).factor()]
if fct:
return res1
res1 = []
for J in res:
LJ = J.minimal_associated_primes()
char_var[j] = fct
char_var[j] = []
strict = False
j += 1
return char_var
char_var = dict()
strict = True
j = 0
while strict and j <= bound:
LJ = res[j].minimal_associated_primes()
fct = [id.groebner_basis() for id in LJ]
if fct != [(,)]:
return res1
char_var[j] = fct
if not fct:
strict = False
j += 1
return char_var

def rewriting_system(self):
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/matrix/matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense.pxd
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from sage.matrix.matrix_generic_dense cimport Matrix_generic_dense

cdef class Matrix_Laurent_mpolynomial_dense(Matrix_generic_dense):
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/matrix/matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense.pyx
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Dense matrices over multivariate polynomials over fields.
- Enrique Artal (2023-??): initial version

# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2023 Enrique Artal <[email protected]>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# *****************************************************************************
from sage.matrix.constructor import identity_matrix
from sage.rings.polynomial.laurent_polynomial_ring_base import LaurentPolynomialRing_generic

cdef class Matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense(Matrix_generic_dense):
Dense matrix over a Laurent multivariate polynomial ring over a field.
def laurent_matrix_reduction(self):
From a matrix `self` of Laurent polynomials, apply elementary operations
to obtain a matrix `P` of polynomials such that the variables do not divide
no column and no row.
Three matrices `L`, `P`, `R` such that ``self` equals `L P R`, where `L` and
`R` are diagonal with monomial entries.
sage: R.<x, y> = LaurentPolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: L = [1/3*x^-1*y - 6*x^-2*y^2 - 1/2*x^-2*y, 1/5*x + 1/2*y + 1/6]
sage: L += [1/2 - 5*x^-1*y - 2*x^-1, -1/3*y^-2 - 4*x^-1*y^-1 + 11*x^-1*y^-2]
sage: A = matrix(R, 2, L)
sage: lf, P, rg = A.laurent_matrix_reduction()
sage: lf
[ x^-2 0]
[ 0 x^-1*y^-2]
sage: P
[ 1/3*x - 6*y - 1/2 1/5*x^3 + 1/2*x^2*y + 1/6*x^2]
[ 1/2*x*y - 5*y^2 - 2*y -1/3*x - 4*y + 11]
sage: rg
[y 0]
[0 1]
R = self.base_ring()
n_rows, n_cols = self.dimensions()
mat_l = identity_matrix(R, n_rows)
mat_r = identity_matrix(R, n_cols)
res = self.__copy__()
for j, rw in enumerate(res.rows()):
for t in R.gens():
n = min( for a in rw for cf, mon in a)
res.rescale_row(j, t ** -n)
mat_l.rescale_col(j, t ** n)
for j, cl in enumerate(res.columns()):
for t in R.gens():
n = min( for a in cl for cf, mon in a)
res.rescale_col(j, t ** -n)
mat_r.rescale_row(j, t ** n)
res = res.change_ring(R.polynomial_ring())
return mat_l, res, mat_r

def _fitting_ideal(self, i):
Return the `i`-th Fitting ideal of the matrix. This is the ideal generated
by the `n - i` minors, where `n` is the number of columns.
``i`` -- an integer
An ideal on the base ring.
sage: R.<x,y,z> = LaurentPolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: M = matrix(R, [[2*x^-1-z, 0, y-z^-2, 0], [0, z - y^-1, z - x, 0],[z - y, x^-2 - y, 0, z]])
sage: M
[-z + 2*x^-1 0 y - z^-2 0]
[ 0 z - y^-1 -x + z 0]
[ -y + z -y + x^-2 0 z]
sage: M.fitting_ideal(0)
Ideal (0) of Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field
sage: M.fitting_ideal(1) == M._fitting_ideal(1)
sage: M.fitting_ideal(1).groebner_basis()
(x^4 - 2*x^3*y - x*z^3 - 4*x^2*y + 8*x*y^2 + 4*x*y*z + 2*z^2 - 8*y,
x*y*z^2 - x*z - 2*y*z + 2,
x^2*z - x*z^2 - 2*x + 2*z,
y^2*z + 1/4*x^2 - 1/2*x*y - 1/4*x*z - y + 1/2)
sage: M.fitting_ideal(2).groebner_basis()
sage: M.fitting_ideal(3).groebner_basis()
sage: M.fitting_ideal(4).groebner_basis()
sage: [R.ideal(M.minors(i)) == M._fitting_ideal(4 - i) for i in range(5)]
[True, True, True, True, True]
R = self.base_ring()
S = R.polynomial_ring()
A = self.laurent_matrix_reduction()[1].change_ring(S)
J = A._fitting_ideal(i)
return J.change_ring(R)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/matrix/
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Expand Up @@ -306,6 +306,13 @@ def get_matrix_class(R, nrows, ncols, sparse, implementation):
return matrix_mpolynomial_dense.Matrix_mpolynomial_dense
elif isinstance(R, sage.rings.polynomial.laurent_polynomial_ring.LaurentPolynomialRing_mpair) and R.base_ring() in _Fields:
from . import matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense
except ImportError:
return matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense.Matrix_laurent_mpolynomial_dense

# The fallback
from sage.matrix.matrix_generic_dense import Matrix_generic_dense
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/rings/polynomial/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,3 +85,16 @@ def groebner_basis(self, algorithm=None):
gb = self.gens_reduced()
from sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_sequence import PolynomialSequence_generic
return PolynomialSequence_generic([gb], self.ring(), immutable=True)

def change_ring(self, R):
Coerce an ideal into a new ring.
sage: R.<q> = QQ[]
sage: I = R.ideal([q^2+q-1])
sage: I.change_ring(RR['q'])
Principal ideal (q^2 + q - 1.00000000000000) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision
return R.ideal(self.gens())

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