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TauREx-FastChem plugin

A Python wrapper built using the TauREx is available. The wrapper also installs all available datafiles included with FastChem

Note: This plugin does not support condensation yet but will do in future versions.


You can install one of the prebuilt binary wheels for Windows, macOS and manylinux through pip:

pip install taurex-fastchem

Installing from source

To install from source can be done so like this:

git clone
cd taurex-fastchem
pip install .

Running in TauREx

Once installed you can select the chemical model through the chemistry_type keyword under Chemistry.

chemistry_type = fastchem
metallicity = 1.0
selected_elements = H, He, C, N, O, Ti, V, S, K
ratio_elements = C, N, Ti
ratios_to_O = 0.5,0.001, 1e-4
with_ions = True

Ti_O_ratio:fit = True
Ti_O_ratio:prior = "LogUniform(bounds=(-6,2))"
S_O_ratio:fit = True
S_O_ratio:prior = "LogUniform(bounds=(-6,2))"
metallicity:fit = True
metallicity:prior = "LogUniform(bounds=(-6,2))"

Input arguments:

These arguments apply to both the TauREx input file and python interface.

Argument Description Type Default Required
H_He_ratio He/H ratio float 0.083
selected_elements List of elements to include in model list of string All elements in FastChem
ratio_elements List of elements to set the ratio list of string
ratios_to_O ratio of each 'ratio_element' relative to oxygen array
elements_abundance_file Path to file that defines initial abundances (in dex) string Builtin (solar)
metallicity Metallicity relative to initial abundance float 1.0
elements_datafile Path to file containing elements and their masses string Built-in (chemical_abundances.dat)
species_datafile Path to file containing species and thermochemical data string Built-in (logK.dat)
with_ions Include ions bool False
longdouble Unused, for compatibility bool False

Retrieval Parameters:

Fitting Parameter Description
metallicity Metallicity relative to solar

The wrapper will generate oxygen retrieval parameters for all metallic elements within the chemical model. If Ti is present (either by default or specifing in selected_elements) then a Ti_O_ratio retrieval parameter will be available. Using the default selected_parameters will give access to:

Fitting Parameter Description
Al_O_ratio Al/O ratio
Ar_O_ratio Ar/O ratio
C_O_ratio C/O ratio
Ca_O_ratio Ca/O ratio
Cl_O_ratio Cl/O ratio
Co_O_ratio Co/O ratio
Cr_O_ratio Cr/O ratio
Cu_O_ratio Cu/O ratio
F_O_ratio F/O ratio
Fe_O_ratio Fe/O ratio
Ge_O_ratio Ge/O ratio
K_O_ratio K/O ratio
Mg_O_ratio Mg/O ratio
Mn_O_ratio Mn/O ratio
N_O_ratio N/O ratio
Na_O_ratio Na/O ratio
Ne_O_ratio Ne/O ratio
Ni_O_ratio Ni/O ratio
P_O_ratio P/O ratio
S_O_ratio S/O ratio
Si_O_ratio Si/O ratio
Ti_O_ratio Ti/O ratio
V_O_ratio V/O ratio
Zn_O_ratio Zn/O ratio

Running in Python

You can import the chemistry scheme in Python pretty easily

>>> from pyfastchem import FastChem
>>> fc = FastChem(selected_elements=['H','He','C','O','N','K','e-'], 
                  with_ions=True, metallicity=1.0)

You can either pass it into a TauREx forward model like so:

>>> tm = TransmissionModel(chemistry=fc)

Or use it independently to compute volume mixing ratios by passing in temperature and pressure ( Pascal ) arrays:

>>> nlayers = 10
>>> temperature = np.linspace(300,100,nlayers)
>>> pressure = np.logspace(5,-3, nlayers) # Pa
>>> fc.initialize_chemistry(nlayers,temperature,pressure)
>>> fc.gases
['H', 'He', 'O', 'C', 'K', 'N', 'e-', ..., 'O+', 'O-', 'O2+', 'O2-']
>>> fc.mixProfile
array([[3.87435866e-036, 9.95149979e-039, 7.62616463e-042,
        1.23490910e-045, 2.58839801e-050, 3.41640407e-056,
        9.40930967e-064, 9.08433703e-074, 1.41255491e-087,
       [1.42400626e-001, 1.42400626e-001, 1.42400626e-001,
        1.42400626e-001, 1.42400626e-001, 1.42400791e-001,
        1.42398731e-001, 1.42398284e-001, 1.42367067e-001,


Fastchem 3.0 Plugin for TauREx



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