A curated list of awesome ActionScript frameworks, libraries and software.
- open-source-flash/open-source-flash - Petition to open source Flash and Shockwave spec
- Gamua/Starling-Framework - The Cross Platform Game Engine
- jhuckaby/webcamjs - HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library with Flash Fallback
- mikechambers/as3corelib - An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript? 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
- AdamAtomic/flixel - flixel is a free Actionscript (Flash) library that I distilled from a variety of Flash games that I've worked on over the last couple years, including Gravity Hook, Fathom and Canabalt. It's primary function is to provide some useful base classes that you can extend to make your own game objects.
- robotlegs/robotlegs-framework - An ActionScript 3 application framework for Flash and Flex
- feathersui/feathersui-starling - User interface components for Starling Framework and Adobe AIR
- minimalcomps/minimalcomps - Minimal ActionScript 3.0 UI Components for Flash
- DaVikingCode/Citrus-Engine - Modern AS3 Game Engine
- claus/as3swf - Low level Actionscript 3 library to parse, create, modify and publish SWF files.
- richardlord/Ash - An Actionscript 3 entity system framework for game development
- greensock/GreenSock-AS3 - Public repository for GreenSock's ActionScript 3 libraries like GSAP (TweenLite, TweenMax, etc.) and LoaderMax. For AS2, see the GreenSock-AS2 repository and for JavaScript, see the GreenSock-JS repository. Main site: http://www.greensock.com
- useflashpunk/FlashPunk - A free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games. It provides you with a fast, clean framework to prototype and develop your games in. This means that most of the dirty work (timestep, animation, input, and collision to name a few) is already coded for you and ready to go, giving you more time and energy to concentrate on the design and testing of your game.
- fljot/Gestouch - Gestouch: multitouch gesture recognition library for Flash (ActionScript) development.
- apache/flex-sdk - Mirror of Apache Flex SDK
- prefuse/Flare - Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques.
- arthur-debert/BulkLoader - A bulk loading library for Actionscript.
- flexunit/flexunit - Open source repository for FlexUnit project for Actionscript 3 and Flex projects.
- richardlord/Flint - Actionscript 3 Particle Engine for Flash and Flex
- DragonBones/DragonBonesAS - DragonBones ActionScript Runtime
- theturtle32/AS3WebSocket - ActionScript 3 WebSocket client implementation for the final WebSocket Draft RFC6455
- simb/FlashSocket.IO - Library to help Flash, Flex and ActionScript clients connect to Socket.IO servers.
- adobe/avmplus - Source code for the Actionscript virtual machine
- grapefrukt/grapefrukt-export - a set of actionscript tools to export animations and graphic assets made in flash authoring to other formats.
- adobe-flash/avmplus - Source code for the Actionscript virtual machine
- tuarua/WebViewANE - WebView Adobe Air Native Extension for macOS 10.10+, Windows Desktop, iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+. This ANE provides access to a more modern webview from AIR.
- claus/fzip - FZip is an Actionscript 3 class library to load, modify and create standard ZIP archives.
- drewbourne/hamcrest-as3 - Port of hamcrest to ActionScript 3, a library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates) allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively, to be used in other frameworks. Typical scenarios include testing frameworks, mocking libraries and UI validation rules.
- CC-Archived/promise-as3 - Promises/A+ compliant implementation in ActionScript 3.0
- sephiroth74/purePDF - A complete actionscript PDF library
- Moonshine-IDE/Moonshine-IDE - Moonshine is a free and open source middleweight IDE built with ActionScript 3 for ActionScript 3, Apache Flex®, Apache Royale™, and Feathers development, with Cloud and Desktop support.
- thibaultimbert/graphicscorelib - A Flash Platform SDK, a nice toolbox with libs for every ActionScript 3 developer.
- mherkender/actionjson - A faster, more advanced ActionScript 3 JSON library
- Corsaair/redtamarin - AS3 running on the command line / server side
- simongregory/actionscript3-tmbundle - ActionScript 3 TextMate Bundle
- jozefchutka/YCanvas - YCanvas is an open source 2D tile renderer library written in ActionScript 3. It provides high performance solution for rendering world maps. The library also contains Stage3D (GPU) accelerated implementation based on Starling.
- luwes/js-cover-flow - A Cover Flow component made for the web
- charlesbihis/actionscript-oauth2 - An ActionScript 3 library for interfacing with OAuth 2.0 services.
- video-dev/clappr-rtmp-plugin - 📺 RTMP support for Clappr player.
- AS3Commons/as3commons-collections - ActionScript Collections Framework
- biggerboat/navigator-as3 - A tiny yet powerful library to deal with navigation and flow in your ActionScript projects
- castlabs/dashas - MPEG-DASH player written in ActionScript
- away3d/away3d-examples-fp11 - Actionscript examples for use with the Away3D engine for Flash Player 11
- MaxDidIt/firetype - Actionscript 3 library to parse OpenType fonts and render them using Stage3D
- devboy/HydraP2P - HydraP2P is an ActionScript 3 library aiming to simplify the peer-to-peer API introduced in Flash Player 10.1
- blooddy/blooddy_crypto - ActionScript (AS3) library for processing binary data. This library contains MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 ( SHA-224 и SHA-256 ), Base64, CRC32 algorithms, JSON encoder & decoder as well as PNG and JPEG encoders.
- destroytoday/DestroyFramework - a framework of useful Actionscript classes
- alecmce/as3geometry - An ActionScript 3 Geometry Library
- zwetan/as3-universal-analytics - Google Universal Analytics for AS3
- bym-refitted/backyard-monsters-refitted - The Backyard Monsters preservation project 🎮
- talltyler/HTMLWrapper - An HTML / CSS renderer created in ActionScript
- bustardcelly/as3flobile - A set of Actionscript 3 components targeting the Flash Player on mobile devices
- claus/fc64 - A low level Commodore 64 emulator written in Actionscript 3
- benrhodes/graffiti-as3-drawing-lib - ActionScript 3 Bitmap Drawing Library
- airsdk/apm - AIR Package Manager
- sunlightlabs/clearmaps - An ActionScript mapping framework for data visualization.
- renaun/ActionScriptExamples - Flash and other ActionScript example code
- MindScriptAct/mvcExpress-framework - ActionScript 3 MVC framework focused on speed and simplicity.
- jcward/AS3-Worker-Compat - ActionScript Worker wrapper for compatibility with pre-and-post Flash Player 11.4
- devon-o/Starling-Particle-Editor - Actionscript 3 Flash tool to create particle effect files (.pex) compatible for use with Starling and Sparrow frameworks.
- CatalystApps/StarlingGAFPlayer - Starling GAF Player is an ActionScript 3 library that allows developer easily to play back animations in GAF format using Starling framework. GAF is a solution that allows porting animations created in Flash Pro into an open format GAF and play back them in different popular frameworks, such as Starling, Unity3d, Cocos2d-x and other.
- away3d/awayphysics-examples-fp11 - Actionscript examples for use with the AwayPhysics library in Flash Player 11
- myflashlab/Firebase-ANE - Firebase ANE collection give you access to the Google Firebase project in your AdobeAir projects supported on both Android and iOS with 100% identical ActionScript API.
- hydrotik/QueueLoader - QueueLoader is an easy to use Flash Actionscript (3.0) asset loading utility with a number of features.
- dorianroy/Soundcloud-AS3-API - Universal Soundcloud API wrapper for Flash, Flex and AIR projects, written in ActionScript 3.0. Please report any bugs in the Issues section.
- away3d/away3d-examples-broomstick - Actionscript examples for use with the Away3D engine for Flash Player Incubator
- marc-hughes/ObjectHandles - Actionscript / Flex 3 open source library for moving and resizing on screen objects.
- joshtynjala/monsterdebugger-client-starling - Fork of Monster Debugger client library with support for Starling Framework
- rmhall/runway - Runway is a set of ActionScript and JavaScript libraries for leveraging the LeapMotion input device
- patternpark/asunit - The only ActionScript unit test framework that supports Flash Players 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
- arthur-debert/printf-as3 - A printf like facility for Actionscript, loosely inspired by Python's.
- zeh/key-action-binder-as3 - A keyboard/gamepad binder for easier game input in ActionScript
- jjgonecrypto/flexmojos-introduction - A gentle introduction to Flexmojos & Maven
- drewbourne/asx - Extensions for core ActionScript Objects
- joeonmars/CameraFocus - a 2D camera helper class for ActionScript 3.0 projects / Starling Framework
- cykoder/oni - OLD, NOT SUPPORTED - ActionScript 3 game engine
- richardlord/Coral - A library of Actionscript 3 classes for 3D Mathematics.
- sammyt/dawn - lightweight dependency injection for actionscript
- richardlord/Actionscript-Toolkit - Various bits of useful Actionscript code that I've released in the past, grouped together in one place.
- renaun/KontikiJS - An ActionScript 3 Library used to generate Flash API JavaScript code through the Randori compiler
- jeremyruppel/as3-router - Simple hash-router for ActionScript 3
- benbjohnson/melomel - External ActionScript Interface.
- schacon/asgit - ActionScript Git library and browser implementation
- childoftv/as3-xlsx-reader - An Actionscript 3.0 package to read .xlsx Open XML Excel or Open Office spreadsheets
- benrhodes/graffiti-as3-drawing-lib-touch - ActionScript 3 Drawing library made for touch devices.
- greensock/GreenSock-AS2 - Public repository for GreenSock's ActionScript 2 libraries like GSAP (TweenLite, TweenMax, etc.). For AS3, see the GreenSock-AS3 repository and for JavaScript, see the GreenSock-JS repository. Main site: http://www.greensock.com
- bustardcelly/as3couchdb - An ActionScript 3 clientside API for interacting with a CouchDB instance.
- tinklondon/tink_flash_platform - Flash/Flex ActionScript 3.0 source from Tink Ltd (http://www.tink.ws)
- timknip/asblender - Actionscript 3 library for reading Blender .blend files
- videojuicer/stylekit-as3 - An Actionscript 3 framework for creating user interfaces, using CSS3 for layout.
- Tastenkunst/brfv4_ane_examples - Adobe AIR native extension for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
- razorberry/razor - Razor UI components for Actionscript 3
- lucasdupin/SublimeAS3 - Actionscript 3 support files for Sublime Text 2
- jonnyreeves/as3-async - Utilities for working with asyncronous code in ActionScript 3.
- warrenseine/as3-psd-parser - ActionScript 3 PSD Parser
- tuarua/AR-ANE - ARKit Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS11
- Gamua/Flox-AS3 - The ActionScript 3 SDK for the Flox Game Backend
- ascorbic/socket-io-actionscript - Socket.IO Actionscript 3 client
- kakenbok/ActionScript-DataProvider-Controls - Library of standard user interface components
- dkeskar/airdb - ActionScript AIR ORM for using client-side SQLite within AIR and Flex apps. Supports ActiveRecord style models, migrations and associations.
- tconkling/react-as3 - A signals/slots and functional reactive programming library for ActionScript
- SaffronCode/SaffronCode - Powerful Action Script SDK to develop high performance mobile and desktop applications fast and easy, using Adobe Animate!
- riadvice/AlivePDF - [Official AlivePDF] - AlivePDF is a client side AS3 PDF generation library for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR
- ciathyza/tetragon - Tetragon is an Open Source cross-platform game engine used to develop games and applications for the web, desktop and mobile devices. It is written purely in ActionScript 3 and comfortably allows to write source code once and deploy builds to several different target platforms. Unlike most other Flash-based game engines and frameworks that allow you to develop a specific type of game or that provide a subset API to support game development, Tetragon provides a complete foundation with that any type of game can be developed, incl. resource management, debugging facilities, multi-locale support, layered extendability, a game-oriented data structure, and a lot more.
- charlesbihis/actionscript-notification-engine - A cross-platform notification engine built on top of the Flash platform.
- charlesbihis/actionscript-diff - An ActionScript 3 implementation of the Myer's diff algorithm.
- stevewoolcock/AssetManager - Asset management for ActionScript 3.0
- shapedbyregret/actionscript-3-obfuscator - Python script that takes in a single .as file and makes it hard to decipher.
- Rokannon/Crossbridge-Recast-Navigation - This project is a FlasCC port to ActionScript 3.0 of C++ navigation mesh library Recast Navigation by Mikko Mononen.
- nathanhinish/AS3-IABLib - An ActionScript 3 library for IAB specs. Includes the following features: VAST 2.0 Spec (http://www.iab.net/vast) for parsing VAST responses. VPAID Spec (http://www.iab.net/vpaid) for creating VPAID-compliant ads.
- joshtynjala/flexwires - Drag-and-drop wiring UI for Adobe Flex
- yourpalmark/facebook-actionscript-api - Import from Adobe's official Facebook library, branched here to add additional functionality and support.
- PlayerIO/Facebook-Graph-As3 - A thin Facebook Graph client in ActionScript 3 which closely mirrors the methods in the official Javascript Facebook SDK
- graysonlang/proscenium - Proscenium ActionScript Library
- tylerzhu/SpriteSheet - ActionScript 3.0 Sprite Sheet render engine
- pechemann/hummingbird - The easiest way to build and deploy robust MVC applications for ActionScript 3.0, Mobile and the Starling Framework.
- zefei/picmagick - A simple Flash (ActionScript) based photo editor
- yanbe/qrcode-as - QR Code reader written in ActionScript 3 which supports webcam on Windows, Mac and Linux by default
- swellee/LeUI - leui --an as3(actionscript 3.0) ui framework
- nosir/pixas-editor - Isometric pixel graphics editor
- rekomat/AS3-LocaleManager - Basic localization support for ActionScript apps
- apache/flex-tlf - Mirror of Apache Flex TLF
- walpolea/NetGrouper - A wrapper for Actionscript 3.0's NetGroup and RTMFP Multicasting abilities to create quick P2P multiplayer games over local networks or Adobe Cirrus
- smakinson/Pusher-ActionScript-Library - An ActionScript version of the pusher library for binding to events, etc.
- SaffronCode/Adobe-Air-Assistant - Descriptor file editor for Adobe Air
- tuarua/Google-Maps-ANE - Google Maps Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+.
- Stupeflix/WebcamRecorder - A chromeless ActionScript 3 Library for video/audio/still image recording from webcams.
- sshilko/jQuery-AS3-Webcam - jQuery wrapper for capturing web camera images written with ActionScript 3
- spjwebster/as3base64 - An ActionScript 3.0 library for encoding/decoding strings and objects to/from Base 64
- sammyt/fussy - actionscript reflection query language
- PhantomAppDevelopment/icon-generator - Generate icons and launch screens for your Adobe AIR projects.
- leveleditor/CrystAlien-Conflict-Flash-Wrapper - The Flash wrapper for CrystAlien Conflict, used for loading modifications into the game at run time. Also includes the core CrystAlien Redux Project mods for bugfixes and extra functionality.
- flashquartermaster/Cuke4AS3 - A BDD Cucumber wire protocol implementation for Flash ActionScript
- nosir/pixas - ActionScript library for building isometric pixel elements
- joshtynjala/starling-preloader - An example preloader for Starling Framework running in Adobe Flash Player in a web browser
- joshtynjala/flextreemap - TreeMap data visualization component for Adobe Flex
- away3d/integration-examples-fp11 - Actionscript examples demonstrating the use of the Away3D engine for Flash Player 11 in combination with other actionscript libraries
- audreyt/as3gif - AS3GIF lets you play and encode animated GIF's with ActionScript 3.
- jimojon/Multipart.as - AS3 multipart form data request generator
- tomnewton/AS3AStar - Fast actionscript 3 astar pathfinding algorithm.
- nidin/as3-image-library - Collection of Actionscript 3 image processing libraries
- mikesoylu/fortia - a minimal 2D actionscript game library
- MattesGroeger/as3-cheats - Provides an easy way to use cheat codes with ActionScript 3.0.
- jeremyruppel/as3-operations - Async operation contracts and helpers for ActionScript 3
- Evernote/evernote-sdk-as3 - Evernote SDK for ActionScript
- distriqt/ANE-AndroidSupport - Android Support Library Native Extension
- wonderyue/Animator - A Visual FSM Editor like Unity Mecanim System
- jakehilton/netconnectionsmart - A replacement class for the standard NetConnection actionscript class. This easily enables multiple port/protocol attempts to resolve at the best functioning connection.
- HendrixString/Falcon - Responsive/Flexible UI controls for Feathers-UI
- roipeker/draw-lib - Draw is a Starling powered Graphics implementation.
- openfl/openfl-samples-as3 - OpenFL npm sample projects (written in ActionScript 3.0 with Apache Royale)
- mikkoh/AS3-Airplay - This is an implementation of Apple's Airplay written in Actionscript 3.
- openfl/openfl-js - Wrapper to support OpenFL HTML5 development using TypeScript, Haxe, JavaScript or ActionScript 3.0
- LeeBurrows/Async-Image-Encoders - Asynchronously encode BitmapData objects into image file format
- renaun/ActionScriptGameServerExamples - Code examples of my dabblings with my own redtamarin modifications as a game server