- Solution Architecture
- Software Architecture Discipline Overview
- Software Architecture - Getting Started - Glossary
- Awesome Project Questions
- Ultimate New Software Project Decision Checklist
- Awesome Scalability, Availability, and Stability Back-end Design Patterns
- The Full-Stack Software Design and Architecture Roadmap
- Software Architect
- Skills map and roles & responsibilities of Solution Architects
- Software Architecture in Practice
- CQRS, Event Sourcing and DDD FAQ - Your command-query responsibility segregation & DDD questions answered
- The (mostly incomplete) guide to architecture patterns
- Architectural Patterns
- Cloud design patterns - Azure Architecture Center
- List of software architecture styles and patterns
- Patterns for designing flexible architecture in node.js (CQRS/ES/Onion)
- Various design patterns
- Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Pattern: Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
- Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) in practice (RU)
- Greg Young - CQRS and Event Sourcing - Code on the Beach 2014
- Sam Newman - Patterns
- Solutions Architecture Patterns
- An attempt to show alternative architectural patterns in CRUD based .Net web applications
- Microservices
- How To Cook Microservices (with Ruby spices)
- Microservices and Rules Engines – a blast from the past
- A pattern language for microservices
- A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies
- A curated list of Microservice resources
- Links related to the microservice architecture
- A list of resources for building and testing microservice architectures
- Examples of real world software built with a microservice architecture
- A hand-curated weekly newsletter with the best articles on microservices
- Designing a Microservices Architecture for Failure
- Observable Microservices
- A practical concept of Microservices Architecture
- Microservice Architecture: All The Best Practices You Need To Know
- The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018
- The 10 Puzzle Pieces of an Effective Microservice Architecture
- Free Ebook: Microservice Architecture from O'Reilly
- Microservices Pattern: Decompose by business capability
- Pattern: Decompose by subdomain
- Architectural Shift in Web Applications
- Application Architecture and Ransomware
- Monitoring Microservices Architectures: Enterprise Best Practices
- Architectural Blueprints — The "4+1" View Model of Software Architecture
- Clean Frontend Architecture
- How I write backends
- DDD 101 — The 5-Minute Tour
- Wrong Ways of Defining Service Boundaries
- A quick introduction to clean architecture
- Scalable Frontend #2 Common Patterns #3 The State Layer
- Contemporary Front-end Architectures
- Coding the Architecture
- Risingstack: we help companies succeed with Node.js
- Medium @ Software Architecture
- Medium @ Microservices
- 8L @ Architecture
- Software Design | Khalil Stemmler
- Jimmy Bogard
- Steve Smith
- Joel Parker Henderson
- Home of CQRS and Event Sourcing
- CodeOpinion - Software Architecture & Design
- Architecture Weekly
- DDD and Messaging Architectures
- Cirrus Minor
- Developer to Architect
- O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference 2016: Integration Architecture
- [Pluralsight] Become a Full-stack .NET Developer - Architecture and Testing [2016, ENG]
- [Pluralsight.com / Allen Holub] Picturing Architecture: UML (The Good Bits) and More [2016, ENG]
- [O'Reilly Media] Software Architecture Fundamentals Service-Based Architectures [2015, ENG]
- [O'Reilly Media] Software Architecture Fundamentals Soft Skills [2015, ENG]
- [O'Reilly Media] Software Architecture Fundamentals People Skills [2015, ENG]
- [O'Reilly Media] Software Architecture Fundamentals Part I [2014, ENG]
- [O'Reilly Media] Software Architecture Fundamentals Beyond the Basics [2014, ENG]
- [learnvisualstudio.net] Application Architecture Fundamentals [2013, ENG]
- [Pluralsight] Developer to Architect [2013, ENG]
- [Pluralsight.com / Matthew Renze] Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles [2017, ENG]
- IASA's Five Pillars of IT Architecture
- [OTUS] Архитектор программного обеспечения (2020)
- Алексей Богачук — Solution architecture и JavaScript
- Software Architecture from University of Alberta
- Service-Oriented Architecture from University of Alberta
- All you ever need to construct, communicate and document your software architecture
- Solution Architecture Document
- Structured Approach to Solution Architecture
- Sample Views
- Example of a Software Architecture Document created as a companion to "Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond"
- Documenting Software Architectures
- Architecture Document Template
- The TOGAF standard is a framework for Enterprise Architecture
- Software Architecture Document template
- Software Architecture Document template
- Micro Frontends
- Introduction to Micro Frontends
- The javascript metaframework
- A microservice approach to front-end web development
- ThoughtWorks Technology Radar: Micro frontends
- Modernizing Upwork with Micro Frontends
- Presentation: Micro Frontends: Building a modern webapp with multiple teams
- Microservice Grid and Micro Frontends
- The monolithic frontend in the microservices architecture
- Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture (Monolithic vs. Frankenstein approach)
- Including Front-End Web Components Into Microservices
- Wilson Mendes: Micro Frontend - A Microservice Architecture From ... - JSConf.Asia 2018
- Micro Frontends @ martinfowler.com
- awesome-micro-frontends
- Microfrontends — Bringing JavaScript frameworks together
- Stack on a budget (Free Tier Driven Development FTDD)
- All the best open source and Software as a Service (SaaS) tools in one place
- Periodic table of devops tools
- Job queues, message queues and other queues. Almost all of them in one place
- fabio: A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by consul
- strider: Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server
- cabot: Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
- Elasticsearch
- Solr
- Consule: Service Discovery and Configuration Made Easy
- pm2: Production Process Manager for Node.js apps with a built-in Load Balancer
- bazooka: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Server
- istio: An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices
- registrator: Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters
- The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based queue for Node
- A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
- Sample .NET Core reference application, powered by Microsoft, based on a simplified microservices architecture and Docker containers
- This project contains a 10-tier microservices application
- A containerized polyglot microservices consisting of services based on .NET Core, NodeJS and more running on service mesh (istio)
- A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
- Clean Architecture Solution Template for Angular 8 and .NET Core 3
- DDD/Clean Architecture inspired boilerplate for Node web APIs
- Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API
- Microsoft REST API Guidelines
- Study Notes for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate - 2017
- Techniques
- Work-breakdown structure
- Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW)
- A guide to RESTful API design: 35+ must-reads
- The System Design Primer
- System Quality Attributes
- Architecture decision record (ADR) examples for software planning
- CSS Architecture — Folders & Files Structure
- CSS Architecture for Multiple Websites
- Five Methodologies for Architecting CSS
- CSS Architecture: First steps
- 8 simple rules for a robust, scalable CSS architecture
- Kushagra Gour: 10 Commandments for Efficient CSS Architecture - CSSConf.Asia 2014
- Jonathan Snook - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS [2012, PDF, ENG]
- Architecture for a Sass Project
- CSS Architecture and the Three Pillars of Maintainable CSS
- Solution Architecture
- Who Is Solution Architect
- Best Practices In Solution Architecture
- Self Education In Solution Architecture
- Webinars
- EPAM Yammer: Solution Architecture Group
- Solution Architect: A Complete Guide
- EPAM Architecture Excellence Initiative
General Architectural Theory and Practice
- .NET Microservices – Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications
- Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition
- Microservices, IoT, and Azure
- Microservice Architecture : Aligning Principles, Practices, and Culture
- Information Architecture
- Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise
- Big Data Application Architecture Q&A : A Problem - Solution Approach
- Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems
- Software Architecture in Practice
- Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond
- Designing Software Architectures: A Practical Approach (SEI Series in Software Engineering)
- Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives
- Essential Software Architecture
- Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (Irwin Computer Science)
- 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts
- Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies
- Reactive Design Patterns
- Software Architecture for Developers
- Beautiful Architecture: Leading Thinkers Reveal the Hidden Beauty in Software Design
- 500 Lines or Less
- The Performance of Open Source Applications
- The Architecture Of Open Source Applications
- The Architecture Of Open Source Applications, Volume II
- Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design
- Data Access for Highly-Scalable Solutions: Using SQL, NoSQL, and Polyglot Persistence (Data Access)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
- Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services
- Building microservices
- REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture
- APIs: A Strategy Guide. Creating Channels with Application Programming Interfaces
- The Security Development Lifecycle: SDL: A Process for Developing Demonstrably More Secure Software
- Microservice Databases: Migrating from Relational Monolith to Distributed Data
- DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective (SEI Series in Software Engineering)
- Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
- Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software
- The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
Technology Domains
- Amazon Web Services in Action
- Docker in Action
- Professional Hadoop Solutions
- Microsoft Application Architecture Guide
- .NET Application Architecture Guide
- eCommerce in the Cloud: Bringing Elasticity to eCommerce
- 12 Essential Skill for Software Architect
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
- Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
- Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks
- Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks
- TIBCO Architecture Fundamentals
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts
- Agile Estimating andPlanning
- Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
- Crystal Clear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams
- Managing and Leading Software Projects
- Object-Oriented Software Construction
- Class 7: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Class 14: Risk Management
- Test Driven Development: By Example
- Micro Frontends in Action