An open-source solver tool for the Maxwell-Bloch equations.
The project consists of the following components:
mbsolve-lib: Contains the common base classes for solvers and writers (which are subsequently derived and implemented in the other subprojects). As the name suggests, the solver class is responsible for solving the Maxwell-Bloch equations while the writer class writes the results to a file of the respective format. It also provides classes to describe a device setup (materials, dimensions, ...) and a simulation scenario (simulation settings, sources, ...).
mbsolve-tool: A C++ test application that implements various simulation setups.
solver-cuda: Uses NVIDIA's CUDA framework to efficiently solve the equation system on graphics processing units (GPUs). Different solvers are implemented in this subproject.
solver-generic: A no-op test solver for testing purposes only. May be discarded in future.
solver-openmp: Uses the OpenMP standard to efficiently solve the equation system on multi-core CPUs or Intel's Xeon Phi.
tools: Various scripts in different scripting languages.
writer-hdf5: Writes the results into the HDF5 format.
writer-matlab: Writes the results into the MATLAB file format (deprecated).
All libraries feature a Python interface and can be used conveniently from Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks etc. See tools/python for examples.
The project is built using the CMake build system. The typical commands under Linux are
$ cd mbsolve
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./mbsolve [--options]
By default, the build type is set to release with debug information, which enables debugging but features the optimization necessary for reasonable performance.
In order to enable/disable a component, an extra option has to be passed to CMake:
$ cmake -DWITH_CUDA=ON/OFF ..
The project has been successfully compiled with the GNU compiler collection (gcc) and the Intel compiler (icc). gcc is used as default, the Intel compiler may be used with the following command:
$ CC=path_to_intel/icc CXX=path_to_intel/icpc cmake -DWITH_CUDA=OFF ..
Note that CUDA does not support all versions of the Intel compiler, hence the CUDA support is disabled.
The target architecture may be set using the ARCH option. By default, compiler optimizations suitable for the host machine are applied. However, when building for another machine the architecture can be set with e.g.
$ cmake -DARCH=AVX2 ..
In particular, building for Intel's Xeon Phi coprocessor is enabled with
$ CC=path_to_intel/icc CXX=path_to_intel/icpc cmake -DWITH_CUDA=OFF \
The Doxygen documentation can be build with
$ make doc
If you want to use Eclipse, use the appropriate generator flag -G and (if desired) set the build type to Debug. (Note that Eclipse yields a warning if the build directory is a child of the source directory. Adjust path_src.)
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" path_src
Python scripts: Example scripts that define simulation setups and run the solver. Execute from build directory. See tools/python.
MATLAB scripts: The examples read the simulation results and plot them. See tools/matlab.
Loadleveler: Example scripts for the loadleveler batch scheduler. See tools/loadleveler.
If the required dependencies are not met, the components may be disabled by the build system. The dependencies are listed in the following with the minimum version given in brackets:
- CMake (3.6)
- Eigen library (3.3.4)
- Python (2.7) and SWIG (2.0) for Python support
- MATLAB (any recent version) for matlab-writer
- CUDA (7.0) for solver-cuda
- OpenMP (any recent version) for solver-openmp
- Boost (any recent version) for mbsolve-tool
- Doxygen (any recent version) for the documentation
Feel free to use the code and do not hesitate to contact me or to create an
issue on github. Any contributions are welcome. If you found the code helpful
and used it in your research, you can cite the following paper:
M. Riesch, N. Tchipev, S. Senninger, H.-J. Bungartz, and C. Jirauschek,
"Performance evaluation of numerical methods for the
Maxwell-Liouville-von Neumann equations," Opt. Quant. Electron. 50,
112 (2018).