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feature/regional_grid This commit references #4.
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Add Gerard's method to compute the global equivalent resolution
for a regional grid to filter_topo.F90.  Added as new routine
  • Loading branch information
GeorgeGayno-NOAA committed Mar 13, 2020
1 parent 8878bd1 commit 27f57f8
Showing 1 changed file with 172 additions and 1 deletion.
173 changes: 172 additions & 1 deletion sorc/fre-nctools.fd/tools/filter_topo/filter_topo.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ program filter_topo

!--- compute filter constants for the regional resolution
call global_equiv_resol
call compute_filter_constants

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1146,7 +1147,7 @@ subroutine two_delta_filter(is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, npx, npy, ntiles
real:: a1(is-1:ie+2)
real:: a2(is:ie,js-1:je+2)
real:: a3(is:ie,js:je,ntiles)
real:: smax, smin, m_slope, fac
real:: smax, m_slope, fac
integer:: i,j, nt, t
integer:: is1, ie2, js1, je2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1763,6 +1764,173 @@ subroutine read_namelist

end subroutine read_namelist

! Determine the global equivalent resolution for a jim purser
! regional grid.

subroutine global_equiv_resol

use netcdf

implicit none

integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
real(dp), parameter :: pi_geom = 4.0*atan(1.0), &
radius_Earth = 6371000.0

character(len=50) :: tile_file
integer :: ncid, nxSG_dimid, nySG_dimid, dASG_varid
integer :: nxSG, nySG, nx, ny, RES_equiv, id_var
real(dp) :: avg_cell_size, min_cell_size, max_cell_size
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
quarter_dA_ll, quarter_dA_lr, quarter_dA_ur, quarter_dA_ul, &
dASG, dA, sqrt_dA

WRITE(*,500) "Compute global equivalent resolution."
WRITE(*,500) "Opening NetCDF mosaic file for reading:"
WRITE(*,500) " file=", trim(grid_file)

! Obtain the grid file name from the mosaic file.

call check( nf90_open(trim(grid_file), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) )

call check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'gridfiles', id_var) )

call check ( nf90_get_var(ncid, id_var, tile_file ) )

call check ( nf90_close(ncid) )
! Open the grid file and read in the dimensions of the supergrid. The
! supergrid is a grid that has twice the resolution of the actual/compu-
! tational grid. In the file, the names of the supergrid dimensions are
! nx and ny. Here, however, we reserve those names for the dimensions
! of the actual grid (since in the FV3 code and in other data files, nx
! and ny are used to denote the dimensions of the actual grid) and in-
! stead use the variables nxSG and nySG to denote the dimensions of the
! supergrid.
WRITE(*,500) "Opening NetCDF grid file for reading:"
WRITE(*,500) " file=", trim(tile_file)

call check( nf90_open(trim(tile_file), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid) )

call check( nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "nx", nxSG_dimid) )
call check( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, nxSG_dimid, len=nxSG) )

call check( nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "ny", nySG_dimid) )
call check( nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, nySG_dimid, len=nySG) )

WRITE(*,500) "Dimensions of supergrid are:"
WRITE(*,520) " nxSG = ", nxSG
WRITE(*,520) " nySG = ", nySG
! Read in the cell areas on the supergrid. Then add the areas of the
! four supergrid cells that make up one grid cell to obtain the cell
! areas on the actual grid.
allocate(dASG(0:nxSG-1, 0:nySG-1))
call check( nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "area", dASG_varid) )
call check( nf90_get_var(ncid, dASG_varid, dASG) )

call check ( nf90_close(ncid) )

nx = nxSG/2
ny = nySG/2

WRITE(*,500) "Dimensions of (actual, i.e. computational) grid are:"
WRITE(*,520) " nx = ", nx
WRITE(*,520) " ny = ", ny

allocate(quarter_dA_ll(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))
allocate(quarter_dA_lr(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))
allocate(quarter_dA_ul(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))
allocate(quarter_dA_ur(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))

quarter_dA_ll = dASG(0:nxSG-1:2, 0:nySG-1:2)
quarter_dA_lr = dASG(0:nxSG-1:2, 1:nySG-1:2)
quarter_dA_ur = dASG(1:nxSG-1:2, 1:nySG-1:2)
quarter_dA_ul = dASG(1:nxSG-1:2, 0:nySG-1:2)


allocate(dA(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))
allocate(sqrt_dA(0:nx-1, 0:ny-1))

dA = quarter_dA_ll + quarter_dA_lr + quarter_dA_ur + quarter_dA_ul

deallocate(quarter_dA_ll, quarter_dA_lr, quarter_dA_ur, quarter_dA_ul)

! Calculate a typical/representative cell size for each cell by taking
! the square root of the area of the cell. Then calculate the minimum,
! maximum, and average cell sizes over the whole grid.
sqrt_dA = sqrt(dA)
min_cell_size = minval(sqrt_dA)
max_cell_size = maxval(sqrt_dA)
avg_cell_size = sum(sqrt_dA)/(nx*ny)

WRITE(*,500) "Minimum, maximum, and average cell sizes are (based on square"
WRITE(*,500) "root of cell area):"
WRITE(*,530) " min_cell_size = ", min_cell_size
WRITE(*,530) " max_cell_size = ", max_cell_size
WRITE(*,530) " avg_cell_size = ", avg_cell_size
! Use the average cell size to calculate an equivalent global uniform
! cubed-sphere resolution (in units of number of cells) for the regional
! grid. This is the RES that a global uniform (i.e. stretch factor of
! 1) cubed-sphere grid would need to have in order to have the same no-
! minal cell size as the average cell size of the regional grid.
RES_equiv = nint( (2.0*pi_geom*radius_Earth)/(4.0*avg_cell_size) )

WRITE(*,500) "Equivalent global uniform cubed-sphere resolution is:"
WRITE(*,530) " RES_equiv = ", RES_equiv

520 FORMAT(A, I7)
530 FORMAT(A, G)

end subroutine global_equiv_resol

subroutine check(status)
use netcdf
integer,intent(in) :: status
if(status /= nf90_noerr) then
write(0,*) ' check netcdf status = ', status
write(0,'("error ", a)') trim(nf90_strerror(status))
write(0,*) "Stopped"
stop 4
end subroutine check

! compute resolution-dependent values for the filtering.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1808,6 +1976,9 @@ subroutine compute_filter_constants

print*,'global cres equival, toms method ',res_regional

n_del2_weak = nint(n_del2_weak_vals(index1)+factor*(n_del2_weak_vals(index2)-n_del2_weak_vals(index1)))
cd4 = cd4_vals(index1)+factor*(cd4_vals(index2)-cd4_vals(index1))
max_slope = max_slope_vals(index1)+factor*(max_slope_vals(index2)-max_slope_vals(index1))
Expand Down

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