- QGDsolver library brief
- QGDsolver installation
- Meeting points for users and developers
- Published papers related to QGDsolver technology
- For citation
QGDsolver is OpenFOAM framework for simulation of fluid flows using regularized (QGD/QHD) equations approach. It contains library for approximation of partial derivatives at face centers of unstructured grids and a set of OpenFOAM solvers:
- QGDFoam - solver for compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range - from 0 to infinity
- QHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force
- particlesQGDFOam - solver for compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range with particles - from 0 to infinity
- particlesQHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force with particles
- SRFQHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows in rotating frame of reference with buoyancy force
- QHDDyMFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows in domains with deforming boundary and with buoyancy force
- interQHDFoam - solver for incompressible 2-phase viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force and surface tension
- reactingLagrangianQGDFoam - solver for reacting multicomponent compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range with particles - from 0 to infinity
- scalarTransportQHDFoam - solver for scalar transport equation to demonstrate the very basics of QGD/QHD equations principles
- rhoQGDFoam - solver for compressible viscous flow with arbitrary equation of state (EoS) and in a wide Mach number range - from 0 to infinity
Brief description of the framework is presented here: https://github.com/unicfdlab/QGDsolver/blob/master/qgd-framework-2020-final.pdf
The repository is organized as follows:
- master branch is used for the Doxygen-generated documents (not finished yet) and last test report
- Next branches of the library correspond to OpenFOAM+ versions as follows:
- digitef-dev-1912 for OpenFOAM+ v1912
- digitef-dev-2012 for OpenFOAM+ v2012
- digitef-dev-2112 for OpenFOAM+ v2112
- v2212 for OpenFOAM+ v2212
- v2312 for OpenFOAM+ v2312
- other branches are for internal use and are not intended for compilation
Source code of releases for OpenFOAM+ are stored in releases section, the naming conventions are the same as for repository's branches
To compile sources, run ./Allwmake
To clean sources, run ./Allwclean
To change libraries and binaries destination, run script SwitchDest: a) ./SwitchDest USER - this will set installation paths to $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN and $FOAM_USER_APPBIN; b) run ./SwitchDest - this will set installation paths to $FOAM_LIBBIN and $FOAM_APPBIN
Unfinished, but refining Doxygen documentation: https://unicfdlab.github.io/QGDsolver/html/index.html
In case of questions, please, write to:
- the corresponding www.cfd-online.com Forum threads: https://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/openfoam-news-announcements-other/227336-qgdsolver-openfoam-computational-framework-fluid-flows-based-regularized-equ.html
- Issues of this repository: https://github.com/unicfdlab/QGDsolver/issues
- The telegram channel
- The ResearchGate project dedicated to the development of QGDsolver library
If you have found these library/solvers useful, please cite or refer to
M. V. Kraposhin, E. V. Smirnova, T. G. Elizarova, and M. A. Istomina Development of a new OpenFOAM solver using regularized gas dynamic equations // Computers & Fluids 166, 163–175 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.02.010
M. Kraposhin, D. Ryazanov, T. Elizarova Numerical algorithm based on regularized equations for incompressible flow modeling and its implementation in OpenFOAM // Computer Physics Communications (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108216