rarray is a C++ library for reference counted multidimensional arrays.
It is a header-only implementation that uses templates, which allows
most compilers to generate fast code.
The latest release version is 2.8.0.
rarray is open-source, and is released under the MIT license. This library is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. For details, see the file named 'LICENSE', and license statements in the source files.
For details on the installation procedure see the file named 'INSTALL'.
Reference-counted and non-owning multidimensional arrays with runtime dimensions.
No strides, no linear algebra, overloaded operators etc.
Usually faster than alternatives.
Uses the same accessors as automatic arrays.
Requires only the C++-11 standard.
Data is contiguous to allow interfacing with libraries like BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, etc.
The header file rarray
provides the type rarray<T,R>
, where T
any type and R
is the rank. Element access uses repeated square
brackets. Copying rarrays or passing them to functions mean shallow
copies, unless explicitly asking for a deep copy. Streaming I/O is
also supported.
The rarray library comes with a tutorial tutorial.md. Code documentation can be generated using doxygen with
make doc
Background information on the design of the library can be found in background.tex.
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=<PREFIXDIR>
make install
Or copy the file "rarray
" to <PREFIXDIR>/include
. Make sure
is in your CPATH
variable or the include path
is passed to the compiler (usually with a -I <PREFIXDIR>
The configure-make recipe also allows running tests; type "make help" to see the options.
If you have sudo permissions, you can also do "sudo make install
" to
install the header and documentation to /usr/include and
/usr/share/doc, respectively. Note that this will fail on recent MacOS
versions, in which case, try "sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local
To modify rarray, do not edit the rarray header file, as this is a
generated file. Instead, edit the files in the headersources
directory. You can use the included Makefile to assemble the rarray
headers with make headers
The Makefile can compile and run the unit tests and benchmarks. Simply do:
make test
make benchmarks
The configure
command should work under Linux if you have a recent
GNU, Intel, IBM or Clang compiler. Note that to pick your compiler,
you may have the set the CXX environment variable point to the right
compiler command (e.g. export CXX=clang++
) before running configure
Version 0.x, December 2013
First implementation of the header-only library rarray for runtime (dynamic) multidimensional arrays. Added references counting around that time.
Version 1.0, January 2014
Code put on github.
Version 1.1, March 2015
Changed the text output format used to use newlines. Reference counting removed.
Version 1.2, February 2017
Added c++11 aliases rvector, rmatrix and rtensor. Eliminated the need for rarraymacros.h and rarraydelmacros.h in the installed version of rarray. Reference counting reenabled.
Version 2.0, October 2019
To fix a persistent memory leak, rarray was rewritten from the ground up, leaving most of the API unchanged, except for the following:
From this version on, rarray only works with C++11 (or higher).
To use the member function rarray::reshape() with a new shape that is smaller than the old one, an additional function parameter "ra::RESIZE::ALLOWED" must be supplied.
To get array bounds checking of indices, you must use the new at() member function of rarray instead of square parenthesis.
Rarray now has its own unit testing library, 'rut'.
Version 2.1, January 2020
Reference counting of rarray data is now done atomically.
One character names of substructures for debug were removed.
Streaming operators for rarrays moved to the ra namespace.
In version 2.1.1, the undocumented rlinear function was renamed linspace and added to the documentation, as was xrange.
Version 2.2, February 2020
Several bug fixed with running and installing rarray on MacOS.
The rarray unit test library 'rut' was dropped in favour of 'catch2', which does everything that 'rut' was intended to do, but better. Since 'catch2' is header only, this makes running the tests on different platforms much easier.
Version 2.3.0, January 2022
- Returned to a single-header implementation by incorporating the rarrayio header into the rarray header.
Version 2.4.0, December 2022
Eliminated dead code and added exception safety.
Fixed bug for compound data types.
Support added for Intel OneAPI's icpx C++ compiler.
2.4.1 was a bug fix for the at() function.
Version 2.5.0, February 2023
Bounds checking reinstated.
Can now get a subarray with square brackets.
Rarray objects no longer automatically converted into Tconst... pointers.
More extensive unit and coverage tests.
'is_clear' renamed to 'empty'.
Version 2.5.1, May 2023
Bug fixes, most importantely bounds checking of 1d arrays
Expanded tests for 100% code coverage
Comparison with mdspan (C++23)
Updated documentation.
Version 2.6.0, November 2023
Bug fixes (inlining, compiler settings, exception safety).
Support for the multidimensional subscript operator for c++23 compilers.
More complete support for rarray<const T,R>.
Implicit conversion operator from rarray<T,R> to rarray<const T,R>.
Version 2.6.1 from December 2023 is functionally the same, but with substantial code cleanup. The stub header file rarrayio was removed.
Version 2.7.0, January 2024
Added fill and form methods.
Better documentation, now in markdown and doxygen.
Version 2.8.0, January 2025
functions -
static -
Fixed bug in reshape to a smaller size
Cannot force alignment of data yet.
The behavior of rarrays of types whose destructor throws an exception is undefined (note: destructors should not throw exceptions anyway).
result does not act as a range in C++23 mode for clang-based compilers (note: rarray only promisses C++11).
Under the license, you are not required to report bugs, but are encouraged to do so. If you find a bug, you may report it to [email protected]. Errors or omissions in the documention can be reported to the same address.
rarray Header file defining runtime arrays (produced from headersources)
configure A non-autotools configure script for compiling benchmarks; Creates config.mk
Makefile Makefile to build unit tests, benchmarks, and documentation pdf; Uses config.mk if it exists
VERSION Contains the tag of most recently release version. Note: If cloned from the github repository, the code may differ due to subsequent commits. Do a "git checkout TAG", e.g. "git checkout 2.7.0" to get the exact release.
WARRANTY File that expresses that there is no warranty
LICENSE Text of the MIT license
AUTHOR Name and email address of the author
INSTALL More hints on how to install and build tests and benchmarks.
READMEBENCHMARK.txt Explanation of what the 2d and 4d benchmarks actually do
README.md This file.
tutorial.md Explains how to use rarray
Doxyfile.devel Doxygen file for developer documentation
rarraydoc.tex LaTeX source of the background documentation
rarraydoc.pdf Pdf format of the background documentation
elapsed.h Header to measure time, used in benchmarks
rarray.h Header source file defining runtime arrays
rarrayio.h Header source file for I/O routines
rarraymacros.h Internal macros and functions
shared_buffer.h Internal header that implements a reference-counted array
shared_shape.h Internal header that implements a reference-counted shape structure
offsets.h Internal header to compute pointer offsets within the shape structure
versionheader.h To include the rarray version in the header (since v2.4.0)
hardinclude.cc Code that creates generates the header files from the internal headersources.
test_rarray.cc Simple tests for rarray
testsuite.cc Rarray unit test/regression test suite (using catch2)
test_offsets.cc Tests for internal offsets.h header
test_shared_buffer.cc Tests for internal shared_buffer.h header
test_shared_shape.cc Tests for internal shared_shape.h header
benchmark2Daccess.cc Benchmark code for 2d arrays comparing rarray, blitz, eigen, boost, armadillo, dynamic and automatic arrays
benchmark4Daccess.cc Benchmark code for 4d arrays comparing rarray, blitz, eigen, biist. dynamic and automatic arrays
optbarrier.cc Contains dummy function whose call acts as a barrier against code reordering; used in the c++ benchmarks to avoid false comparisons
benchmark2Dfrtrn.f90 Fortran benchmark code for 2d arrays
benchmark4Dfrtrn.f90 Fortran benchmark code for 4d arrays
optbarrierf.f90 Fortran version of optbarrier.cc
Compiler dependence flags for the Makefile. Used as input to create config.mk by configure.
- January 2024