This is a port of the VICE C64 (x64) emulator v3.3 to Nintendo 3DS with a lot of 3DS-specific goodies and added functionality. VICE - the Versatile Commodore Emulator -
Install .cia file with FBI - or - copy .3dsx file to /3ds/vice3DS-C64 directory on your SD card and launch in HBL - or - launch .3ds file from flashcard. Apart from this, a DSP-dump is required for sound to work correctly in the CIA version.
Preconfigured button functions:
Select: open Vice menu
Start: open Gamebase64 launcher
Directional Pad / A-Button: Joystick
B-Button: Joystick Up
R-button: Autofire. Within vice menu, R-button starts the mapping of a hotkey.
C-Stick: cursor keys
L/ZL-buttons: left/right mouse buttons if mouse is enabled.
3D-slider: Emulation speed (0 = 100%, max = Warp-mode)
Soft buttons functions (from left to right, top to bottom) :
Autostart image
Toggle joystick ports
Toggle C-Pad / D-Pad for joystick
Warp Mode
Quickload snapshot
Quicksave snapshot
Toggle True Drive Emulation
Hard Reset
Pause emulation
Attach disk image to drive 8
Toggle Sprite-Sprite collisions
Power off bottom screen backlight
Type command: LOAD\"*\",8,1 - RUN
Type command: LOAD\"$\",8 - LIST
Enable Mouse
Toggle No borders / Fullscreen
This (and a lot of other things) can be changed in Vice menu. To change the mapping of a soft button (or actually any other button incl. all the 3DS- and soft keyboard buttons) to a menu item in Vice menu, press the R-button when the menu item is selected, then touch/press the button. This button will now be mapped to the selected menu entry.
For further usage instructions, check here:
Vice3DS will run with acceptable framerates (~20 fps with fastSID emulation) on O3DS. However, a N3DS is recommended: Only here, you will get the full 50fps and incredible reSID sound.
You need devkitARM (provided by devkitPro) and the following packages: 3ds-zlib, 3ds-curl, 3ds-libpng, 3ds-bzip2 and - optionally - graphicsmagick. Without graphicsmagick, no version numbers will be included in the icon and bottom screen images.
Install these packages with pacman / dkp-pacman:
pacman -S 3ds-zlib 3ds-curl 3ds-libpng 3ds-bzip2
pacman -S graphicsmagick
[sudo] pacman -S 3ds-zlib 3ds-curl 3ds-libpng 3ds-bzip2
[sudo] apt-get install graphicsmagick
Actually, a modified version of 3ds-curl is required for game downloads to work with the gamebase64 launcher. The 3ds-curl version provided by devkitPro is buggy and @fincs does not want to fix it. Please see devkitPro/pacman-packages#130 for details. Providing instructions for compiling this modified 3ds-curl version, however, would go beyond the scope of this README.
Apart from this, bannertool ( and makerom ( should be available in your path.
Clone the repository (including symlinks) and change into the directory:
git clone -c core.symlinks=true
cd vice3ds
If you received any error messages regarding symlinks during cloning, execute to correct the symlinks
chmod +x
Finally, start the compile with the command