Full documentation can be found at: http://phenix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
From source:
$ git clone https://github.com/phe-bioinformatics/PHEnix.git
$ pip2 install -e PHEnix
Directly from github:
$ pip2 install git+https://github.com/phe-bioinformatics/PHEnix.git
Installing from Pip:
$ pip2 install PHEnix
The reference needs to be index in an appropriate way for different mapper/variant callers. This can be done using:
$ phenix.py prepare_reference.py --mapper [bwa | bowtie2] --variant [gatk | mpileup] --reference <path_to_reference>
Internally, when the pipeline is ran internally, the indexing will be done automatically, because it assumes that a reference is present for each sample. It has to be done differently for other use cases because if multiple jobs are spawned and each one tries to index the same file, this may lead to corrupted indices.
N.B> The reference file can't have fas extension, because Picard Tools throws an exception.
If you have a sample and you want to have one-stop-shop analysis run the following:
$ phenix.py run_snp_pipeline.py -r1 <path to R1.fastq> -r2 <path to R2.fastq> \
-r <path to reference> --sample-name <NAME> --mapper bwa --variant gatk \
--filters min_depth:5,mq_score:30
This will map with BWA and call variants with GATK. Intermediate files are written into the same directory you run this command from. --sample-name option is very important, it specifies what output files will be called and the read group in the BAM file. If you omit it, test_sample will be used.
One of the key parts of the VCF processing is to filter quality calls. To do this we have created a flexible interface with variety of filters available:
- qual_score - Filter records where QUAL score is below given threshold.
- ad_ratio - Filter, defined by gatk, records where ratio of alt allele to sum of all alleles is below given fraction.
- dp4_ratio - Similar to ad_ratio, but used in mpileup variant caller.
- mq_score - Filter records that fall below specified MQ score (from INFO field).
- mq0_ratio - Filter, defined by gatk, records with MQ0 to DP ratio above given threshold (both values are from INFO field).
- mq0f_ratio - Similar to the mq0_ratio, but used in mpileup variant caller.
- qg_score - Filter records that fall below specified GQ score (from first sample).
- min_depth - Filter records with mean depth below specified threshold (DP from sample field).
- uncall_gt - Filter records with uncallable genotypes in VCF (GT is ./.).
All filters are applied for each position and those positions that pass ALL filters are kept as quality calls. Positions failing filter will be kept for future reference and creating fasta files, when needed. To specify filters to be used, simply list them as key:threshold pairs separated by comma(,). For filters that don't require threshold, leave blank after ':'.
Individual VCFs can be annotated using custom annotators. Currently available annotators:
- coverage - Annotates with information about mean and dev of the depth in the VCF (using DP from INFO).
The data can be accessed from the metadata field in the VCF in the following way:
r = vcf.Reader(filename="/path/to/vcf")
print r.metadata["coverageMetaData"][0]["mean"]
print r.metadata["coverageMetaData"][0]["dev"]
A lot of downstream applications take on FASTA formatted files, not VCFs. We have included a script for converting VCF data to FASTA format.
$ phenix.py vcf2fasta -d <path to directory of VCFs> -o <path to output FASTA>
This tool is also able to filter out samples and columns that may be bad quality. E.g. --sample-Ns specifies maximum fraction of Ns present in a sample. --Ns specifies maximum fraction of Ns allowed per column. --with-mixtures can specify if mixed position should be output as over certain fraction. First, samples are sifted out then columns are checked. --with-stats allows to output genomic positions of the called SNPs. Each line corresponds to a character position in the FASTA file. E.g. to get the position of the 23rd SNP, go to 23rd line in the positions file. With this option, if numpy and matplotlib are installed, plots directory will be created and a summary plot is generated, summarising called SNPs, Ns, mixtures, and bases with 0 depth. Providing --with-dist-matrix will also write distance matrix to the specified path.
A lot of functionality depends on the presence of existing 3rd party tools:
- Bowtie2
Variant Caller:
- MPileup
In order for them to function properly, they need to be already in you PATH. For commands that run through Java archives, please set appropriate environment variable (see below).
- Python >= 2.7
- argparse
- matplotlib (optional)
- bintrees (optional)
- numpy (optional)
- matplotlib.venn (optional)
- psycopg2 (optional)
Both PyVCF and bintrees will install C bindings if Cython is install first.
These run faster than the native Python implementation. By installing it in
this order, you will avoid the following warnings from appearing when
running phenix.py
Warning: FastBinaryTree not available, using Python version BinaryTree.
Warning: FastAVLTree not available, using Python version AVLTree.
Warning: FastRBTree not available, using Python version RBTree.
To avoid this, make sure that PyVCF and bintrees are not installed yet:
pip2 uninstall PyVCF
pip2 uninstall bintrees
pip2 install cython
pip2 install PyVCF bintrees
Samtools can be downloaded from https://github.com/samtools/samtools. It is used to filter and convert to SAM/BAM files and in mpileup variant caller.
BCFtools can be downloaded from https://samtools.github.io/bcftools/. It is used for calling variants in mpileup.
The BWA mapper can be downloaded from http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/.
The Bowtie2 mapper is available from http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml.
GATK is available from https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/. Please read the licencing information before using (https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/about/#licensing)
Set GATK_JAR - full path to the GATK Java archive.
The Picard tool suite is available from http://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/.
Picard is needed for GATK to create dictionary of reference fasta. Either set PICARD_TOOLS_PATH - path to directory where different Picard jars are (older versions) or set PICARD_JAR - path to picard.jar. Older Picard distributions have many different jars (use first suggestion), where as newer versions have merged all into one jar file.
If you want to add your favourite Mapper/VariantCaller or add another Filter please refer to the documentation: here
Aleksey Jironkin, Ali Al-Shahib, Anais Painset, Anthony Underwood, Georgia Kapatai, Philip Ashton, Rediat Tewolde, Richard Myers, Tim Dallman, Ulf Schaefer
In the beginning there were 2 pipelines to call SNPs: upstairs and downstairs. One day we decided it was a bad idea to have 2 pipelines that did similar things. The existing pipelines faded away, and a new pipeline was born revitalised and regenerated from the previous two, just like the ancient myth of the phoenix or phenix as it was known as in middle English (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_(mythology))