Regular Boardgames to C++ compiler
This is a part of the Regular Boardgames General Game Playing system. See the official repository:
Simply clone the parser:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then compile it with
make rbg2cpp
The compiler processes Regular Boardgame file and outputs single C++17 conforming *.hpp and matching *.cpp. The resulting code depends on boost library in version at least 1.67.0. Note that the compiler itself does not depend on the boost library.
Sample usage:
bin/rbg2cpp -o reasoner rbgGames/games/breakthrough.rbg
The package provides an easy way of testing games through flat MC and perft simulations through the provided scripts.
The log
directory should be created first.
Then, e.g.:
./ breakthrough 10000 0
runs the (orthodox) flat MC benchmark for breakthrough over 10 seconds using the default (0) random generator.
Tests can be run directly with a proper make
make simulate_breakthrough
compiles game description to C++, compiles it together with basic flat MC test and runs it with default parameters. Time package has to be available to run the tests.