Aggregate movie ratings for a given movie.
Works, but very much a work in progress. (see bugs below)
Fork of
- Uses latest available (sometimes unofficial) APIs as of June 2023
- Conforms a bit better to python standards
< screenshot will be added once more of the improvements below are put in >
git clone
cd moviescore
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 <movie query>
You need a copy of Python 3. I only tested with Python 3.10. One way to install Python 3 is:
- Install Brew.
brew install python3
- Ensure Brew's executable bin directory is in your PATH variable, for example:
echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile
- Add RT weighted score
- Add Cinemascore
- Add Letterboxd rating
- Add various parents guide site scores (CommonSenseMedia age rating (done), Spotlight (done), MovieGuide (done), IMDb parental guide excerpt (done))
- Add movie length
- Make it hostable on a (local) web server
- Colorize output (if score less than x, make red, etc.)
- Add prediction "you'll probably like it" if CinemaScore >= B, RottenTomatoes better than 55%+, MovieGuide better than -2, IMDb 6+, Letterboxd 3+ and vice versa
- Add JustWatch results
- Prune requirements.txt
- JustWatch results are currently not being returned due to the site switching to JavaScript generated results (I have already fixed this locally by using Selenium.)
- Searching for king kong 1933 does not return expected results
- Cinemascore results brittle, their site doesn't seem to like queries longer than 1 word
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.