Add the following to your build.gradle file and replace the coberturaPluginVersion variable with the version of the plugin you wish to use
buildscript {
apply from: '${coberturaPluginVersion}/coberturainit.gradle'
|Gradle Version |Plugin version|
|1.1 |1.2.1 |
|1.0-milestone-9 |1.2 |
|1.0-milestone-8 |1.1 |
|1.0-milestone-7 |1.0 |
|1.0-milestone-6 |1.0-rc4 |
|All older revs |1.0-rc4 |
This will add the 'cobertura' task to your project which instruments your code, executes your tests and outputs to build/reports/cobertura.
To build from source:
./gradlew uploadArchives
This will create a local jar which you can reference in your builds like this:
buildscript {
repositories {
add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.FileSystemResolver()) {
name = 'local_cobertura' // or whatever you want to put here
addArtifactPattern '${ cobertura project directory }/repo/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]' // replace 'cobertura project directory' with real directory
addIvyPattern '${ cobertura project directory }/repo/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml'
dependencies {
classpath 'gradle_cobertura:gradle_cobertura:1.0-rc4'