In this course we will implement (a) Lexical Analyzer, (b) Syntax and Semantic Analyzer (c) AST printing (d) Code Generation
Evaluation Policy
- Viva: 15%
- Test1: 15%
- Test2 (Part of Project): 20%
- Continous Evaluation: 30%
- End Term Exam: 20%
Assignment1-Ungraded Assignment-Calculator Instructions given in Moodle.
- Creation and evaluation syntax tree using Lex and YACC.
- Please look at compiler.y uploaded in Moodle.
- Your programming language for this assinment is: Gdecl_sec stmt_list.
- The statements to be supported in stmt_list are (a) assign_stmt (b) write_stmt
- Sample testcases uploaded in Moodle.
- After printing output (as given in the Moodle course page),you should print abstract syntax tree.
Assignment 3 (Deadline March 24)
Extend Assignment two have support for
- (a) One Dimensional Array, (b) if-then-else, (c) for loop
- Print symbol table and AST( Abstract Syntax Tree)
- One Sample program given below
- Deadline March 3rd,2025.
Sample Program for Assignment 3
Teaching Assistants
- Kevin Jude Concessao
- Nandakumar E
- Chandana
- Sarayu