- Allow selection of cluster type for standard partition (--constraint=rivanna does not work)
- Cryosparc form not updated
- form.yml : https://osc.github.io/ood-documentation/latest/how-tos/app-development/interactive/form.html
- submit.yml.erb : https://osc.github.io/ood-documentation/latest/how-tos/app-development/interactive/submit.html
- Original Interactive Apps Forms: https://github.com/uvarc/ood_interactive_apps
Changes were made to
- Disallow invalid amounts of cores / memory to be submitted as a job
- Allow memory per cpu option
- Update GPU types to all available GPUs
- Allow GPU type to be specified for interactive partitions
- Allow multiple lines of code for additonal options
#Comments will be placed on changes made to original form
# Order of which questions (attributes) appear on form
- version
- modules
- node_type
#- bc_num_slots
- bc_num_hours
- num_cores
- mem_type #Memory per core / memory overall
- node_num_memory #Memory per node
- core_num_memory #Memory per core
- bc_account
- gpu_type
- num_gpu
- gpu_type_interactive #Enable GPU type for interactive partition
- interactive_options #Specify GPU type for interactive partitions
- num_gpu_interactive #Specify number of GPUs, for interactive partitions
- mode
- option
- extra_group
- bc_email_on_started
#All attributes listed here were added or modified
mem_type: #Added memory type selection for either memory per node or memory per core
widget: select
label: "Memory type"
- [ "Memory per node", "nodememory", data-hide-core-num-memory: true]
- [ "Memory per core", "corememory", data-hide-node-num-memory: true]
node_num_memory: #Respective memory per node input
widget: "number_field"
label: "Memory Request in GB ( maximum 384G total )"
value: 6
min: 6
max: 384
step: 1
core_num_memory: #Respective memory per core input
widget: "number_field"
label: "Memory Request in GB ( maximum 384G total )"
value: 1
min: 1
max: 16
step: 1
node_type: #Changed max cores and max memory depending on partition type and memory type selection
widget: select
label: "Rivanna/Afton Partition"
- [ "Interactive", "interactive", data-hide-gpu-type: true, data-hide-num-gpu: true, data-max-num-cores: 24, data-max-core-num-memory: 16]
- [ "Standard", "standard", data-hide-gpu-type: true, data-hide-num-gpu: true, data-hide-gpu-type-interactive: true, data-hide-num-gpu-interactive: true, data-max-num-cores: 40, data-max-core-num-memory: 9, data-hide-interactive-options: true]
- [ "GPU", "gpu", data-hide-gpu-type-interactive: true, data-hide-num-gpu-interactive: true, data-max-num-cores: 28, data-max-core-num-memory: 13, data-hide-interactive-options: true]
- [ "BII", "bii", data-hide-gpu-type: true, data-hide-num-gpu: true, data-hide-gpu-type-interactive: true, data-hide-num-gpu-interactive: true, data-max-num-cores: 40, data-max-core-num-memory: 9, data-hide-interactive-options: true]
- [ "BII-GPU", "bii-gpu", data-hide-gpu-type-interactive: true, data-hide-num-gpu-interactive: true, data-max-num-cores: 40, data-max-core-num-memory: 9, data-hide-interactive-options: true]
help: |
- **Interactive** - (*1-24 core*) Rivanna node in the interactive partition.
- **Standard** - (*1-40 cores*) Rivanna node in the standard partition.
- **GPU** - (*1-28 cores*) Rivanna node that has NVIDIA GPU.
- **Bii,Bii-gpu** - (*1-40 cores*) Partition for Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative.
- **Learn More** - [Rivanna Queuing Policies]
[Rivanna Queuing Policies]: https://www.rc.virginia.edu/userinfo/rivanna/queues/
gpu_type: #Updated to all GPUs available
widget: select
label: "Optional: GPU type for GPU partition"
- [ "default", "--gres=gpu:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA A100", "--gres=gpu:a100:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA A100 40GB", "--gres=gpu:a100:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA A100 80GB", "--gres=gpu:a100:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA A6000", "--gres=gpu:a6000:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA V100", "--gres=gpu:v100:" ]
- [ "NVIDIA A40", "--gres=gpu:a40:" ]
- [ "GPUPOD", "--gres=gpu:" ]
interactive_options: #Allowed specification of GPU type for interactive partition
widget: select
label: "Optional: GPU type"
- [ "default", "--gres=gpu:" ]
- [ "RTX 2080", "--gres=gpu:rtx2080:" ]
- [ "RTX 3090", "--gres=gpu:rtx3090:" ]
gpu_type_interactive: #Updated hide values
widget: select
label: "Optional: GPU for Interactive partition"
- ["No", "No", data-hide-num-gpu-interactive: true, data-hide-interactive-options: true]
- ["Yes", "Yes" ]
option: #Updated textbox to allow multiple lines
label: "Optional: Slurm Option ( Reservation, Constraint )"
widget: text_area
#Commented for changes made
#This line hasn't been tested
queue_name: "<%= node_type %>"
- "-J"
- "ood_matlab"
- "-N"
- "1"
<%- unless node_type == "dev" -%>
- "--cpus-per-task"
- "<%= num_cores %>"
#Script for memory per node
<%- if mem_type == "nodememory" -%>
- "--mem"
- "<%= node_num_memory %>G"
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
#Script for memory per core
<%- if mem_type == "corememory" -%>
- "--mem-per-cpu"
- "<%= core_num_memory %>G"
<%- end -%>
- "--output=matlab_open_ondemand.log"
<%- if node_type == "gpu" or node_type == "bii-gpu" -%>
- "<%= gpu_type %><%= num_gpu%>"
<%- end -%>
#Script for gpu configurations that are constraints
<%- if gpu_type == "NVIDIA A100 40GB" -%>
- "--constraint=40gb"
<%- end -%>
<%- if gpu_type == "NVIDIA A100 80GB" -%>
- "--constraint=80gb"
<%- end -%>
<%- if gpu_type == "GPUPOD" -%>
- "--constraint=gpupod"
<%- end -%>
#Script for gpu selection in an interactive partition
<%- if node_type == "interactive" and gpu_type_interactive == "Yes" -%>
- "<%= interactive_options%><%= num_gpu_interactive%>"
<%- end -%>
#Script for reading multiple lines for contstratins / additional options
<%- unless option.strip.empty? -%>
<%- option.each_line do |line| -%>
- "<%= line.strip %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>