Pings an RTSP camera to see if it's returning images. If it isn't, displays a macOS notification.
Tested with Wyze camera with RTSP firmware. Other cameras untested, but they probably work fine? Let me know if it works for you.
git clone
cd pingcamera
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mv config.ini.sample config.ini && vi config.ini
# enter your camera's IP, username, passwordpython3
By default, it pings once per hour as long as the script is running. You can modify the interval by updating check_interval in config.ini.
You need a copy of Python 3. I only tested this with Python 3.10. One way to install Python 3 is as follows:
- Install Brew.
brew install python3
- Ensure Brew's executable bin directory is in your PATH variable, for example:
echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile
You can either go the launchd route (or use Lingon/LaunchControl), or you can do what I did and do it via Automator:
- Open Automator. Create a new App with the action Run AppleScript.
- Paste in code similar to the following, then drag the new App to your Login Items.
on run
tell application "Terminal"
do script "cd /Users/username/pingcamera; /usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/username/pingcamera/; exit"
end tell
end run
This opens a Terminal with the script running. If you want it running silently in the background instead, use Run Shell Script instead and make it a background process (`&`` at the end of the command).
- None known.
- Allow check interval to be changed in config.ini
- Include time of check in output (and in notification?)
- Give instructions on how to setup to run at boot
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
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