MELA is a Mellin-space based code for parton distribution function (PDF) and fragmentation function (FF) DGLAP evolution. MELA also allows to compute DIS structure functions in different mass schemes up to NNLO in QCD.
MELA can be downloaded directly from the github repository:
For the last development version you can clone the master code:
git clone
For the latest tag:
git tag -l
git checkout tags/tag_name
Checkout the code and compile the it using the standar procedure:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/installation/path/ ..
make && make install
- V. Bertone, S. Carrazza, E.R. Nocera, Reference results for time-like evolution up to O(α_s^3), arXiv:1501.00494
Maintainers: Valerio Bertone, Stefano Carrazza, Emanuele Roberto Nocera