Closed issues:
- uTox 0.17.0 fails to build #1205
v0.17.0 (2018-04-15)
Closed issues:
- CMake can not determine linker language #1199
- Segv when toggling UDP while in video call #1198
- uTox doesn't build with toxcore-0.2.1 #1196
- Build fails (using toxcore-0.2.0) #1189
- Force utox to always use proxy is not saving after close and open utox #1184
- uTox don't save settings if the Windows user account contains diacritics #1178
- Implement correcting the last message #1168
- Announcing Fedora package #1160
- uTox (0.16.1) doesn't automatically create .config/tox #1156
- FPS setting always gives different actual FPS #1149
- Crash on video preview [Linux] #1145
- File keeps on being resent #1137
- Aliases should be locally controlled #1136
- Inconsistent behavior when sending messages to offline contact #1125
- website not reachable #1124
- Add a "poll" feature to group chat #1121
- contact goes invisible when offline #1114
- Garbage at the end of the text in the notification balloon #1108
- Switch for "Force uTox to use a proxy" is missing #1100
- show used toxcore version on "Advanced" Tab in settings #1085
- Filter audio always disabled in CMake #1081
- Suggestion #1078
- Message arrival timestamp state should be saved #1058
- Chat messages can overlap the arrival timestamps. #1057
- qr code of own ToxID #1055
in message_free when closing uTox. #1049- 0.16.1 crash when desktop share #1038
- Human-readable settings file format (INI) #1037
- Crash while exporting chat history at macOS #1030
- Tray icon shows up only when running the 2nd instance of uTox in OpenBox/Tint2 #1029
- Don't build release builds with ASAN #1026
- CMake ignores user instructions again... #1017
- Crash when trying to open downloaded file #1013
- Reload tray icon after Windows Explorer crash #1004
- File picker doesn't open #1002
- Crash when trying to use file picker to save an inline image #1001
- Click to open doesn't work with inline images #1000
- Zenburn theme text blends in #997
- Disabled button doesn't look disabled #996
- Crash when trying to send a screenshot after sending an empty screenshot #982
- Simple PubKeys can't be added #967
- Instructions for Trisquel 8 installation. #964
- Implicit fallthrough warnings using gcc version 7 #941
- Group notifications setting dropdown isn't updated on start #935
- Wrong cursor type above the scrollbar #925
- Settings are not saved #901
- Allow multiple portable instances of uTox to run concurrently #898
- utox static 64bit for Linux won't start #875
- Preview call never ends uTox 0.15.0 #874
- Add warning about password length minimum #825
- alignment of buttons in advanced settings should be language depentent #639
- Window not displayed after startups #584
- Tool tips can be drawn off screen #571
- [GUI] Drop-down menu close itself; hard to select the option #545
- Tool tip for Decline Call still appears when the button is missing/hidden #445
- system tray icon not showing in xfce on arch linux #396
- Preview URL [ New feature] #384
- uTox needs to handle/support tox://URIs #326
- Unicode file names broken in windows #324
- message log should contain information on calls #322
- Messages will draw the name too high #300
- Inconsistent behavior of the dropdown menu and the context menu #232
- No emojis in Windows Client #211
- Friend request improvements #143
- close to tray does not work on Gnome3 #55
- Garbage in clipboard when copy non ASCII characters #1107
- User Interface Issues #893
- Delete file_raw() #798
- Click to open doesn't work with auto accept enabled #794
- Video framerate #793
- Dropdown menus not working properly #789
- Chat history not saved #779
- uTox doesn't save proxy_force setting #712
Merged pull requests:
- fix #1156 #1182 (publicarray)
- Fix Travis build #1180 (redmanmale)
- Draw tooltip within window #1173 (redmanmale)
- Add error checks to messages.c #1171 (endoffile78)
- Add error checks to windows and osx video.c #1170 (endoffile78)
- Update bg.h #1166 (Reckku)
- Add issue template #1163 (endoffile78)
- Use $TOXCORE_REPO_BRANCH in #1161 (endoffile78)
- Support Toxcore 0.2.0 #1157 (robinlinden)
- Fix Travis #1154 (robinlinden)
- Fix struct size #1151 (redmanmale)
- Add Estonian language support #1141 (robinlinden)
- Fix send offline ui #1139 (redmanmale)
- Password too short warning #1138 (redmanmale)
- Update qr library #1134 (redmanmale)
- Get rid of redundant flags, OpenBSD #1120 (mazocomp)
- Update Opus download link. #1109 (robinlinden)
- Don't build release builds with ASAN #1096 (endoffile78)
- Remove references to removed member variables. #1095 (robinlinden)
- Fix macOS Travis. #1094 (robinlinden)
- Fix no output for --help and --version #1084 (endoffile78)
- Fix filter audio option in CMake #1082 (redmanmale)
- Update team #1076 (redmanmale)
- Language fixes #1070 (redmanmale)
- tray icon fix in d505cb8f was not correct, cleanup #1066 (termac)
- Fix travis's IRC noise #1060 (GrayHatter)
- Don't look for all Toxcore libs by default. #1056 (robinlinden)
- fix tray icon not showing in Linux #1050 (termac)
- Fix offline message #1046 (endoffile78)
- Use git submodule for stb #1041 (redmanmale)
- Fix README #1036 (redmanmale)
- Fix file sending for macOS #1034 (publicarray)
- Fix chat export crash on macOS. Fixes #1030 #1031 (publicarray)
- Use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to find dependencies. #1020 (robinlinden)
- Revert check #1018 (robinlinden)
- Fix uTox not linking against all required Tox libs. #1015 (robinlinden)
- Don't require Check. #1012 (robinlinden)
- Fix GTK loading #1009 (endoffile78)
- Update group notifications setting on start #1007 (redmanmale)
- Update changelog #1006 (endoffile78)
- update macOS release link #999 (publicarray)
- Release 0.17.0 #1200 (robinlinden)
- Don't allocate too much memory for group peers #1143 (robinlinden)
- Fix chat layout for different DPI #1140 (redmanmale)
- [Windows] Fix garbage at the end of notification #1135 (redmanmale)
- [Windows] Fix copy to clipboard #1132 (redmanmale)
- Better error checking for xlib/video.c #1130 (endoffile78)
- Drop file_raw #1118 (redmanmale)
- Save datetime format settings #1116 (redmanmale)
- Fix bug that would put uToxGTK in a bad state #1113 (robinlinden)
- Allow to override saved theme from cmd args even when it's default #1101 (redmanmale)
- Move the stb submodule to third-party directory #1099 (endoffile78)
- Tox ID as QR code #1097 (redmanmale)
- Fix dropdown #1093 (redmanmale)
- Remove deprecated cid field from friend #1092 (redmanmale)
- More UI fixes #1091 (redmanmale)
- Update #1090 (eclipseo)
- Minor UI fixes #1083 (redmanmale)
- Friend request improvements #1073 (redmanmale)
- Graceful shutdown #1069 (redmanmale)
- Don't allow loading a 0 fps setting from save. #1068 (robinlinden)
- Minor UI fixes #1063 (redmanmale)
- [Windows] Allow multiple portable instances of uTox to run concurrently #1061 (redmanmale)
- INI config #1053 (redmanmale)
- fix video preview #1042 (termac)
- Save force proxy settings #1035 (redmanmale)
- Support Tox URI #1028 (redmanmale)
- Fix a potential overflow write #1011 (GrayHatter)
- Reload tray icon after Windows Explorer crash #1010 (redmanmale)
- Fix save inline image dialog #1008 (redmanmale)
- Add friend by public key #968 (dkmoz)
- Log call info to disk #963 (dkmoz)
- Fix fallthrough warnings #942 (endoffile78)
v0.16.1 (2017-08-22)
Closed issues:
- There are no recent uTox OS X .dmg releases even though OS X is a supported platform. #998
- IO device dropdowns broken after Tox thread restart #992
Merged pull requests:
- Merge develop into master #1005 (endoffile78)
- Fix zenburn theme chat text color #1003 (redmanmale)
- Release 0.16.1. #995 (robinlinden)
- Fix cmake so linux can cross compile all versions #993 (GrayHatter)
- Fix AV IO dropdowns breaking after Tox-thread restart. #994 (robinlinden)
v0.16.0 (2017-08-20)
Closed issues:
- how can I change my tox ID ? #985
- CMake needs some TLC #978
- Default asan to off on static Windows #972
- Segfault in video_begin #951
- Custom bootstrap node #939
- Set up regular static analysis #927
- Video with = 0 can't preview when doing desktop sharing #915
- Friend settings are not saved unless you change the alias too #905
- Chrono test fails randomly #881
- Remember auto-accept option #879
- Clicking on webcam makes uTox crash 0.15.0 #873
- uTox assembly info (on Windows) #869
- video window has title "TEMP TILTE CHANGE ME" #862
- Minor UI glitch #855
- make Xcode project #851
- Status and name overlaps with the status change button. #850
- OS X: crash on start #841
- Profile password field in the wrong place #821
- Links does not work if contain non-ASCII characters #815
- Some warnings. #781
- Incorrect button labels on Advanced settings tab #667
- filetransfer rejected if illegal characters in filename on windows #611
- Unencrypted debug info is wrong #586
- Maximum distance for switches #580
- No A/V in develop branch #460
- Messages received from the wrong user. #449
- Displayed version numbers are not up to date #422
- Porable mode: Yes/No combobox in the Profile tab in Settings (origin by @darkman088) #398
- Double click to select text (X11) is broken #353
- DPI Broken - Windows 10 #351
- Group calls not working #348
- Scrollbar bottom cap is garbled at certain DPI settings #265
- Version 0.4.2 broke Group Call #34
- uTox hang on restarting Tox thread #989
- crash on macOS #957
- message icon not refresh #812
- X11: middle click to paste text stopped working #784
- Doesn't launch at all with OS X Sierra #780
- Language settings don't save after changing #96
Merged pull requests:
- Fix video thread lock on restart #990 (GrayHatter)
- Let cmake update the man file version. #987 (robinlinden)
- Opus 1.1.4 -> 1.2.1 #984 (robinlinden)
- Clean up CMakeLists.txt. #983 (robinlinden)
- Fix Ukrainian language code. #977 (robinlinden)
- Disable asan on static Windows builds #974 (publicarray)
- Default OS X ASAN to off #971 (publicarray)
- Fix false positive #969 (endoffile78)
- Add info to readme #966 (dkmoz)
- Fix type mismatch warning #954 (endoffile78)
- Fix typing notification not using the contact's alias #950 (dkmoz)
- Fix x11 double click text copying #948 (dkmoz)
- Fix memory leaks in xlib/window.c #945 (dkmoz)
- Fix decryption error messages #944 (dkmoz)
- Check resumeable file pointer with fstat. #933 (robinlinden)
- Remove incorrect debug info & fix X11 middle click to paste #932 (dkmoz)
- fix potential crash on macOS when video input == nil #930 (publicarray)
- Fix issues detected by clang-scan. #926 (robinlinden)
- Fix *BSD file picker. #924 (robinlinden)
- Fix groupchat problems. #922 (robinlinden)
- Fix opening url with unicode on Windows #921 (redmanmale)
- Fix null dereference in edit.c #920 (robinlinden)
- Replace forbidden characters in the incoming filename on Windows... #919 (redmanmale)
- Warning fix #918 (redmanmale)
- Correctly include mingw stuff as system includes. #910 (robinlinden)
- Reduce scope for tox pointer #906 (GrayHatter)
- Disable missing field initialiser warning for Clang. #900 (robinlinden)
- Fix notifications. #899 (robinlinden)
- Revert "Remove files generated by cmake from git." #895 (endoffile78)
- Only error asan+static compilation on Windows. #892 (robinlinden)
- Fix autoaccept setting not triggering metadata save. #891 (robinlinden)
- Make uTox save the language you set. #890 (robinlinden)
- Fix Linux static jenkins builds. #889 (robinlinden)
- Remove log spam when video is running. #888 (robinlinden)
- update macOS instructions #887 (publicarray)
- Reduce size of MinSizeRel builds. #886 (robinlinden)
- Remove files generated by cmake from git. #885 (robinlinden)
- Move copyright info to cmake. #884 (robinlinden)
- Update deprecated debug calls. #883 (robinlinden)
- Fix video window title for Windows #882 (thorpelawrence)
- Add assembly info on Windows #880 (redmanmale)
- Add badge for irc channel to README #878 (endoffile78)
- Delete #877 (endoffile78)
- fix #841 #866 (publicarray)
- Enable tests on OSX #859 (endoffile78)
- Remove #include <malloc.h> from tests #858 (xsleonard)
- Update changelog #856 (endoffile78)
- Improve macOS Builds #854 (publicarray)
- Fix double sending of outgoing files #988 (GrayHatter)
- Update German translation #976 (sfan5)
- Update Swedish translation for 0.16.0 #975 (robinlinden)
- Add video fps control to av settings #965 (dkmoz)
- Set typing state to 0 when message is sent #961 (dkmoz)
- Move av components #960 (dkmoz)
- Add timestamps to messages in chatlog #953 (dkmoz)
- Fix autostart switch being a no-op. #949 (robinlinden)
- Remove Tox DNS. #947 (robinlinden)
- Release 0.16.0. #937 (robinlinden)
- Create filter_audio.c #936 (endoffile78)
- fix mac font issues once and for all #931 (publicarray)
- Group av #928 (endoffile78)
- File transfer refactoring #923 (redmanmale)
- Fix webcam issues on XLIB #909 (GrayHatter)
- Clean up header files. #896 (robinlinden)
- Remove more things from main.h #894 (robinlinden)
- update cmake - use find modules and pkg-config - enable static build for macOS and dmg #872 (publicarray)
- Fixes UI glitches #870 (redmanmale)
- Improve chrono test #864 (endoffile78)
- Merge in android fixes #860 (GrayHatter)
- Fix problems detected by coverity #857 (endoffile78)
- Initial version of chrono #846 (endoffile78)
- Create native/window.h #831 (robinlinden)
- Dynamic groups #802 (endoffile78)
v0.15.0 (2017-04-22)
Closed issues:
- Add a configure-time switch to disable LTO #844
- Fix updater test #829
- Could not set password on Ubuntu #824
- Some redesign proposal #823
- no tray icon in LXDE #822
- Missing a lot of translations #818
- Group notifications settings use old style switch #816
- Crash when receiving file with auto accept enabled #811
- Interface glitches after changing DPI #810
- make with -DENABLE_FILTERAUDIO=0 fails #809
- Video window doesn't open on Windows #804
- Updates (no new version on site) #795
- Segfault upon hitting the "preview video" button #790
- official sources #787
- Update notes display at every startup, bottom of text is cut off with no scrollbar #783
- The screenshot status is not updated #771
- Desktop notifications on X11 stopped working #728
- Clicks apply to multiple layers #718
- Deleting messages functionality(Unsend messages) #711
- File transfers sometimes miss updates #655
- Publish GPG key #653
- Can't connect from restricted network (port 443) #625
- Build uTox with muslc #555
- Sending files or photos stops in the middle of transference or 'file transfer broken' Error #509
Merged pull requests:
- v0.15.0 #853 (GrayHatter)
- Release v0.15.0 #852 (robinlinden)
- Enable updater test only when updater is enabled #849 (nurupo)
- Fix dbus includes #848 (nurupo)
- Add OpenBSD and FreeBSD instructions to and #847 (endoffile78)
- Ukrainian translation update for v.0.14.0 #843 (v2e)
- UI refactor to make things cool and stuff #842 (GrayHatter)
- Fix xlib #840 (endoffile78)
- Fix some coverity warnings #839 (endoffile78)
- Remove unneeded includes from xlib/main.h #837 (endoffile78)
- Move somethings out of main.h #836 (endoffile78)
- UI redesign #835 (redmanmale)
- Fix the updater tests #834 (GrayHatter)
- Remove unneeded includes from main.h #833 (endoffile78)
- Improve cmake ASAN behaviour. #828 (robinlinden)
- Python script to find missing translations #820 (redmanmale)
- Fix langs #819 (redmanmale)
- Fix markdown formatting #817 (nurupo)
- Fix for bad redraw size on windows #813 (GrayHatter)
- Fix double free in edit_do on friend_free() #807 (GrayHatter)
- Fix autoaccepting file transfers on Windows #806 (robinlinden)
- Fixes for video not showing up on windows #805 (GrayHatter)
- Support for OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD. #801 (robinlinden)
- Drop deprecated function
from Windows. #800 (robinlinden) - Fix travis #799 (endoffile78)
- Fix a lot of the issues found on coverity. #797 (robinlinden)
v0.14.0 (2017-04-07)
Closed issues:
- make fails - tox/toxav.h: No such file or directory #788
- Error 2 compiling on ubuntu 16.04 #782
- GitLab? #778
- Can't send or receive more than one inline image still. #775
- uTox lost chat history #770
- Notification icon is red forever #769
- enable -Werror in CI environment #765
- CMake: when using clang, also use safestack #741
- notifications works wrong #726
- No notifications when window is minimised #717
- Can't remove avatar #697
- Debug builds should make use of the GIT_VERSION macro #668
- All randomised nospams start with 0000. #665
- Close to tray option setting will not be remembered. #614
- update_tray() on windows needs some TLC #602
- Tray icon only visible as white vertical bar #185
Merged pull requests:
- Update develop with develop from gitlab (We're back) #792 (GrayHatter)
- Mirror @cebe's build fixes for gcc from GitLab to GitHub #786 (robinlinden)
- Mirror changes done on GitLab to GitHub. #785 (robinlinden)
v0.13.1 (2017-02-21)
Closed issues:
- inline filetransfers stop working after the first one being successful #755
- Linux packagers need a way to disable auto-updates #683
Merged pull requests:
- v0.13.1 to master #774 (GrayHatter)
- Gitlab #773 (GrayHatter)
v0.13.0 (2017-02-21)
Closed issues:
- Video issues uTox 0.9.7 -> 0.12.2 #752
- LOG_FATAL_ERR should never be a no-op #748
- The XLIB crash bug on Debian #742
- All contacts are lost on Advanced parameter change #732
- Non-ASCII characters past issue #729
- Replace flist_get_selected with flist_get_selected_friend/group/type #722
- v0.12.1: Windows7/Windows10: Send File issue #721
- Avatars not loading since 0.11.x #713
- Manual change nospam #708
- uTox doesn't save chat history even though the option is on #682
- Chat window doesn't redraw when scrolling using pgup/pgdn #661
- Delete contacts confirmation #615
- Could not paste non-ASCII characters into chat #583
- Create additional debug levels #572
Merged pull requests:
- v0.13.0 #767 (GrayHatter)
- Release v0.13.0 #766 (robinlinden)
- FT make file counting more roubust #763 (GrayHatter)
- Fix outgoing images #762 (GrayHatter)
- Add an option to allow disable the updater #761 (endoffile78)
- Stop uTox from segfaulting when a peer is missing from gc. #759 (robinlinden)
- Move finding freetype to xlib's CMakeLists.txt #758 (endoffile78)
- Update documentation #756 (romantic668)
- Cleanup and bugfixes #754 (robinlinden)
- Update travis script for win* #753 (GrayHatter)
- Always exit on LOG_FATAL_ERR, and convert exiting LOG_ERRs #751 (cebe)
- Remove old debug macros #750 (endoffile78)
- removed superflous newlines in log messages #749 (cebe)
- Fix FT threading issues #747 (GrayHatter)
- Don't leak memory if realloc fails. #746 (robinlinden)
- Fix logic in pausing file always being true. #745 (robinlinden)
- Need to start travis #744 (GrayHatter)
- Fix Windows warnings and exporting chatlogs as plaintext on Windows. #739 (robinlinden)
- Fix warnings related to message types. #738 (robinlinden)
- Allow users to log errors to a file #737 (endoffile78)
- Louder errors and more checks for saving things. #735 (robinlinden)
- Update CMakeLists.txt #731 (Axaprj)
- Fix utf8 copy-paste everywhere. #727 (robinlinden)
- Make fread more samey across uTox. #725 (robinlinden)
- Add flist_get_friend, flist_get_groupchat, and flist_get_type #724 (endoffile78)
- Allow changing nospam manually #723 (endoffile78)
- Refactor themes a bit. #716 (robinlinden)
- Add confirmation to deleting friends #715 (endoffile78)
- Fix loading of avatars. (Patch courtesy of @flussence.) #714 (robinlinden)
- Update OSX build instructions #710 (endoffile78)
- Fix pgup/pgdown not redrawing chat screen. #707 (robinlinden)
- Fix a few memory leaks in messages.c #706 (robinlinden)
- Fix SIGTRAP on clearing chat backlog. #705 (robinlinden)
- Fix chatlogs being set to read-only on Windows. #704 (robinlinden)
- button.c gen fixups #702 (GrayHatter)
- Use GNUInstallDirs in cmake #698 (GrayHatter)
- Improve logging macros #656 (GrayHatter)
- Custom Windows and Notifications popups #550 (GrayHatter)
v0.12.2 (2017-01-28)
Closed issues:
- Buffer overflow in group_peer_add #689
- 'i18nal' field is not getting initialized in edits.c #687
- Segfault on network disconnect. #684
- ELF file has executable stack markings #676
- Segfault in groupchat #675
- Segfault with *** buffer overflow detected ***: utox terminated; #673
- Min window size limit #663
- Updater must update #641
- Refactor messages.c #638
- Add checkums to releases. #588
- DPI setting stuck in "BUG. PLEASE REPORT". So I'm reporting. #495
- The Tox save logic needs to be removed from the toxcore thread #474
- Tox ID cannot be retrieved after transferring from q to u #424
- Switch UI element visually broken #421
- Program crashes using video with windows 10 #395
- Unchecking ipv6 crashes client #388
- At low DPI "Audio/Video" tab is unclickable #377
- Message queueing causes duplicate messages to be delivered #368
- Add ability to toggle/mute sounds #352
- UTOX close to call #350
- BSOD on Surface Book running Windows 10 #344
- call button color update is wrong #281
- 0.7.0 (very small) bugs #275
Merged pull requests:
- Push Develop to master #693 (GrayHatter)
- Version Tick v0.12.1 to v0.12.2 #692 (GrayHatter)
- Small improvements to groups #691 (endoffile78)
- Fix missing initializer for field ‘i18nal’ #688 (fling-)
- Fix memory leaks in chatlog code and minor cleanup in messages #681 (robinlinden)
- Fix executable stack #677 (fling-)
- Fix uTox group chat regressions #674 (robinlinden)
- Fix a typo in CMakeLists.txt #672 (fling-)
- Cleanup utoxav #671 (robinlinden)
- Windows FT fixes #669 (GrayHatter)
- Decrease minimum width. #666 (robinlinden)
- Plug 2 memory leaks related to file transfers. #662 (robinlinden)
- Fix Windows cmake toolchains and strip symbols from Release build types. #660 (robinlinden)
- Add self.c and self.h #659 (endoffile78)
- Move things from main.h to main_native.h #658 (robinlinden)
- Fix warnings part 2 #657 (GrayHatter)
- Fix man install directory #654 (NicoHood)
- Update manpage with new domain #652 (GrayHatter)
- Fix warnings through out uTox #651 (GrayHatter)
- Add macros.h #649 (endoffile78)
- Add settings.c and settings.h #647 (endoffile78)
- Cleanup includes #646 (endoffile78)
v0.12.1 (2017-01-23)
Closed issues:
- Could you please fix the Windows XP build? #609
- Drag and drop for files do not work, 0.11.1 #600
- refactor tox.h/c => core.h/c && tox.h/c #528
Merged pull requests:
- NEW VERSION v012.0 -> v0.12.1 #645 (GrayHatter)
- Fix a segv with inline transfers #644 (GrayHatter)
- Fix segv on saving inline images on Windows #642 (robinlinden)
- added missing German translations #640 (cebe)
v0.12.0 (2017-01-22)
Closed issues:
- segfault on exporting changelog #630
- Linker warning, related to forward declares? #628
- uTox is prevented from starting on windows with some McAffee thingy installed #621
- filetransfer resume has UI errors #620
- Segfault on any contact going offline (current nightly, Linux) #616
- File transfers crash, 0.11.1 #601
- uTox making random noises #585
- chat history is lost after changing network settings #582
- time display is missing the last digit #581
- Wrong text when hovering on buttons #576
- UI glitch with password field #570
- [binaries] Linux static x32 binary is not static and not x32 #567
- Language selector shows multiple options for english #563
- GUI freeze when I try to change network settings 0.9.7 #544
- DPI and Can't Connect #459
- [feature request] Ability to change «nospam» part of ToxID from µTox UI. #406
- Problems in the Video Preview #251
Merged pull requests:
- Delete util files. #643 (robinlinden)
- NEW VERSION #636 (GrayHatter)
- Merge nospam into develop. (Merge conflict with changes) #635 (GrayHatter)
- Update changelog #634 (endoffile78)
- Version tick #633 (endoffile78)
- Don't segv when exporting chat history #631 (GrayHatter)
- Change some variables over to being declared rather than defined in .h files. #629 (robinlinden)
- Allow uTox to check for updates #627 (GrayHatter)
- Reduce and make includes explicit. #626 (robinlinden)
- Build fixes for windows #624 (GrayHatter)
- WIP commit for fixing file sending on windows #622 (GrayHatter)
- Add .gitattribute file #619 (GrayHatter)
- WinXP support #618 (GrayHatter)
- separated out logging from main.h #617 (cebe)
- Make UI less dependent on the rest of uTox. #610 (robinlinden)
- Friend request improvements #608 (endoffile78)
- Add and #607 (endoffile78)
- enable address sanitizer in cmake debug builds #606 (cebe)
- port the add_cflags makefile function from toxcore #605 (cebe)
- Fix avatars, and mkdir for posix #604 (GrayHatter)
- Use find_package to find X11 and Xrender #599 (endoffile78)
- Fix defects detected by coverity #596 (endoffile78)
- fix utox clobbering chatlogs #595 (GrayHatter)
- Delete .clang-format #594 (GrayHatter)
- configure version in one place #593 (cebe)
- fixes build for linux #591 (cebe)
- Refactor postmessages() #590 (GrayHatter)
- Fix uTox not using the MAIN_HEIGHT & WIDTH defines. #579 (robinlinden)
- Apply irungentoo's fixes for the XP build and AUDIO_FILTERING #578 (robinlinden)
- Fix switches #577 (cebe)
- Split CMakeLists.txt into multiple files #575 (endoffile78)
- Fix friend notification sounds #573 (GrayHatter)
- Fixed Hanging GUI when changing network settings #569 (cebe)
- Fix names of links to Linux/Posix builds. #568 (robinlinden)
- Fix when and where we fflush. #566 (robinlinden)
- Update #565 (cebe)
- Fix language-selection dropdown having multiple English languages and none of others. #564 (robinlinden)
v0.11.1 (2016-12-21)
Closed issues:
- passing a null pointer for dereference, presumably not intentional #556
- GPG signatures for source validation #502
Merged pull requests:
- Rename onpress to on_mup #589 (GrayHatter)
- Hotfix: drop a bad attempt at secure erase #562 (GrayHatter)
- Hotfix: drop a bad attempt at secure erase #561 (GrayHatter)
- v0.11.1 to master #560 (GrayHatter)
- Write '\0' instead of 0 in ft_decon_resumeable #559 (robinlinden)
- Updated changelog for 0.11.1 #557 (robinlinden)
- Fix Windows native_get_file folder creation. #552 (robinlinden)
- Move chatlog-related functions to their own file. #551 (robinlinden)
- Update OS X plist to use the correct version number. #548 (robinlinden)
- Update tools #547 (endoffile78)
- Fix segv in ft_find_resumeable in file_transfer.c on Windows #546 (robinlinden)
- Force toxcore >= v0.1 #542 (GrayHatter)
- Version tick #541 (endoffile78)
- Add skel checklist for new versions #523 (GrayHatter)
v0.11.0 (2016-12-13)
Closed issues:
- compiler error on (Arch)linux #525
- Utox it's not autoupdating ? #520
- utox won't start - Trace/breakpoint trap / Illegal instruction / Segmentation fault #498
- Themes are not being saved #471
- Get Tox ID from already added friend #458
- friend_meta_data_read is missing a null check after calloc #453
- Reason to have pulse audio DONT_MOVE flag #448
- "Audio/Video" tab button is too fat #441
- "Show" button remains even when it has performed its function #440
- The "Show" button is on the title it meant to be next to #439
- Manpage gives different Git repository #438
- FIX headers, and includes. #436
- dpi bug #427
- uTow not starting ? (Unable to get saved avatar from disk for friend ?) #418
- uTox segfaults if the "end" key is pressed when the message input box is empty #417
- Can't add friends to group. #416
- startup regression (reading config) #413
- Patch: utox w/xlib not reaping zombie procs from openurl()/xdg-open #412
- Multiple Instances running causes conflict #407
- Windows version uTox compile problems. #405
- Auto accept files portable mode #402
- DPI font size bug #399
- User Interface Settings: Non-english labels overlap #346
- send typing notification not remembered #320
- Group chats do not call notify() to generate a platform specific notification. #272
- Add support for the ToxMe https lookup api #145
Merged pull requests:
- v0.11.0 to master #540 (GrayHatter)
- Version 0.9.8 => 0.11.0 #539 (GrayHatter)
- Fix autoaccept #538 (endoffile78)
- Fix saving and loading of friend's metadata #536 (GrayHatter)
- Minor refactor to split off the uTox code from the Toxcore code #534 (GrayHatter)
- Add more things to .editorconfig #533 (robinlinden)
- Fix warnings, cleanup, and refactoring. #532 (robinlinden)
- Fix chat logging #531 (robinlinden)
- Add .editorconfig #530 (endoffile78)
- Fix warnings #527 (endoffile78)
- Fix POSIX native_get_file. #526 (robinlinden)
- Refactor commands #524 (endoffile78)
- Remove avatar functions from main.c #522 (endoffile78)
- Add documentation to functions in main.h #521 (endoffile78)
- Merge branch #519 (endoffile78)
- Update #517 (cebe)
- Update .gitignore #514 (endoffile78)
- Add ability to change nospam #513 (endoffile78)
- Add xlib native_get_file option to delete file. #512 (robinlinden)
- Lots of native function things. #511 (robinlinden)
- Avatar refactor #510 (robinlinden)
- Better cmake && extern to avoid a segfault on windows #508 (GrayHatter)
- Revert "Add debug option to CMakeLists.txt" #506 (endoffile78)
- Change type of nick in edits.c #505 (endoffile78)
- Fix warnings #504 (endoffile78)
- Add debug option to CMakeLists.txt #503 (endoffile78)
- Fixed order of things in the A&V settings. #501 (robinlinden)
- OSX building and travis #500 (endoffile78)
- Fix groupchat names #499 (robinlinden)
- Add install rules to CMakeLists.txt #496 (endoffile78)
- Clean up and refactor UI code #492 (robinlinden)
- Added Native file functions to Windows #490 (GrayHatter)
- Update src/cocoa/main.m to use new debug enum names #489 (robinlinden)
- fix the icons in windows #488 (GrayHatter)
- Fixed broken filter friend button #486 (GrayHatter)
- fix travis error on prebuild #485 (GrayHatter)
- Fix Buttons on windows #484 (GrayHatter)
- UI code cleanup #483 (robinlinden)
- Clicking "show profile password" button hides it. #482 (robinlinden)
- Fix avatars #481 (endoffile78)
- Fix segfault in image_free #480 (endoffile78)
- Fixing more warnings #479 (robinlinden)
- Stop utox from segfaulting #477 (endoffile78)
- Update and #476 (endoffile78)
- Fixing warnings #475 (robinlinden)
- Fix CMake and Travis on Win #470 (GrayHatter)
- Removed superfluous ../main.h includes in general and xlib files #468 (robinlinden)
- Limited width of audio-video tab in settings. (fixes #441) #467 (robinlinden)
- Replace native_load_data and native_save_data with native_get_file #466 (endoffile78)
- Ignore cmake files #464 (endoffile78)
- Remove language strings not in use. #463 (robinlinden)
- Add null checks after calloc and malloc #457 (endoffile78)
- Friend list now responds to mup (from mdown) #455 (GrayHatter)
- On going Refactor #454 (GrayHatter)
- Updated russian translation #451 (katyo)
- Updated changelog #447 (endoffile78)
- .travis Fix travis builds to work with the new toktok/toxcore #446 (GrayHatter)
- Notify the user when a friend comes online and goes offline #444 (endoffile78)
- Update the manual page #443 (tsudoko)
- Add header guards #442 (endoffile78)
- Make Solarized themes selectable with --theme #432 (tsudoko)
- Use debug_error() for getopt errors #431 (tsudoko)
- Add invite command #430 (endoffile78)
- Make the "yes" icon not inverted #429 (tsudoko)
- Fix switches #426 (tsudoko)
- Fix disabled hover color in themes #425 (tsudoko)
- add Solarized colour schemes #423 (ninedotnine)
- Update German translation #409 (sfan5)
- Decline unwanted calls #404 (Encrypt)
v0.9.8 (2016-07-29)
Closed issues:
- Cross traffic between chat threads #401
v0.9.7 (2016-07-26)
Closed issues:
- Very network inefficient #389
- Very network inefficient #387
- Offline messages - security #386
- Chat text appears red when ending with < #385
- Corrupting history? #380
- Avatar doesn't stick #375
- translated strings cover others #373
- properly handle non-multidevice nodes #371
- Noise cancellation #363
- Antox closes when sending file with UTOX. #361
- profile import/export (uTox portable) #357
- profile import \ export #355
- Windows XP version error ("RegDeleteKeyValueW" and ADVAPI32.dll) #349
- Instant crash on start (windows) #343
- Language settings: Always resets to default (local language) after restart #342
- uTox (v0.8.2 - 0.9.1) automatically exit under Win10 #341
- /tools/logs_to_plaintext.c needs to be updated #309
Merged pull requests:
- Converted all yes / no dropdowns to switches #397 (Encrypt)
- Update fr.h #391 (Encrypt)
- Update German translations #383 (sfan5)
- Adding a changelog to the project. #382 (Encrypt)
- Added settings for group chats #378 (endoffile78)
- Update #374 (endoffile78)
- Add files created by editors to .gitignore #369 (endoffile78)
- ui.c new button for chat log export #367 (utoxxer)
- Chat log export button #366 (utoxxer)
- Update fr.h #365 (pthevenet)
- Re-introduced audio filtering #364 (Encrypt)
- Update German translation #360 (sfan5)
- version typo fix #345 (felix-salfelder)
v0.9.4 (2016-05-25)
Closed issues:
- uTox not responding after it connects #334
v0.9.3 (2016-05-23)
Closed issues:
- [end] key goes to end of input, not end of line #338
- uTox crashes upon connecting to friend (alpha 0.9.1 build downloaded tonight, immediate issue upon post update execution) #337
Merged pull requests:
v0.9.1 (2016-05-21)
v0.9.0 (2016-05-21)
Closed issues:
- Opening links is broken #330
- Add day changes to messages #327
- The baloon is gone #319
- Clicking/dragging empty space near a hyperlink opens it #318
- Offline messages are delivered in wrong order #316
- blue text and dark theme #315
- Super small window on start #314
- utox kills itself trying to malloc insane amount of memory at startup #313
- Recent utox versions re-send entire message history every time a friend comes online #312
- Updating to 0.8.1 causes broken message windows on first run #310
- Groupchat window can't be scrolled in any way #298
- Beep on new message. #233
- DPI UI error in Win Vista x64 #224
- utox hogs the first and current sound cards all the time #223
- Switching video to "none" while previewing confuses utox #221
- when got a message, uTox has no tip audio, how to fix? #207
- Offline message #195
- uTox re-encodes PNG files when setting an avatar #179
- uTox does not compile in Gentoo #164
- SegFault on Connected to DHT #159
- Allow switching between audio only/video call without having to restart the call #95
- Feature: Showing full date in message log when it's a different day #65
Merged pull requests:
- Version v0.9.0 SRSLY? #333 (GrayHatter)
- changed dark theme pending message color for better contrast #317 (cebe)
v0.8.2 (2016-05-06)
Closed issues:
- eye-tearing antialiased font #311
- Version 0.8.1 doesn't always give flash alert or message bubble to alert new message #307
- Text selection in groupchats is broken #305
- Names aren't displayed in groupchats #297
- Bugs with non-Latin filenames #291
- Unable to initiate Group Chats #255
- message notifications no longer work on linux #205
- uTox tox save reverting to a version from months back #202
- File transfer icon looks bad #127
- UI looks bad on some DPI settings #126
- Username doesn't become blue when using /me in group chat #58
Merged pull requests:
- Update German translation #308 (sfan5)
- Messages queue #295 (GrayHatter)
v0.8.1 (2016-04-29)
Closed issues:
- 0.8.0 Initiating file transfer crashes utox #303
- uTox crashes when attempting to send a file #302
- Group chats #293
- about double release post #292
- Cannot set profile picture #273
- uTox GUI freeze #259
- Defunct video input device selection #198
- Messages.c Refactor #128
- [Feature request] Meta-contacts (unite/group several contacs in one) #97
- guide fo utox compilation on Tails #80
- Implement Tox Client Standard concerning the avatars #45
- Save Auto Accept settings for uTox #30
Merged pull requests:
- fix text color in selected group icon #306 (cebe)
- added user icons for mini roster #304 (cebe)
- re-enable proxy support #301 (GrayHatter)
- Mini friends list #299 (GrayHatter)
- Group icon #296 (GrayHatter)
- copy log functions to cocoa #294 (stal888)
v0.8.0 (2016-04-20)
Closed issues:
- OSX: resizing window too small #289
- Preferences on Mac does nothing #287
- tox: URLs not Getting Parsed #286
- Windows 10 system setting profile password crash #280
- Update statement. #278
- Release version 0.7.0 for linux not available: The specified key does not exist. #277
- Avatar size check broken #262
- A new Chinese Translate #261
- uTox 0.7.0 OSX - cannot start #258
- Tiny interface in android #256
- uTox is raiding a SBIE2314 error if started in Sandboxie Sandbox #253
- Old ID disappears #252
- dual webcam broken #200
- DPI setting ignored at start #199
- profile seg fault after update #197
- re-add alt+num on windows #192
- Client Crashing Resets all Settings to Default on next Start (WIN-10) #175
- uTox package in Debian Jessie repo - gone #161
- Segfault #158
- [Feature request] Font size settings #114
Merged pull requests:
- cocoa: add tox: url handling and limit window size #290 (stal888)
- fix SYSROOT default setting #288 (felix-salfelder)
- Prefix cocoa folder with src/ #285 (GrayHatter)
- android build #283 (felix-salfelder)
- attempting to make tools/ work (WIP) #279 (felix-salfelder)
- fix some bugs #274 (stal888)
- Update utox.desktop #266 (cebe)
- Update tw.h #264 (lineteen)
- Update cn.h #263 (lineteen)
- Update German translations #260 (sfan5)
- Added Russian transation for the pop-up comment of the shortcut #257 (TotalCaesar659)
- consistent usage of checkinstall #249 (stemd)
- Fix application crash with variable length frame size webcams. #152 (abbat)
v0.7.0 (2016-03-21)
Closed issues:
- UTox for Windows: Screen reader accessibility #246
- No longer able to set avatar image #245
- Feedback from another cross-platform test... #244
- Calls have no audio, Call buttons not functioning #243
- Bottom elements on the friend panel are inactive while panel does not fit in the window #242
- Scrolling with the mouse wheel is very slow #237
- 1-pixel wide tray icon #235
- error: ‘FILE_TRANSFER’ has no member named ‘filenumber’ #234
- Error making call xlib (utox Alpha version 0.6.1) #230
- v. #229
- Cross-compile script for Windows is outdated. #226
- Can not cancel any call #222
- Switching video input from desktop to "none" crashes #210
- Profile / ID disappearing #188
- Some issues #186
- WebRTC built into uTOX #176
- AltGr+number must not switch tab #157
- preview window does not close if opening video device failed #56
- Some UI items are too wide #3
Merged pull requests:
- Reduce warnings #248 (benwaffle)
- Make installation process more tunable (adjust pkg-config name and datarootdir) #247 (ony)
- Fix for issue #237 mouse wheel scroll is very slow #241 (master-passeli)
- Fix for issue 230, Error making call #240 (master-passeli)
- updated Ukrainian translation #228 (yalvex)
- Update of Polish translation #225 (dagashiya)
- Fixes file save dialog title #220 (cebe)
v0.6.1 (2016-02-29)
Closed issues:
- Problem to close the preview camera #218
- Unable to select avatar in linux client #215
- Password "show" button has wrong tooltip #209
- Can't accept calls: uTox: Error trying to toxav_answer error (1) #208
- Tooltip for the settings button is "Add New Contact" on start #90
- [HELP NEEDED] is out of date. #37
- Adding friends/switching to settings requires too many clicks #20
Merged pull requests:
- GTK: fix avatar chooser #216 (benwaffle)
- Fix dmg script #214 (RubenRocha)
v0.6.0 (2016-02-21)
Closed issues:
- No ringtone? #189
- TOX ID disappears in windows #187
- sending a screen capture from utox to utox does not ask for acceptance #174
- Screen Capture Not Working on Dual Monitors #172
- Closing client should minimize to taskbar to avoid clutter #168
- How to compile uTox in VS #151
- UTox win64-0.5.0 #149
- use getopt to parse args #142
- uTox password security aspects #130
- Old "Normal" DPI is at 90% #125
- uTox starts with extremely low DPI and increases it with each new startup #124
- Tooltip in system tray is always colon #115
- 100% cpu load on video call. #67
- uTox doesn't support jpg avatars #1
Merged pull requests:
- Av refactor [DO NOT MERGE] #196 (GrayHatter)
- fixed #187 #190 (ingvar1995)
- Add an error check to /sendfile command #183 (elgis)
- fixes #125 #177 (danielisaksen)
- Fix GTK error #170 (benwaffle)
- Fixed some bugs #166 (ingvar1995)
- Support jpg avatars #165 (benwaffle)
- Fixed #151 #155 (linuxraspilxc)
v0.5.1 (2016-01-05)
Closed issues:
- Adding my best friend failed #147
- Android issues #131
- Add Esperanto translation #113
- Makefile should build changed files #110
- uTox crash on start #109
- OS X: Unicode status message or display name causes crash on launch #102
- GTK file chooser doesn't preview images #93
- Video quality / compression #23
- white line instead of system tray icon in MATE #16
Merged pull requests:
- skel for windows travis support #148 (GrayHatter)
- Some users don't use encryption #141 (benwaffle)
- Make lang & str counts a bit simpler #140 (benwaffle)
- Implement some per-friend settings #137 (tsudoko)
- Fix compilation on arm #123 (doughdemon)
- Better fix for the font crash #122 (benwaffle)
- Fix crash with fonts #121 (benwaffle)
- Gtk file chooser preview #120 (benwaffle)
- Linux makefile #119 (benwaffle)
- Remove __APPLE__ checks in xlib/ #118 (benwaffle)
- Add Esperanto translation from #113 #116 (tsudoko)
- Added full build instructions for ubuntu #112 (linuxraspilxc)
- fixed "Online contacts" being called "All" #106 (Doom032)
- Travis src fix #104 (GrayHatter)
- Update to refer to #103 (cybercatgurrl)
- Master #101 (GrayHatter)
v0.5.0 (2015-12-20)
v0.4.6 (2015-12-20)
Closed issues:
- Friends list context menu behaves weird after right-clicking the left side of the friends list #99
- There's no way to remove the avatar #98
- Groupchat context menu items are broken #92
- There's no way to create a new groupchat #91
- OS X: Typing notification too low #87
- OS X: uTox crashes when typing #86
- Make file doesn't work on Windows #73
- b_name and b_statusmsg too wide on Linux #64
- File transfer layout glitch #57
- µTox crashes when trying to use proxy with bad proxy settings #54
- Typing notification is covered by input field area. #26
- Friends list header is 1px wider than the rest of the friends list #17
Merged pull requests:
- fix minor memory leak #89 (stal888)
- GTK: switch to GTK3, use constants, and organize code #88 (benwaffle)
- Add encrypt save file support. #85 (GrayHatter)
v0.4.5 (2015-12-09)
Closed issues:
- Can not add friend when settings are openend #83
Merged pull requests:
- adjust makefile to recompile on header change #77 (cebe)
- New Interface changes because stal hate's the current. #43 (GrayHatter)
v0.4.4develop (2015-12-08)
Closed issues:
- Feature: OS X video window resizing #74
- bug combining greentext and redtext #72
- [HELP NEEDED] fix .travis.yaml to check build of uTox for PRs #68
- Keyboard shortcuts to switch between friends #51
- Broken custom theme support. #28
- Scale cursor with DPI #18
- Contact search box doesn't search contact aliases. #5
Merged pull requests:
- New file transfer ui #81 (stal888)
- cocoa: make video window resizable #76 (stal888)
- use blobs from #71 (stal888)
- fix travis #70 (stal888)
- Update cn.h #69 (giwhub)
- updated manpage and added --help option to xlib main.c #66 (cebe)
- Give the filter button more vertical space #63 (tsudoko)
- Add missing COLOR_REDTEXT entry to the color table #62 (tsudoko)
- Move text from the search field to the ID field after clicking "add" instead of syncing it between both fields #61 (tsudoko)
- remove SelectionRequest debug message #60 (Doom032)
- let search box search aliases as well #59 (Doom032)
- do not block video device when video is not used #52 (cebe)
- refactor list searching & filtering, and add previous/next tab shortcuts on Linux and Windows #47 (Doom032)
- Enable auto changing bitrate for uTox video #42 (GrayHatter)
- Add bg and icon to linux tray icon #14 (GrayHatter)
v0.4.4 (2015-11-19)
Closed issues:
- Initial window paint relies on racy window manager resizing to work properly #40
- Avatar is not being sent when there's an ongoing file transfer to contact #39
- TRUE is not defined in xlib/main.c and others #38
- Ctrl+A not working if caps lock is on #35
Merged pull requests:
- Add & fix some tooltips, slight cleanup of UI strings #53 (Doom032)
- Issue 35 #50 (GrayHatter)
- text changes #49 (stal888)
- fixed LC_ALL not being looked at on xlib #48 (Doom032)
- load widow sizes from save in xlib #41 (GrayHatter)
- Fix Build Errors and Warnings. #36 (lluixhi)
- fixed not losing focus of edit_msg when clicking the messages panel #33 (Doom032)
v0.4.2 (2015-11-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Develop into master #25 (GrayHatter)
- fix osx bugs #24 (stal888)
- Allow adding LDFLAGS from env variable #21 (benwaffle)
- ToxAV new api. #15 (GrayHatter)
- build fixes for OS X 10.9 #11 (soyersoyer)
- plug memory leak #10 (benwaffle)
- tweaks to de translation #9 (aaannndddyyy)
- tweaks to Spanish translation #7 (aaannndddyyy)
- Get rid of empty space left after the transfer button #4 (tsudoko)
- Reduce spacing between bars in the hamburger menu button #2 (tsudoko)
v0.3.2 (2015-06-07)
v0.3.1 (2015-05-31)
v0.3 (2015-05-18)
v0.2.s (2015-05-14)
v0.2.r (2015-05-08)
v0.2.q (2015-05-01)
v0.2.o (2015-03-11)
v0.2.n (2015-02-12)
v0.2.m (2015-02-05)
v0.2.l (2015-01-30)
v0.2.k (2015-01-28)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator