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UDP Socket

The UDP Socket Library is a library that creates UDP Server and UDP Client classes which can be used to maintain UDP connections.

CI Status

These badges are for the default branch only.

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Using the Library

The following sections will describe how to use the UDP Socket Library in your C++ or Python application

Install library

The easiest way to include the UDP Socket Library in your application is to install it via apt. Prerequisites

  • Ubuntu ( jammy, focal,)
  • CMake 3.10
  • Python 3

The UDP Socket library is one the the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) STOL (Saxton Transportation Operation Library) libraries built into a Debian package via CMake/CPack scripts from the carma-builds repository. CI (Continuous Integration) scripts also push this Debian package to a STOL Debian Package repository. To install this package you must only add this repository to apt.

# Get ubuntu distribution code name. All STOL APT debian packages are pushed to S3 bucket based on distribution codename.
. /etc/lsb-release
# add the STOL APT repository
echo "deb [trusted=yes] ${DISTRIB_CODENAME} main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stol-apt-repository.list
apt update
apt install udp-socket-1

This steps above add the relevent STOL apt repository for pulling correct debian package.


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The development team would like to acknowledge the people who have made direct contributions to the design and code in this repository. CARMA Attribution


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