This project is no longer under active development.
You can try to pyenv(under active development) instead of pythonbrew.
pythonbrew is the Python environments manager. it's easy to switch between them.
The recommended way to download from each releases and put it somewhere in your PATH.
Or you can get as below
go get -u
Typically, pythonbrew install packages into ~/.pythonbrew.
If you want to install packages into somewhere else, you can do that by setting a PYTHONBREW_ROOT environment variable
export PYTHONBREW_ROOT=/path/to/.pythonbrew
Add the following line at the end of the ~/.bashrc file
eval "$(pythonbrew init)"
Add the following line at the end of the ~/.zshrc file
eval "$(pythonbrew init)"
pythonbrew(pybrew) command [options]
Install some pythons
pythonbrew install 3.6.4
pythonbrew install -v 3.6.4
pythonbrew install -f 3.6.4
pythonbrew install -C "CFLAGS=-I/path/to/include" -C "LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/lib" 3.6.4
pythonbrew install --no-ensurepip 3.6.4
pythonbrew install --no-symlink 3.6.4
pythonbrew install
pythonbrew install 2.7.14 3.6.4
Use a specific Python version permanently
pythonbrew switch 2.7.14
pythonbrew switch 3.6.4
Use a specific Python version in the current shell
pythonbrew use 3.6.4
List all installed Python versions
pythonbrew list
List all known installable Python versions
pythonbrew list -k
Uninstall specific Python versions
pythonbrew uninstall 2.7.14
Disable pythonbrew
pythonbrew off
Manage environments (using virtualenv)
pythonbrew venv proj # Create proj if not exists, Use proj if exists
pythonbrew venv -p 2.7.14 proj2
pythonbrew venv -l
pythonbrew venv --rm proj
Remove all cache
pythonbrew cleanup
Update pythonbrew to the latest version
pythonbrew update
Show version
pythonbrew -v
See more details
pythonbrew -h
pythonbrew <command> -h
apt-get install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev
yum install zlib-devel openssl-devel readline-devel
brew install openssl
brew install readline
rm /path/to/pythonbrew
rm -rf ~/.pythonbrew
Remove eval "$(pythonbrew init)"
line at the setup file.