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Currently only able to run the app in a docker image. Ingest is run manually.

General Prerequisites:

Environment Setup

  1. Download the large english spacy model from here, by scrolling down to en_core_web_lg, click on release details which will take you to the github page, scroll down to assets and download the tar.gz file, unzip and put folder in data/ directory
  2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt (create a virtualenv first if you so choose)
  3. Fill in ES_URL, and NLP_FILE_PATH in the .env file with the appropriate settings
  4. In VSCode, if you want to debug ingestion locally, create a launch.json file (by going into the debugging panel on the left, and clicking "create a launch.json file"). Then paste the following into your launch.json file:
    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Ingestor",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/scripts",
            "justMyCode": false,
            "args": [

Run App:

  1. Perform steps in Environment Setup section (NB: If you wish to run the server locally you'll have to set NLP_FILE_PATH relative to /src)
  2. There are 3 options depending on if you want to run locally or via docker.
    1. Run docker-compose up --build in the root of this project to run it via docker
    2. Run docker build -t <image_name> . and then docker run -p 5000:5000 --env-file ./.env <image_name> to run as a stand alone docker image
    3. Run export FLASK_APP="src/app:create_app" followed by python3 -m flask run --host= to run the server locally

Run Ingestion (Locally):

  1. cd scripts
  2. python3 -fs -i <indra_id> -u <es_url>

Run Ingestion/App (Dumpster Fire:

  1. Sync local code to dumpster-fire code because gitlab isn't accessible from dumpster-fire: rsync -auv wm-curation-recommendation-service/ [email protected]:~/wm-curation-recommendation --exclude=.venv/ --exclude=data/ --exclude=.git/ --exclude=.vscode/ --exclude=__pycache__/ --exclude=experiments/ --exclude=scripts/resources/ --exclude='**/*.pkl' --exclude='**/*.json'. If wm-curation-recommendation-service is not the name of your folder containing the code, replace it with your root folder's name.
  2. Ssh to dumpster fire and run app using instructions above
  3. In order to run the app on the server such that it doesn't end when you close your ssh session, you need to run your commands in a tmux session. Run tmux new -s curation-service, then tmux a -t curation-service. This creates a session that will run even when you exit your ssh session. From within this tmux session, you can run the app using the instructions above. To exit: ctrl + b, + d

Quick Docker Tips

docker login

To enter a docker container: docker exec -it <container_id> bash

Note: If trying to access local host ES point variables in .env to host.docker.internal

After running docker-compose to quickly tear everything down, run docker-compose down --rmi all --remove-orphans

Post Deployment Test

After activating the virtual environment, run tests/ script as follows:

python --s --e --k indra-4a2ad0cf-19e8-11eb-afec-fa163e9a8d5d

Replace with your own parameters.

Using the recommendation service

API requests asking for recommendations.

Factor regrounding recommendation

Given a factor text, return statementIds and factors from the project that closely matches the provided factor in the embedding space.

POST /recommendation/:projectId/regrounding
  knowledge_base_id: xyz,
  factor: xyz,
  num_recommendations: 200

Polarity recommendation

Given a set of factors, return statementIds from the project that closely matches the provided factors in the embedding space.

POST /recommendation/:projectId/polarity
  knowledge_base_id: xyz,
  subj_factor: abc,
  obj_factor: def,
  num_recommendations: 100

Edge recommendation

Given subject and object concepts, return potential statements for regrounding

POST /recommendation/:projectId/edge-regrounding
  knowledge_base_id: xyz,
  subj_concept: abc,
  obj_concept: def,
  num_recommendations: 10

Using the ingestion service

Request to agument the existing embedding space with new data. Ingestion service requires additional infrastructure to handle work and task management. Please see docker-compose.yml in the repository.

To submit a new seed ingstion request for a new knowledge baase

curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -XPOST http://<curation_server>:<port>/recommendation/ingest/<indra_index> -d'
  "remove_factors": true,
  "remove_statements": true,
  "es_url": <destination_es>:9200

Thisi will yield a task_id

To check the ingestion status


To submit an incremental ingestion request for project

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST http:<curation_server>:<port>/recommendation/-delta-ingest/<indra_index> -d'
  "es_url": <destination_es>:9200,
  "statement_ids": [new statements from project],
  "project_id": <projectId>

Thisi will yield a task_id To check the ingestion status


Run Linting

You can run linting using: flake8 --exclude .venv,.vscode,__pycache__,data --ignore E501 .


This is a mirror of the Causemos curation recommendation engine







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