No Runtime Dependencies required!
If you're building this code, make sure you have NuGet 2.7 or later installed.
If you're building from the command line, you need to do a NuGet restore first:
> nuget restore
> msbuild Pygments.sln
The output will be found at:
If you're building this code, make sure you have NuGet 2.7 or later installed.
Just open the Pygments.sln and build!
The output will be found at:
The Pygments for .NET library exposes two properties and four methods in the Pygments.Highlighter
public static IEnumerable<Lexer> Lexers; // all the language lexers available
public static IEnumerable<string> Styles; // all the Styles available
public string HighlightToBBCode(
string sourceCode,
string lexerName,
string styleName,
bool codeTag = false,
bool monoFont = false );
public string HighlightToRTF(
string sourceCode,
string lexerName,
string styleName,
string fontFace=null);
public string HighlightToHtml(
string sourceCode,
string lexerName,
string styleName,
bool fragment = false,
string title = "",
bool generateInlineStyles = false,
string classPrefix = "",
string wrappingDivClass = "highlight",
string wrappingDivStyles = "",
string preStyles = "",
LineNumberStyle lineNumberStyle = LineNumberStyle.none,
int lineNumberStart = 1,
bool noBackground = false,
string lineBreaks="\n",
string lineAnchorPrefix = null,
string lineSpanPrefix = null,
bool anchorLineNumbers = false,
string highlightLines = "");
public string HighlightToLatex(
string sourceCode,
string lexerName,
string styleName,
bool fragment = false,
string title = "",
string documentClass = "article",
bool lineNumbers = false,
int lineNumberStart = 1,
int lineStep = 1,
bool texComments = false,
bool mathEscape = false )
Quick Sample:
using System.IO;
namespace test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
var highlighter = new Pygments.Highlighter();
var src = File.ReadAllText(@"program.cs");
File.WriteAllText("output.html", highlighter.HighlightToHtml(src, "c#", "vs", highlightLines: "7 8 9 10"));
I leveraged the rather great work to make this all function from
and added the bits to make it frictionless for anyone to consume.