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Run the Timesheet from the source

Stanislav Valasek edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Set up a DB

Clone the repository

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Add private configuration files

Create config file ./client/.quasar.env.json with the following content:

  "development": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Development",
    "ENV_DEV": "development",
    "APP_DOMAIN": "localhost",
    "APP_PORT": "3000",
    "APP_TYPE": "Version for Academic and Non-Profit Organizations",
    "APP_LOGO": "logo-custom.png"
  "production-<client>": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Production <client-name>",
    "ENV_PROD": "production-<client-name>",
    "APP_DOMAIN": "<IP>,
    "APP_PORT": "<PORT>",
    "APP_TYPE": "",
    "APP_LOGO": "logo-<client>.png"
  "production-cloud": {
    "ENV_TYPE": "Running Production Cloud",
    "ENV_PROD": "production-cloud",
    "APP_DOMAIN": "",
    "APP_PORT": "8080",
    "APP_TYPE": "Version for Academic and Non-Profit Organizations",
    "APP_LOGO": "logo-custom.png"

Set up a client configuration file - optional - if you need to

  • update/add section in ./client/.quasar.env.json
  • add logo - ./client/src/statics/logo-<client>.png
  • add server config `./server/timesheet-.yaml - each per each configuration

Edit dockerfile to indicate for which client you are building for. Default - cloud.

COPY ./server/timesheet-<client>.yaml /timesheet.yaml
RUN yarn run build-<client>

Install Golang and Go dependencies

Install Golang

cd ./server
go get -u ./... 
go run timesheet.go db --clean
go run timesheet.go db --load all
go run timesheet.go server

Install Node, npm and yarn and Quasar Framework

Install node

Install npm a yarn - I recommend to use npm for all global packages and yarn for all local packages

Install Quasar Framework

Start the server and client locally

# Open a new terminal and change to the client folder
cd client
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run

Used ports

  • 8080 - UI in Vue/Quasar

  • 3000 - server in Go

  • 5432 - db - postgreSQL

Optionally after/during deployment - replace baseUrl in compiled js files. Not required anymore.

sed -i -e 's/localhost/' /client/dist/*.js
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