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Merge pull request #136 from usnistgov/Dufal
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Implement the association model of Dufal
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ianhbell authored Jul 4, 2024
2 parents e129a48 + 29d8f4b commit 2b370f7
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Showing 9 changed files with 472 additions and 50 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,8 +174,9 @@ if (NOT TEQP_NO_TEQPCPP)
# Add the schema file
target_sources(teqpcpp PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/interface/CPP/model_schemas.cpp")

# The FEANN data file too
# The data files too
target_sources(teqpcpp PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/data/FEANN.cpp")
target_sources(teqpcpp PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/data/Dufal_assoc.cpp")
target_sources(teqpcpp PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/data/PCSAFT.cpp")

# target_compile_options(teqpcpp PRIVATE
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion include/teqp/cpp/teqpcpp.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ using REMatrixd = Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Array<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::D

#define AR0N_args \
X(0) \
X(1) \
X(2) \
X(3) \
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions include/teqp/models/CPA.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace CPA {
template<typename X> auto POW2(X x) { return x * x; };
template<typename X> auto POW3(X x) { return x * POW2(x); };

using association::radial_dist;
using radial_dist = association::radial_dists;
using association::association_classes;
using association::get_radial_dist;
using association::get_association_classes;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ inline auto CPAfactory(const nlohmann::json &j){
// This is the backwards compatible approach
// with the old style of defining the association class {1,2B...}
std::vector<association_classes> classes;
radial_dist dist = get_radial_dist("radial_dist"));
auto dist = get_radial_dist("radial_dist"));
std::valarray<double> epsABi(N), betaABi(N), bi(N);
std::size_t i = 0;
for (auto p :"pures")) {
Expand Down
202 changes: 171 additions & 31 deletions include/teqp/models/association/association.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,16 +17,18 @@ The implementation follows the approach of Langenbach for the index compression,
#include "teqp/exceptions.hpp"

#include <Eigen/Dense>

#include "teqp/math/pow_templates.hpp"
#include "teqp/models/association/association_types.hpp"
#include "teqp/json_tools.hpp"

namespace teqp{
namespace association{

struct AssociationOptions{
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> interaction_partners;
std::vector<std::string> site_order;
association::radial_dist radial_dist;
association::radial_dists radial_dist;
association::Delta_rules Delta_rule = association::Delta_rules::CR1;
std::vector<bool> self_association_mask;
double alpha = 0.5;
double rtol = 1e-12, atol = 1e-12;
Expand All @@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ inline void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, AssociationOptions& o) {
if (j.contains("max_iters")){"max_iters").get_to(o.max_iters); }

namespace DufalMatrices{
extern const std::unordered_map<int, Eigen::MatrixXd> bcoeffs;

A general class for calculating association fractions and association energy for mixtures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,33 +150,105 @@ class Association{
return D;
auto toEig(const nlohmann::json& j, const std::string& k) const -> Eigen::ArrayXd{
static auto toEig(const nlohmann::json& j, const std::string& k) -> Eigen::ArrayXd{
std::vector<double> vec =;
return Eigen::Map<Eigen::ArrayXd>(&vec[0], vec.size());
// auto get_molecule_sites(const nlohmann::json&j){
// std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> molecule_sites;
// return molecule_sites;
// }
auto get_association_options(const nlohmann::json&j){
static auto get_association_options(const nlohmann::json&j){
AssociationOptions opt;
if (j.contains("options")){
opt ="options").get<AssociationOptions>();
return opt;
const Eigen::ArrayXd b_m3mol, ///< The covolume b, in m^3/mol
beta, ///< The volume factor, dimensionless
epsilon_Jmol; ///< The association energy of each molecule, in J/mol
const AssociationOptions options;
const IndexMapper mapper;
const Eigen::ArrayXXi D;
const radial_dist m_radial_dist;

Association(const nlohmann::json&j) : Association(toEig(j, "b / m^3/mol"), toEig(j, "betaAB"), toEig(j, "epsAB/kB / J/mol"),"molecule_sites"), get_association_options(j)){}
const Delta_rules m_Delta_rule;
const std::variant<CanonicalData, DufalData> datasidecar;

Association(const Eigen::ArrayXd& b_m3mol, const Eigen::ArrayXd& beta, const Eigen::ArrayXd& epsilon_Jmol, const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& molecule_sites, const AssociationOptions& options) : b_m3mol(b_m3mol), beta(beta), epsilon_Jmol(epsilon_Jmol), options(options), mapper(make_mapper(molecule_sites, options)), D(make_D(mapper, options)), m_radial_dist(options.radial_dist){
Association(const Eigen::ArrayXd& b_m3mol, const Eigen::ArrayXd& beta, const Eigen::ArrayXd& epsilon_Jmol, const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& molecule_sites, const AssociationOptions& options) : options(options), mapper(make_mapper(molecule_sites, options)), D(make_D(mapper, options)), m_Delta_rule(options.Delta_rule), datasidecar(CanonicalData{b_m3mol, beta, epsilon_Jmol, options.radial_dist}){
if (options.Delta_rule != Delta_rules::CR1){
throw std::invalid_argument("Delta rule is invalid; options are: {CR1}");
Association(const decltype(datasidecar)& data, const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& molecule_sites, const AssociationOptions& options) : options(options), mapper(make_mapper(molecule_sites, options)), D(make_D(mapper, options)), m_Delta_rule(options.Delta_rule), datasidecar(data) {
static Association factory(const nlohmann::json& j){

// Collect the set of unique site types among all the molecules
std::set<std::string> unique_site_types;
for (auto molsite :"molecule_sites")) {
for (auto & s : molsite){

auto get_interaction_partners = [&](const nlohmann::json& j){
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> interaction_partners;

if (j.contains("options") &&"options").contains("interaction_partners")){
interaction_partners ="options").at("interaction_partners");
for (auto [k,partners] : interaction_partners){
if (unique_site_types.count(k) == 0){
throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Site is invalid in interaction_partners: " + k);
for (auto& partner : partners){
if (unique_site_types.count(partner) == 0){
throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Partner " + partner + " is invalid for site " + k);
// Every site type is assumed to interact with every other site type, except for itself
for (auto& site1 : unique_site_types){
std::vector<std::string> partners;
for (auto& site2: unique_site_types){
if (site1 != site2){
interaction_partners[site1] = partners;
return interaction_partners;

if (j.contains("Delta_rule")){
std::string Delta_rule ="Delta_rule");
if (Delta_rule == "CR1"){
CanonicalData data;
data.b_m3mol = toEig(j, "b / m^3/mol");
data.beta = toEig(j, "beta");
data.epsilon_Jmol = toEig(j, "epsilon / J/mol");
auto options = get_association_options(j);
options.Delta_rule = Delta_rules::CR1;
data.radial_dist = options.radial_dist;
options.interaction_partners = get_interaction_partners(j);
return {data,"molecule_sites"), options};
else if(Delta_rule == "Dufal"){
DufalData data;

// Parameters for the dispersive part
data.sigma_m = toEig(j, "sigma / m");
data.epsilon_Jmol = toEig(j, "epsilon / J/mol");
data.lambda_r = toEig(j, "lambda_r");
data.kmat = build_square_matrix("kmat"));
// Parameters for the associating part
data.epsilon_HB_Jmol = toEig(j, "epsilon_HB / J/mol");
data.K_HB_m3 = toEig(j, "K_HB / m^3");

auto options = get_association_options(j);
options.Delta_rule = Delta_rules::Dufal;
options.interaction_partners = get_interaction_partners(j);
return {data,"molecule_sites"), options};
throw std::invalid_argument("The Delta_rule has not been specified");

Expand All @@ -184,17 +263,62 @@ class Association{
using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(T), decltype(rhomolar), decltype(molefracs[0])>; // Type promotion, without the const-ness
using Mat = Eigen::Array<resulttype, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;
auto Ngroups = mapper.to_CompSite.size();
auto bmix = (molefracs*b_m3mol).sum();
auto eta = bmix*rhomolar/4.0;

decltype(forceeval(eta)) g;
case radial_dist::CS:
g = (2.0-eta)/(2.0*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-eta)); break;
case radial_dist::KG:
g = 1.0 / (1.0 - 1.9*eta); break;
throw std::invalid_argument("Bad radial distribution");
// Calculate the radial_dist if it is meaningful
using eta_t = std::common_type_t<decltype(rhomolar), decltype(molefracs[0])>; // Type promotion, without the const-ness
std::optional<eta_t> g;
if (m_Delta_rule == Delta_rules::CR1){
const CanonicalData& d = std::get<CanonicalData>(datasidecar);
auto bmix = (molefracs*d.b_m3mol).sum();
auto eta = bmix*rhomolar/4.0;
case radial_dists::CS:
g = (2.0-eta)/(2.0*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-eta)*(1.0-eta)); break;
case radial_dists::KG:
g = 1.0 / (1.0 - 1.9*eta); break;
throw std::invalid_argument("Bad radial distribution");

/// A helper function for the I integral representation of Dufal (
auto get_I_Dufal = [](const auto& Tstar, const auto& rhostar, const auto& lambda_r){

using result_t = std::decay_t<std::common_type_t<decltype(Tstar), decltype(rhostar), decltype(lambda_r)>>;
result_t summer = 0.0;

std::decay_t<decltype(rhostar)> rhostar_to_i = 1.0;
for (auto i = 0U; i <= 10; ++i){
std::decay_t<decltype(Tstar)> Tstar_to_j = 1.0;
for (auto j = 0U; i + j <= 10; ++j){
double aij = 0.0, lambdar_to_k = 1.0;
for (auto k = 0; k <= 6; ++k){
double bijk =,j);
aij += bijk*lambdar_to_k;
lambdar_to_k *= lambda_r;
summer += aij*rhostar_to_i*Tstar_to_j;
Tstar_to_j *= Tstar;
rhostar_to_i *= rhostar;
return summer;

using rhostar_t = std::common_type_t<decltype(rhomolar), decltype(molefracs[0])>; // Type promotion, without the const-ness
std::optional<rhostar_t> rhostar;
if (m_Delta_rule == Delta_rules::Dufal){
const DufalData& d = std::get<DufalData>(datasidecar);
// Calculate the one-fluid vdW1 sigma from Eq. 40 of Dufal
std::decay_t<decltype(molefracs[0])> sigma3_vdW1 = 0.0;
auto N = molefracs.size();
for (auto i = 0U; i < N; ++i){
for (auto j = 0U; j < N; ++j){
double sigma3_ij_m3 = POW3((d.sigma_m[i] + d.sigma_m[j])/2.0);
sigma3_vdW1 += molefracs[i]*molefracs[j]*sigma3_ij_m3;
rhostar = rhomolar*N_A*sigma3_vdW1;

Mat Delta = Mat::Zero(Ngroups, Ngroups);
Expand All @@ -204,12 +328,24 @@ class Association{
auto j = std::get<0>(;

using namespace teqp::constants;
// The CR1 rule is used to calculate the cross contributions
if (true){ // Is CR1 // TODO: also allow the other combining rule
auto b_ij = (b_m3mol[i] + b_m3mol[j])/2.0;
auto epsilon_ij_Jmol = (epsilon_Jmol[i] + epsilon_Jmol[j])/2.0;
auto beta_ij = sqrt(beta[i]*beta[j]);
Delta(I, J) = g*b_ij*beta_ij*(exp(epsilon_ij_Jmol/(R_CODATA2017*T))-1.0)/N_A;

if (m_Delta_rule == Delta_rules::CR1){
// The CR1 rule is used to calculate the cross contributions
const CanonicalData& d = std::get<CanonicalData>(datasidecar);
auto b_ij = (d.b_m3mol[i] + d.b_m3mol[j])/2.0;
auto epsilon_ij_Jmol = (d.epsilon_Jmol[i] + d.epsilon_Jmol[j])/2.0;
auto beta_ij = sqrt(d.beta[i]*d.beta[j]);
Delta(I, J) = g.value()*b_ij*beta_ij*(exp(epsilon_ij_Jmol/(R_CODATA2017*T))-1.0)/N_A; // m^3
else if (m_Delta_rule == Delta_rules::Dufal){
const DufalData& d = std::get<DufalData>(datasidecar);
auto Tstar = forceeval(T/d.EPSILONOVERKij_K(i,j));
auto _I = get_I_Dufal(Tstar, rhostar.value(), d.LAMBDA_Rij(i, j));
auto F_Meyer = exp(d.EPSILONOVERK_HBij_K(i, j)/T)-1.0;
Delta(I, J) = F_Meyer*d.KHBij_m3(i,j)*_I;
throw std::invalid_argument("Don't know what to do with this Delta rule");
Expand All @@ -219,6 +355,10 @@ class Association{
template<typename TType, typename RhoType, typename MoleFracsType, typename XType>
auto successive_substitution(const TType& T, const RhoType& rhomolar, const MoleFracsType& molefracs, const XType& X_init) const {

if (X_init.size() != static_cast<long>(mapper.to_siteid.size())){
throw teqp::InvalidArgument("Wrong size of X_init; should be "+ std::to_string(mapper.to_siteid.size()));

using resulttype = std::common_type_t<decltype(T), decltype(rhomolar), decltype(molefracs[0])>; // Type promotion, without the const-ness
using Mat = Eigen::Array<resulttype, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;

Expand Down
59 changes: 54 additions & 5 deletions include/teqp/models/association/association_types.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#include "teqp/constants.hpp"

namespace teqp {
namespace association{
Expand All @@ -12,19 +13,67 @@ inline auto get_association_classes(const std::string& s) {
else if (s == "3B") { return association_classes::a3B; }
else if (s == "4C") { return association_classes::a4C; }
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad association flag:" + s);
throw std::invalid_argument("bad association flag: " + s);

enum class radial_dist { CS, KG };
enum class radial_dists { CS, KG };

inline auto get_radial_dist(const std::string& s) {
if (s == "CS") { return radial_dist::CS; }
else if (s == "KG") { return radial_dist::KG; }
if (s == "CS") { return radial_dists::CS; }
else if (s == "KG") { return radial_dists::KG; }
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad association flag:" + s);
throw std::invalid_argument("bad radial_dist flag: " + s);

enum class Delta_rules {not_set, CR1, Dufal};

inline auto get_Delta_rule(const std::string& s) {
if (s == "CR1") { return Delta_rules::CR1; }
else if (s == "Dufal") { return Delta_rules::Dufal; }
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad Delta_rule flag: " + s);

struct CanonicalData{
Eigen::ArrayXd b_m3mol, ///< The covolume b, in m^3/mol, one per component
beta, ///< The volume factor, dimensionless, one per component
epsilon_Jmol; ///< The association energy of each molecule, in J/mol, one per component
radial_dists radial_dist;

struct DufalData{
// Parameters coming from the non-associating part, one per component
Eigen::ArrayXd sigma_m, epsilon_Jmol, lambda_r;
Eigen::ArrayXXd kmat; ///< Matrix of k_{ij} values

// Parameters from the associating part, one per component
Eigen::ArrayXd epsilon_HB_Jmol, K_HB_m3;


void apply_mixing_rules(){
std::size_t N = sigma_m.size();

for (auto i = 0U; i < N; ++i){
for (auto j = 0U; j < N; ++j){
SIGMA3ij_m3(i,j) = POW3((sigma_m[i] + sigma_m[j])/2.0);
EPSILONOVERKij_K(i, j) = (1-kmat(i,j))*sqrt(POW3(sigma_m[i]*sigma_m[j]))/SIGMA3ij_m3(i,j)*sqrt(epsilon_Jmol[i]*epsilon_Jmol[j])/constants::R_CODATA2017;
LAMBDA_Rij(i, j) = 3 + sqrt((lambda_r[i]-3)*(lambda_r[j]-3));
EPSILONOVERK_HBij_K(i, j) = sqrt(epsilon_HB_Jmol[i]*epsilon_HB_Jmol[j])/constants::R_CODATA2017;
KHBij_m3(i,j) = POW3((cbrt(K_HB_m3[i]) + cbrt(K_HB_m3[j]))/2.0); // Published erratum in Dufal:

8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions include/teqp/models/saft/genericsaft.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,13 +33,9 @@ struct GenericSAFT{
auto make_association(const nlohmann::json &j) -> AssociationTerms{
std::string kind ="kind");
if (kind == "canonical"){
return association::Association("model"));
if (kind == "canonical" || kind == "Dufal"){
return association::Association::factory("model"));
// TODO: Add the new Dufal association term
// else if (kind == "Dufal-Mie"){
// return std::make_unique<association::DufalMie>("model"));
// }
throw std::invalid_argument("Not valid association kind:" + kind);
Expand Down

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