The Tariff calculator tool is an example of what can be built using the new Tariff API. After building our own generic calculator we have exposed the data behind it so it can be used by higher education providers to build your own custom tools. This tool has been created as a starting point, which can either be extended or used as inspiration for your own tools.
The latest version can be found on the Tariff calculator download page at
The documentation available as at the date of this release can be found at
Please see the file called license.txt
- tariff.html
Example of how to place the container on a page and initialise. Shows how to override the tools domain. If not overridden this will default to It is unlikely you will want to do this as currently the API is only served under this domain anyway.
- tariff.js
Tariff calculator skeleton example.
- tariff.css
Some basic styling for the skeleton example.
The data that drives the tool is obtained using our new API. This documentation can be found at