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Sprint 4 achievements, retrospective and Sprint 5 planning notes

Sumit Chachra edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

High level tasks accomplished

  • Merged/finished - #72
  • A set of new API endpoints including Add indicator on Cluster reporting, Narratives, and etc. mostly focused on "cluster reporting" section
  • Finished viewing of disaggregation indicator report tables for a location for all possible cases!
  • Few more data model changes to support disaggregated data at indicator report and indicator level.
  • A Polymer scaffolding for Cluster reporting and routing feature(s)
  • Fake data improvement for finalized Quantity type disaggregation entry cases, SUM calculation method post processing
  • IndicatorLocationData PUT request with data validation, which enables the user to upload their reports for a location.
  • Disaggregation editable table component (and if possible and optional, an update on edit table swapping from checkbox interaction)

Sprint 5 planning Tasks available and ready in IP reporting in PRP milestone currently.

Tasks available and ready in Cluster reporting in PRP milestone currently.

Open issues to discuss

  • When UNICEF partner is reporting on indicator that is also a cluster indicator can they report to cluster and unicef at different disaggregation levels?
  • Confirm that likert and yes/no indicators are not being developed for MVP.

Goals for new sprint

  • Finish API endpoint for user to be able to file a disaggregated data. The main thing remaining is supporting different calculation methods and ratio/percentage indicator type
  • Finish work on PD progress report data entry / narrative capture; supporting disaggregated indicator data capture and all its edge cases, checkbox UX etc.
  • Significant progress on Cluster reporting interface and finish a couple of sections like partner projects and cluster objectives etc.
  • Finish indicator add/edit flow in cluster reporting interface (IP reporting partners don't do anything relating to indicator editing in PRP, it happens in PMP by the PO for them)

Action points/new tickets from showcase discussions