Simple utility for creating new projects in Sbt
Steps it took to get this project started
$ touch build.sbt
$ mkdir -p src/{main,test}/scala
$ e build.sbt # fill in the basics (name, organization, version)
$ touch && e
$ sbt
# start coding
Desired steps to take to start this project
$ sbt
$ np name:np
# start coding
^ No context switching ^.
Already have a project and want a sub project? No problem.
$ sbt
$ np name:my-sub-project dir:sub-project-dir
This will create a new sbt project source tree for a project named my-sub-project under the directory named sub-project-dir relative you your projects base directory. From your main build configuration you can use this as a stub and reference it as.
lazy val sub = Project("my-sub-project", file("sub-project-dir"))
Or remove the generated stub build.sbt
and just use the generate source tree
- Simple Build Tool
- The burning desire to start your projects quickly
In most cases a global installation will make the most sense as the target usage for this plugin is the creation of new projects
For global installation, if you have a ~/.sbt
directory created, in a ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt
file add the following
For local installation, if you have a ~/project
directory created, in a ~/project/build.sbt
file add the following
addSbtPlugin("me.lessis" % "np" % "0.2.0")
resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases",
Or if you prefer, you can call depend on the project reference as a git
import sbt._
object Plugins extends Build {
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(
Be sure to explicitly mix np's settings into your build definition.
seq(npSettings: _*)
Doing this in a global .sbt
file under ~/.sbt
(e.g. ~/.sbt/np.sbt) will make np
's setting available to all of your sbt projects.
If you don't already have one, create an ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins
directory. And inside of it, create an np.sbt
( it doesn't matter what you call it ) file containing the line
addSbtPlugin("me.lessis" % "np" % "0.2.0")
This will make npSettings
globally visible to your project definitions.
If you wish to globally mix in npSettings
, create a file under ~/.sbt/0.13
called np.sbt
( it doesn't matter what you call this either ) containing the line
seq(npSettings: _*)
If you have a lot of projects that use the same ivy organization id (your own) or you always start projects with the same version conventions (a SNAPSHOT), you may want to define your own custom global overrides.
To do so, in a ~/.sbt/np.sbt
file in sbt 0.12, or ~/.sbt/0.13/np.sbt
file in 0.13, add the following.
(NpKeys.defaults in (Compile, ~= {
_.copy(org="me.lessis", version="0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
See the np
option reference section below for all available options
np # generates a new project given a set of options
scout(for np) # detects potential conflicts with generating a project, recommended before np
usage(for np) # displays usage options
defaults(for np) # default values for options
In sbt 0.13 you can resolve the scoped settings using ::
generates sbt projects given key:value
options. Below is a list of current options
org Project organization. Defaults to defaults key sbt built-in default
name Project name. Defaults to defaults key or sbt built-in default
version Project version. Defaults to defaults key or sbt built-in default
plugin Boolean indicator of whether the project is a plugin project. Defaults to defaults key or false
dir Path to dir where np should generate project. Defaults to defaults key or '.'
Please post any issues or ideas you have to np's issues
If you like rolling up your sleeves, feel free to fork and create a feature branch
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2011-12