assignments and other code from Coursera class (now removed)
2019: Updated course: Programming Reactive Systems (Principles of Reactive Programming in Scala)
with some materials moved to Functional Programming in Scala Specialization
- Week 1: QuickCheck/ScalaCheck
- Week 2: Calculator
- Week 3: NodeScala
- Week 4: Wikipedia Suggestions
- Week 5: Actor Binary Tree
- Week 6: Replicated KV Store
worksheets: code snippets from lectures
Recap: Getting Started with Tools
- Tools Setup for Linux (12:24)
- Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12:17)
- Tools Setup for Windows (10:37)
- Tutorial: Working on the Programming Assignments (8:47)
Week 1
- What is Reactive Programming? (11:42)
- Recap: Functions and Pattern Matching (19:56)
- Recap: Collections (12:54)
- Functional Random Generators (19:42)
- Monads (20:22)
Week 2
- Functions and State (15:28)
- Identity and Change (8:12)
- Loops (8:25)
- Extended Example: Discrete Event Simulation (Optional) (10:54)
- Discrete Event Simulation: API and Usage (Optional) (10:57)
- Discrete Event Simluation: Implementation and Test (Optional) (18:12)
- Imperative Event Handling: The Observer Pattern (12:27)
- Functional Reactive Programming (20:24)
- A Simple FRP Implementation (19:32)
Week 3
- Monads and Effects 1
- Monads and Effects 2
- Latency as an Effect 1
- Latency as an Effect 2
- Combinators on Futures 1
- Combinators on Futures 2
- Composing Futures 1
- Composing Futures 2
- Async Await
- Promises, promises
Week 4
- From Try to Future (5:22)
- From Iterables to Observables 1 (8:06)
- From Iterables to Observables 2 (9:44)
- Hello World Observables (6:29)
- RX Operators (11:39)
- Subscriptions (10:34)
- Promises and Subjects (8:55)
- RX potpourri (11:30)
- Observable Contract (14:19)
Week 5
- Introduction: Why Actors? (14:46)
- The Actor Model (13:43)
- Message Processing Semantics (27:28)
- Designing Actor Systems (38:10)
- Testing Actor Systems (17:16)
Week 6
- Failure Handling with Actors (22:38)
- Lifecycle Monitoring and the Error Kernel (24:07)
- Persistent Actor State (40:05)
Week 7
- Actors are Distributed (36:30)
- Actors are Distributed Part II (18:17 — optional)
- Eventual Consistency (15:49)
- Actor Composition (20:14)
- Scalability (17:00)
- Responsiveness (11:41)