StripeKit is a Swift package used to communicate with the Stripe API for Server Side Swift Apps.
Stripe API version 2022-11-15
-> StripeKit: 22.0.0
To start using StripeKit, in your Package.swift
, add the following
.package(url: "", from: "22.0.0")
Initialize the StripeClient
let httpClient = HTTPClient(..)
let stripe = StripeClient(httpClient: httpClient, apiKey: "sk_12345")
And now you have acess to the APIs via stripe
The APIs you have available correspond to what's implemented.
For example to use the charges
API, the stripeclient has a property to access that API via routes.
do {
let charge = try await stripe.charges.create(amount: 2500,
currency: .usd,
description: "A server written in swift.",
source: "tok_visa")
if charge.status == .succeeded {
print("New swift servers are on the way 🚀")
} else {
print("Sorry you have to use Node.js 🤢")
} catch {
// Handle error
StripeKit supports expandable objects via 3 property wrappers:
, @DynamicExpandable
and @ExpandableCollection
All API routes that can return expanded objects have an extra parameter expand: [String]?
that allows specifying which objects to expand.
- Expanding a single field.
// Expanding a customer from creating a `PaymentIntent`.
let paymentIntent = try await stripeclient.paymentIntents.create(amount: 2500, currency: .usd, expand: ["customer"])
// Accessing the expanded `Customer` object
- Expanding multiple fields.
// Expanding a customer and payment method from creating a `PaymentIntent`.
let paymentIntent = try await stripeclient.paymentIntents.create(amount: 2500, currency: .usd, expand: ["customer", "paymentMethod"])
// Accessing the expanded `StripeCustomer` object
paymentIntent.$customer?.email // "[email protected]"
// Accessing the expanded `StripePaymentMethod` object
paymentIntent.$paymentMethod?.card?.last4 // "1234"
- Expanding nested fields.
// Expanding a payment method and its nested customer from creating a `PaymentIntent`.
let paymentIntent = try await stripeclient.paymentIntents.create(amount: 2500, currency: .usd, expand: ["paymentMethod.customer"])
// Accessing the expanded `PaymentMethod` object
paymentIntent.$paymentMethod?.card?.last4 // "1234"
// Accessing the nested expanded `Customer` object
paymentIntent.$paymentMethod?.$customer?.email // "[email protected]"
- Usage with list all.
Note: For list operations expanded fields must start with
// Expanding a customer from listing all `PaymentIntent`s.
let list = try await stripeclient.paymentIntents.listAll(filter: ["expand": ["data.customer"...]])
// Accessing the first `StripePaymentIntent`'s expanded `Customer` property$customer?.email // "[email protected]"
Some objects in stripe can be expanded into different objects. For example:
An ApplicationFee
has an originatingTransaction
property that can be expanded into either a charge or a transfer.
When expanding it you can specify which object you expect by doing the following:
let applicationfee = try await stripeclient.applicationFees.retrieve(fee: "fee_1234", expand: ["originatingTransaction"])
// Access the originatingTransaction as a Charge
applicationfee.$originatingTransaction(as: Charge.self)?.amount // 2500
// Access the originatingTransaction as a Transfer
applicationfee.$originatingTransaction(as: Transfer.self)?.destination // acc_1234
- Expanding an array of
let invoice = try await stripeClient.retrieve(invoice: "in_12345", expand: ["discounts"])
// Access the discounts array as `String`s { print($0) } // "","","",..
// Access the array of `Discount`s
invoice.$discounts.compactMap(\.id).map { print($0) } // "di_1","di_2","di_3",...
Stripe has a habit of changing APIs and having dynamic parameters for a lot of their APIs.
To accomadate for these changes, certain routes that take arguments that are hash
s or Dictionaries
, are represented by a Swift dictionary [String: Any]
For example consider the Connect account API.
// We define a custom dictionary to represent the paramaters stripe requires.
// This allows us to avoid having to add updates to the library when a paramater or structure changes.
let individual: [String: Any] = ["address": ["city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"line1": "1551 Broadway",
"postal_code": "10036",
"state": "NY"],
"first_name": "Taylor",
"last_name": "Swift",
"ssn_last_4": "0000",
"dob": ["day": "13",
"month": "12",
"year": "1989"]]
let businessSettings: [String: Any] = ["payouts": ["statement_descriptor": "SWIFTFORALL"]]
let tosDictionary: [String: Any] = ["date": Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970), "ip": ""]
let connectAccount = try await stripe.connectAccounts.create(type: .custom,
country: "US",
email: "[email protected]",
businessType: .individual,
defaultCurrency: .usd,
externalAccount: "bank_token",
individual: individual,
requestedCapabilities: ["platform_payments"],
settings: businessSettings,
tosAcceptance: tosDictionary)
print("New Stripe Connect account ID: \(")
The first, preferred, authentication option is to use your (the platform account’s) secret key and pass a Stripe-Account
header identifying the connected account for which the request is being made. The example request performs a refund of a charge on behalf of a connected account using a builder style API:
.addHeaders(["Stripe-Account": "acc_12345",
"Authorization": "Bearer different_api_key",
"Stripe-Version": "older-api-version"])
.create(charge: "ch_12345", reason: .requestedByCustomer)
NOTE: The modified headers will remain on the route instance (refunds in this case) of the StripeClient
if a reference to it is held. If you're accessing the StripeClient in the scope of a function, the headers will not be retained.
Similar to the account header, you can use the same builder style API to attach Idempotency Keys to your requests.
let key = UUID().uuidString
.addHeaders(["Idempotency-Key": key])
.create(charge: "ch_12345", reason: .requestedByCustomer)
The webhooks API is available to use in a typesafe way to pull out entities. Here's an example of listening for the payment intent webhook.
func handleStripeWebhooks(req: Request) async throws -> HTTPResponse {
let signature = req.headers["Stripe-Signature"]
try StripeClient.verifySignature(payload: req.body, header: signature, secret: "whsec_1234")
// Stripe dates come back from the Stripe API as epoch and the StripeModels convert these into swift `Date` types.
// Use a date and key decoding strategy to successfully parse out the `created` property and snake case strpe properties.
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .secondsSince1970
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let event = try decoder.decode(StripeEvent.self, from: req.bodyData)
switch (event.type, {
case (.paymentIntentSucceeded, .paymentIntent(let paymentIntent)):
print("Payment capture method: \(paymentIntent.captureMethod?.rawValue)")
return HTTPResponse(status: .ok)
default: return HTTPResponse(status: .ok)
StripeKit is pretty easy to use but to better integrate with Vapor these are some helpful extensions
import Vapor
import StripeKit
extension Application {
public var stripe: StripeClient {
guard let stripeKey = Environment.get("STRIPE_API_KEY") else {
fatalError("STRIPE_API_KEY env var required")
return .init(httpClient: self.http.client.shared, apiKey: stripeKey)
extension Request {
private struct StripeKey: StorageKey {
typealias Value = StripeClient
public var stripe: StripeClient {
if let existing =[StripeKey.self] {
return existing
} else {
guard let stripeKey = Environment.get("STRIPE_API_KEY") else {
fatalError("STRIPE_API_KEY env var required")
let new = StripeClient(httpClient: self.application.http.client.shared, apiKey: stripeKey)[StripeKey.self] = new
return new
extension StripeClient {
/// Verifies a Stripe signature for a given `Request`. This automatically looks for the header in the headers of the request and the body.
/// - Parameters:
/// - req: The `Request` object to check header and body for
/// - secret: The webhook secret used to verify the signature
/// - tolerance: In seconds the time difference tolerance to prevent replay attacks: Default 300 seconds
/// - Throws: `StripeSignatureError`
public static func verifySignature(for req: Request, secret: String, tolerance: Double = 300) throws {
guard let header = req.headers.first(name: "Stripe-Signature") else {
throw StripeSignatureError.unableToParseHeader
guard let data = else {
throw StripeSignatureError.noMatchingSignatureFound
try StripeClient.verifySignature(payload: Data(data.readableBytesView), header: header, secret: secret, tolerance: tolerance)
extension StripeSignatureError: AbortError {
public var reason: String {
switch self {
case .noMatchingSignatureFound:
return "No matching signature was found"
case .timestampNotTolerated:
return "Timestamp was not tolerated"
case .unableToParseHeader:
return "Unable to parse Stripe-Signature header"
public var status: HTTPResponseStatus {
- Balance
- Balance Transactions
- Charges
- Customers
- Disputes
- Events
- Files
- File Links
- Mandates
- PaymentIntents
- SetupIntents
- SetupAttempts
- Payouts
- Refunds
- Tokens
- EphemeralKeys
- Payment Methods
- Bank Accounts
- Cash Balance
- Cards
- Sources
- Products
- Prices
- Coupons
- Promotion Codes
- Discounts
- Tax Codes
- Tax Rates
- Shipping Rates
- Sessions
- Payment Links
- Credit Notes
- Customer Balance Transactions
- Customer Portal
- Customer Tax IDs
- Invoices
- Invoice Items
- Plans
- Quotes
- Quote Line Items
- Subscriptions
- Subscription items
- Subscription Schedule
- Test Clocks
- Usage Records
- Account
- Account Links
- Account Sessions
- Application Fees
- Application Fee Refunds
- Capabilities
- Country Specs
- External Accounts
- Persons
- Top-ups
- Transfers
- Transfer Reversals
- Secret Management
- Early Fraud Warnings
- Reviews
- Value Lists
- Value List Items
- Authorizations
- Cardholders
- Cards
- Disputes
- Funding Instructions
- Transactions
- Connection Tokens
- Locations
- Readers
- Hardware Orders
- Hardware Products
- Hardware SKUs
- Hardware Shipping Methods
- Configurations
- Scheduled Queries
- Report Runs
- Report Types
- VerificationSessions
- VerificationReports
- Webhook Endpoints
- Signature Verification
StripeKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.