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Georgios Karnas edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Mode Handlers

ModeHandlers provide a way of handling user interactions in order to manipulate GeoJSON features and geometries.

The following are the built-in, and default ModeHandlers provided by

  • Mode name: view

No edits are possible, but selection is still possible.

  • Mode name: modify

User can move existing points, add intermediate points along lines, and remove points.

Edit Context

editContext argument to the onEdit callback contains the following properties:

  • positionIndexes (Array): An array of numbers representing the indexes of the edited position within the feature's coordinates array

  • position (Array): An array containing the ground coordinates (i.e. [lng, lat]) of the edited position

  • Mode name: extrude

User can move edge. Click and drag from anywhere between 2 points in edge.

  • Mode name: scale

User can scale a feature about its centroid by clicking and dragging (inward or outward) the selected geometry. This mode supports multiple selections.

  • Mode name: rotate

User can rotate a feature about its centroid by clicking and dragging the selected geometry. This mode supports multiple selections.

  • Mode name: translate

User can translate a feature by clicking selected feature and dragging anywhere on the screen. This mode supports multiple selections.

  • Mode name: duplicate

User can duplicate and translate a feature by clicking selected feature and dragging anywhere on the screen. This mode is extends TranslateHandler. This mode supports multiple selections.

  • Mode name: drawPoint

User can draw a new Point feature by clicking where the point is to be.

  • Mode name: drawLineString

User can draw a new LineString feature by clicking positions to add.

  • If a LineString feature is selected, clicking will add a position to it.

  • If no feature is selected, a new LineString feature will be added. Note: you must select the new feature (via the onEdit callback) in order to start extending it.

  • If multiple features are selected, or a non-LineString is selected, the user will be prevented from drawing.


The following options can be provided in the modeConfig object:

  • drawAtFront (optional): <boolean>
    • If true, will render the tentative feature at the "beginning" of the line, i.e. relative to the start of the coordinates array.

Edit Context

editContext argument to the onEdit callback contains the following properties:

  • positionIndexes (Array): An array of numbers representing the indexes of the added position within the feature's coordinates array

  • position (Array): An array containing the ground coordinates (i.e. [lng, lat]) of the added position

  • Mode name: drawPolygon

User can draw a new Polygon feature by clicking positions to add then closing the polygon (or double-clicking).

Edit Context

editContext argument to the onEdit callback contains the following properties:

  • positionIndexes (Array): An array of numbers representing the indexes of the added position within the feature's coordinates array

  • position (Array): An array containing the ground coordinates (i.e. [lng, lat]) of the added position

  • Mode name: draw90DegreePolygon

User can draw a new Polygon feature with 90 degree corners (right angle) by clicking positions to add then closing the polygon (or double-clicking). After clicking the 2 points, the draw mode guides/allows to have right angle polygon.

  • Mode name: drawRectangle

User can draw a new rectanglular Polygon feature by clicking two opposing corners of the rectangle.

  • Mode name: drawRectangleUsing3Points

User can draw a new rectanglular Polygon feature by clicking three corners of the rectangle.

  • Mode name: drawCircleFromCenter

User can draw a new circular Polygon feature by clicking the center then along the ring.


The following options can be provided in the modeConfig object:

  • steps (optional): x <number>
    • If steps: x means the circle will be drawn using x number of points.
  • Mode name: drawCircleByBoundingBox

User can draw a new circular Polygon feature by clicking the two corners of bounding box.


The following options can be provided in the modeConfig object:

  • steps (optional): x <number>
    • If steps: x means the circle will be drawn using x number of points.
  • Mode name: drawEllipseByBoundingBox

User can draw a new ellipse shape Polygon feature by clicking two corners of bounding box.

  • Mode name: drawEllipseUsing3Points

User can draw a new ellipse shape Polygon feature by clicking center and two corners of the ellipse.

  • Mode name: split

User can split a polygon by drawing a new LineString feature on top of the polygon.

  • If the first and the last click is outside the polygon, it will split the polygon

  • If the clicked position is inside the polygon, it will not split the polygon

  • Mode name: elevation

User can move a point up and down. min and max can be configured in modeConfig.


The following options can be provided in the modeConfig object:

  • gap (optional): x <number>

    • If gap: x means the spacing between the polygon would be x.
    • Gap value should be greater than 0.
    • Default gap is 0.1
  • unit (optional): centimeters|feet|inches|meters|kilometers|miles|yards

    • If unit: x means the unit used for the spacing would be of x unit.
    • Default unit is centimeters
  • lock90Degree (Boolean, optional)

    • Default: false
    • If true, all angles will be guaranteed to be 90 degrees.

Boolean Operations

For all polygon drawing modes, the following options can be provided in the modeConfig object:

  • booleanOperation (optional): null|'union'|'difference'|'intersection'
    • If non-null, requires a single Polygon or MultiPolygon selection
    • If null, the drawn Polygon is added as a new feature regardless of selection
    • If union, the drawn Polygon is unioned with the selected geometry
    • If difference, the drawn Polygon is subtracted from the selected geometry
    • If intersection, the drawn Polygon is intersected with the selected geometry

Composite Mode Handler

Use CompositeModeHandler to combine multiple handlers. Not all combinations are guaranteed to work.


new CompositeModeHandler(handlers, options = {})

  • handlers: Array<ModeHandler> Handlers you want to combine. Order is very important.
  • options (optional): Options to be added later.


const modeHandlers = Object.assign(
    'drawLineString+modify': new CompositeModeHandler([
      new DrawLineStringHandler(),
      new ModifyHandler()