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user29A edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

CCDLAB is a FITS image viewer and data reducer based upon the JPFITS FITS-file interface.

It has been published here:

and here:

CCDLAB provides graphical user interface functionality for such things as:

  • View, manipulate, and save FITS primary image data and image extensions
  • View & manipulate FITS image headers
  • View FITS Bintable extensions
  • Batch processing, viewing, and saving of FITS images
  • Searching FITS files on disk
  • General image reduction techniques
  • Source detection and characterization
  • Create World Coordinate Solutions automatically or manually for FITS images

It is written for the Windows Platform - Windows 7 and higher.

It may be installed via the releases page:

If you require CCDLAB for UVIT, please gather the UVIT Calibration Database from:

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