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UMD flavor physics and CP violation group website github CI

built with nix

This is the source code that generates the group website.

The master branch is a static webpage that is automatically generated by Travis CI. The build branch provides actual jekyll templates that generates the beta version of the group website. Note that the official group website needs to be updated manually at

Licensed under CC0-1.0.

If you want to build this website locally, please refer to

Change contents without locally install any ruby program

As said before, all the actual contents are under build branch. To check it out:

git fetch origin
git checkout -b build origin/build

Warning: It is strongly recommended that 4-space, instead of tab, is used as indentation.

Editing "Home"

Edit the to your likings. Note that this is the only markdown file that should be edited manually.

To change website title, both and title in _config.yml should be changed.

Editing "People"

Edit _data/people.yml. Note that name and title fields are mandatory.

Editing "Papers"

Edit the _bibliography/papers.bib. This is a regular LaTeX bib file. Note that all curly brackets {} should be removed and replaced with "".

By default it configured to display only 20 most recent results, it can be changed by editing the following line in pages/

{% bibliography --file papers --max 20 %}

Editing "Talks"

Edit _data/talks.yml. Note that title, url, author, and date are mandatory. date should be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO standard). Talks are sorted based on date, with latest one ranking first.

If the talk file is not hosted anywhere else, put the talk inside talks folder, and reference the talk with /talks/<file_name>. The talk file should also be checked into this git repo.

By default, the Recent talks sections displays the 9 most recent talks. To change that, edit the following line in pages/talks.html:

{% assign all_talks_sorted = | sort: "date" | reverse | slice: 0, 9 %}


We used as a layout reference. Also, we partially reused Jack Wimberley's intro on the original website. Many thanks!