Releases: valkarinc/game-list
Valkarin Open-Dev Client
Valkarin Dev Client
I have decided to release the dev-client openly to the public, login without a forums account needed but beware certain functions are disabled due to the development setting.
The list is much longer but there are some critical implementations that need to be done, so, download and test firsthand before it goes into our live game.
- Skills 1:1
- Current Data up to date with handlers, etc and 1:1
- NPC Dialogue fetch from the osrs wiki transcript archive
- Current Raids 1:1
- Absolute pathfinding
- Typeless damage
- Animation/model handling conversion to skeletal system
- Music
- Proper sound handling
- JS5 Tool Integration
- League 3, 4, 5 handlers
- All league items integrated and functional
- Proper and concurrent map rendering (vertical rendering)
For all users that choose to use the Dev-Client it is required to find one OSRS artifact from Osrs Wiki and figure whether and where Valkarin can utilize that artifact chosen.
What do you mean artifact?
Post the following information into #suggestions with a title "DC1 Suggestion"
Implement Jangerberry bushes, reference:
Commands you can utilize on the client:
::item (itemid) (item amount) you can find a list of Valkarin items at Valkarin Item Directory
::tele (x coord) (y coord) (z coord) you can find coordinates here: Map Viewer
You are also given the ability to teleport anywhere freely aside from Tutorial Island (it will crash your game)
To teleport anywhere, ctrl + shift click anywhere, you can also open your world map and double click to teleport to that location.