The split of the Swoole community into Swoole and Open Swoole projects has left its ecosystem at crossroads: either stick with the original PHP extension or switch over to its fork.
Metapackages upscale/ext-swoole and upscale/ext-openswoole declare the two extensions as interchangeable. They enable PHP projects to support both extensions instead of choosing one or the other.
- Unique version constraints for
- Constraints resolution delegated to Composer
- Metapackage ships no code, just constraints
Declare compatibility with both extensions in your composer.json
"require": {
- "ext-swoole": "^4.0"
+ "upscale/ext-swoole": "^4.0",
+ "upscale/ext-openswoole": "^4.0"
Presence of either extension will satisfy the requirements.
This metapackage mirrors official releases of swoole/swoole-src. They are being tagged automatically.
Specify different constraints for each extension:
"require": {
"php": "~8.2.0",
"upscale/ext-swoole": "^4.8.12",
"upscale/ext-openswoole": "^4.12.0"
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