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A javascript library with tools for comparing and manipulating objects, arrays, dates, text with no extra dependencies and 80%+ test coverage.


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Javascript utilities

This is a small package with some utilities.

To install: npm i @ukon1990/js-utilities --save

Build & Test status: CircleCI


  • isObject(value) - Checks if a value is an object and not array
  • isPopulatedObject(value) - Returns true if an object is populated
  • overwrite(fromObject, toObject, doNotMutate = false) - Replaces all the values of one objects with another object
  • clone(object) - Returns a cloned version of an object. Removing all child object references.
  • isEqual(object1, object2) - Checks if two objects are equal regardless of object reference.
  • getDifference(object1, object2) - Returns an array of object differences as Difference objects.
  • merge(object1, object2 - Merges/Combines two objects into one, keeping all the values from each that does not exist in the other.


  • isArray(value) - Checks if a value is an object and not array
  • isPopulatedArray(value) - Returns true if an array is populated
  • clone(array) - Returns a cloned version of an array. Removing all child object references.
  • isEqual(array1, array2) - Checks if two arrays are equal regardless of object reference.
  • getDifference(array1, array2) - Returns an array of differences as Difference objects.
  • removeObject(value, fromArray, immutable = false) - Removes all entries that is identical to a value from an array, regardless of the object reference. If , immutable = true, it will return a copy instead of mutating the input array.
  • removeObjects(values, fromArray) - Removes multiple objects/values from an array.
  • removeIndexes(indexes, fromArray) - Removes the elements from an array at the supplied index locations
  • removeDuplicates(fromArray, immutable = false) - Remove all duplicate entries in an array. If , immutable = true, it will return a copy instead of mutating the input array.
  • randomOrder(fromArray) - Returns a new array with the items in the fromArray in random order.


  • isEmpty(string) - Checks if a string is null, undefined or has a length of 0.
  • isEqualIgnoreCase(string, string - Checks if two strings are equal (case insensitive).
  • getMatchingParts(string, stringToFind) - Returns a Match object. The Match object for getMatchingParts('Chicken', 'ck') looks like this {start: 'Chi', match: 'ck', end: 'en'}.
  • getIndexOf(sourceString, targetString) - Is basically sourceString.toLowerCase().indexOf(targetString.toLowerCase)
  • contains(sourceString, targetString) - Checks if a string exists within another. This is case-insensitive.
  • isLowerCase(string) - Checks if a string is upper or lowercase.
  • sentenceToCamelCase(sentence, upperCase?) - Converts a sentence into lower camel case.
  • camelCaseToSentence(sentence) - Converts a sentence of camelCase words into a sentence with spaces.
  • csvToObjects(input, delimiter?, options?: {headerNames?: string[], types?: string[]}) - Generates an array of objects from a CSV string.
  • objectsToCSV(list, delimiter?: string = ',', useKeys?: string[]) - Converts a list of objects to a CSV string. If provided with the keys that is supposed to be used from the objects, it will increase performance.


  • isNullOrUndefined(value, value?) - Checks if all the input is null or undefined.
  • isAPopulatedArrayOrObject(value) - Checks if a value is a populated array or object


  • getDifferenceInMS(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in milliseconds
  • getDifferenceInSeconds(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in seconds
  • getDifferenceInMinutes(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in minutes
  • getDifferenceInHours(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in hours
  • getDifferenceInDays(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in days
  • getDifferenceInWeeks(fromDate, toDate) - Returns the difference between two dates in weeks
  • timeSince(fromDate) - Returns the time since a provided date. The second parameter can be empty(defaults to ms) or s/seconds, m/minutes, h/hours, d/days, w/weeks.


A javascript library with tools for comparing and manipulating objects, arrays, dates, text with no extra dependencies and 80%+ test coverage.







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