Important Notice 2023-10-13: This repository will not be updated in the future.

The fonts “isfit+” is a font that combines Nerd fonts icons, file-icons, all-the-icons.ttf, Google Material Design Icons.
In this repository, provides
- Modified version’s icon fonts, named isfit+.
- Following SIL OFL v1.1, generated fonts renamed isfit+: Icon Symbols Font In Terminal Plus.
- Dataset of all-the-icons.el to use isfit+.
Get generated fonts and install it.
After install these fonts, I recommend use quelpa or quelpa-use-package, such that:
(use-package all-the-icons :ensure t)
(use-package all-the-icons-in-terminal
:quelpa (all-the-icons
:fetcher github
:repo "uwabami/isfit-plus"
:files (:defaults "data"))
Name | Version | License |
Nerd: Symbols Only | v3.0.2 | MIT/X11 |
file-icons | v2.1.7 | MIT/X11 |
all-the-icons.ttf | 3.2.0 | MIT/X11 |
Material Design icons by Google | v4.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
@see Nerd icon’s code points are not changed, just add file-icons, all-the-icons.ttf, Google Material Design Icons. @see for details.
Font Name | generated |
IEC Power Symbols | 23FB - 23FE |
Octicons | 2665 |
Octicons | 26A1 |
IEC Power Symbols | 2B58 |
Pomicons | E000 - E00A |
Powerline | E0A0 - E0A2 |
Powerline Extra | E0A3 |
Powerline | E0B0 - E0B3 |
Powerline Extra | E0B4 - E0C8 |
Powerline Extra | E0CA |
Powerline Extra | E0CC - E0D4 |
All The Icons | E0E0 - E11D |
Font Awesome Extension | E200 - E2A9 |
Weather Icons | E300 - E3E3 |
Seti-UI + Custom | E5FA - E6A6 |
Devicons | E700 - E7C5 |
Codicons | EA60 - EBEB |
File Icons | EC48 - EFE9 |
Font Awesome | F000 - F2E0 |
Font Logos | F300 - F32F |
Octicons | F400 - F532 |
Material Design | F500 - FD46 |
Material Design | F0001 - F1AF0 |
Google Material Design icons | F2000 - F28BB |
All Code: MIT/X11 Font: SIL OFL v1.1
All icons representing commercial companies are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by me, nor vice versa.
If you find any bugs, please report me. Do not send upstream.