Code for FF reweighting in HAMMER.
Install nix
with flake support, then type in nix develop
. All dependencies
will be installed automatically for you.
To build all binaries:
Once this is done, to generate weight ntuples (using the nominal reweighting script
) based on sample ntuples (stored in samples/
) from RDX run 2 analysis:
make rdx-run2-ntuples
Note that the stdout
from the reweighter will also be saved as log files.
To plot resulting sample q2
(stored in gen/
make sample-plots
To generate some reweighting validation plots (stored in gen
make validation-plots
This program will print all partially truth-matched MC candidates. For example:
PrintMCDecay ./samples/rdx-run2-Bd2DstMuNu.root TupleB0/DecayTree
Will give you an output like this:
Total number of candidates: 23841
Truth-matched candidates: 23339
Truth-matched fraction: 0.978944
The following decay has 23314 candidates.
Is Tau decay: 0
B meson ID: B0 (511)
First daughter ID: D*+ (413)
First G-daughter ID: D0 (421)
Second G-daughter ID: pi+ (211)
The following decay has 25 candidates.
Is Tau decay: 0
B meson ID: B0 (511)
First daughter ID: D*+ (413)
First G-daughter ID: D0 (421)
Second G-daughter ID: pi+ (211)
Third G-daughter ID: gamma (22)
Note that all particle IDs are taken to be absolute value.
To do the actual form factor reweighting for RDX analyses, you can do something like this:
ReweightRDX samples/rdx-run2-Bd2DstMuNu.root output.root TupleB0/DecayTree run2
This will generate weight ntuples, stored in the home directory (and named output.root
). Notably,
you can also run other reweighting scripts (stored in src/
) or the nominal reweighting with more
printouts for debugging with similar commands (eg. ReweightRDXDstNoCorr
, or 'ReweightRDXDebug
for debugging, instead of ReweightRDX
). The additional reweighting scripts are mostly used for
The output.root
contains a w_ff
branch and some other debugging branches.
NOTE: currently, the FF parameters/errors/variations set in the nominal reweighter ReweightRDX
- For
$B\rightarrow D$ : parameter values and errors taken from 1606.08030, with one variation (along the direction of the nominal FF parameters, ie. the rescaling direction) removed. Correlations from the paper are taken into account. - For
$B\rightarrow D^{*}$ : parameter values and errors taken from 2105.14019 (v3, Table 12- "Lattice + both"), with one variation (along the rescaling direction) removed. Correlations from the paper are taken into account. - For
$B\rightarrow D_{(s)}^{**}$ : parameter values and errors taken from 1711.03110, with one variation (in the direction of parameter that mainly effect normalization/rescaling:$\tau (1)$ and $\zeta (1)$) removed for both the wide/narrow states (which are parametrized separately). The$D_s^{**}$ FFs are taken to be the same as for the$D^{**}$ . Previous fit results indicated that the paper errors were too constraining, and potentially the central values ought to be shifted; currently, the errors used for variations are double the paper errors, and the central values are not shifted. Correlations from the paper are not taken into account; the variations are exactly$\mathbf{f}_{nom} +- \mathbf{sigma}_i$ (where$\mathbf{sigma}_i$ is a vector of 0's and the$i^{th}$ FF param error in the$i^{th}$ position).
This is used to generate some toy data to validate HAMMER reweighting for RDX with an independently implemented FF calculator.
To use it:
ValidateRDX test.root
To produce code that can be pasted into a reweighting script (eg. ReweightRDX.cpp
) that specifies
the parameter values as well as the FF variations, use
make ff-params-RDX
See utils/
and spec/rdx-run2.yml
for how these are computed.
To produce the variations with rescaling removed from the variations (not nominally used for
make ff-params-RDX-no-rescale
The motivation and math underlying removing the rescaling from the variations can be found in
- Configure the allowed decay modes and input/output FF parameterizations
- Define
and adding these particles to a newly createdHammer::Process
, denoteproc.addParticle(p)
- Specify the decay process tree with
proc.addVertex(mother, {list_of_daughters})
- Initialize a new HAMMER event object with
- Add a
to the newly initialized event withHammer::addProcess(proc)
. This includes:-
Prune soft photons (the 4-momenta will be modified in this step) by adding them to nearest charged particle in the same decay tree level (polar-angle wise) then remove the photons from the tree
This process may alter the kinematics in a bad way such that HAMMER won't process the event further (either a
in the cosine or a negative invariant mass) -
Compute the decay tree hash ID
Cache particle dependencies so the decay tree only need to be traversed once (a technicality)
- Compute the amplitude tensor with
, then get the weight withHammer::getWeight("FF_scheme")
A bit more details on
: it's defined insrc/Core/
is called, which is defined insrc/core/
, it callsp.second.calc()
for each element in_process
is of typeProcIdDict
, which isstd::map<ProcessUID, T>
. -
The actual calculation happens
The amplitude tensor is computed
is called. -
In that method, find the base weights of the event:
double result = _event->getEventBaseWeight()
.This is by default set to 1 and we typically don't change it
For each process, multiply the base weight by
result *= _event->getWeight(scheme, elem)
.Here process means decay processes added by user, like
B -> D* l nu
. Also, the amplitude tensor is contracted with the external eigenvectors.This is the step where the FF variation is effected.
- Find/compute the covariance matrix
$U$ of a FF parameterization from some reference paper - Find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of
$U$ - Define a matrix
$M$ , with each row being one of the eigenvectors - Define a matrix
$C$ , with$C_{ij} \equiv \delta_{ij} \frac{1}{\lambda_i}$ - The transformation
$A \equiv CM$ maps the parameterization basis to an orthonormal error eigen basis. - We can either define
$A^{-1}$ in HAMMER, or define variations in terms of$A^{-1} \delta$ , where$\delta$ is some variation in the error eigen basis.
HAMMER doesn't like very soft photons (for energy on the order of 1e-10
and for these photons, their effect are negligible as well. So don't add these photons
to the HAMMER's decay tree in the first place!
HAMMER doesn't require momentum to be conserved in general; it only requires each particle has a non-negative invariant mass.
However, for soft photon removal, the vertex-level momentum conservation is enforced. This sometimes can lead to undesired effect of negative invariant mass
The invariant mass squared is computed in Hammer::FourMomentum.mass2()
. This
is just E^2 - p^2
. Due to float-point arithmetic, sometimes this is slightly
negative, which is quite common for particles with very small invariant masses.
HAMMER provides a more robust way, The Hammer::FourMomentum.mass()
double FourMomentum::mass() const {
if (fuzzyLess(mass2() , 0.0)) { // less than 'a little bit negative'
throw Error("Rosebud! Negative mass^2: " + to_string(mass2()));
return sqrt(fabs(mass2()));
The fuzzyLess
is defined as:
static const double precision = 0.001;
inline bool fuzzyLess(const double val1, const double val2) {
return (val1-val2 < -1.*std::max(precision, std::numeric_limits<double>::min()));
Only if the invariant mass is strictly negative, HAMMER would complains about it.
This has happened to us on some of the D*_2
candidates. The reason was
that we also added the daughters of the D*_2
to the decay tree, and HAMMER
really doesn't like them.
By removing them from the tree, HAMMER runs fine. So it's probably a good idea to not adding unneeded particles to the tree.