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Please note that with MySQL 5.7 and later, the default sql_mode has been changed. Please make sure the following modes are disabled: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, and NO_ZERO_DATE.

Quick Start

If you have docker and docker-compose environment setup on your machine, you can start running iPeer for testing / development quickly by following these steps.

# get the source
git clone

# change to iPeer directory
cd iPeer

# optionally, checkout the version you wanted to run
# git checkout tags/3.4.4

# pull git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive

# use the default database config
cp app/config/database.php.default app/config/database.php 

# pull images and start containers
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

# open a shell into the app container
docker exec -it ipeer_app bash
# within the container, install any missing packages
composer install
# exit the container

# on host, change the permission of tmp folders
chmod -R 777 app/tmp
# restart containers
docker-compose restart

Launch a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ to continue the initial setup.

Running with Docker



Pulling images

Note: if you are planning to do development, you can skip this step.

docker pull ubcctlt/ipeer-app

Edit docker-compose.yml

Edit the docker-compose.yml file and choose the browser for integration tests

- SELENIUM_HOST=selenium-local

Running iPeer

Note: if you are planning to develop iPeer and did not run docker pull with above commands, you will need to run composer install to install the dependencies and generate database configuration file.

docker-compose up -d

Running iPeer unit tests

  • Running unit tests within docker containers with phing requires additional libraries to be installed. This can be done by building the ipeer-app image with Dockerfile-app-unittest which is specific for running test cases:

    • If the containers are up, stop them by running docker-compose down
    • Rebuild the ipeer-app image with the command docker-compose build --no-cache app-unittest
    • Start the containers by running docker-compose up -d
  • To run the unit tests on containers:

    • On host, run an interactive shell in the unit test app container: docker exec -it ipeer_app_unittest bash
    • In the interactive shell, while at /var/www/html, run the command vendor/bin/phing test

Running integration tests

   git submodule init
   git submodule update
    docker network create canvas_ipeer_network
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network ipeer_app
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network ipeer_app_unittest
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network docker-canvas_app_1
  • Run the Selenium + Firefox (or Chrome) container (need to disable the passthrough feature):
    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -e SE_OPTS="-enablePassThrough false" -e TZ="Canada/Pacific" --name selenium-local --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-firefox:3.7.1-argon
    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -e SE_OPTS="-enablePassThrough false" -e TZ="Canada/Pacific" --name selenium-local --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-argon

Or, if needed to see the browser actions, run the debug image instead and expose the VNC server port 5900 to host:

    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 5900:5900 -e SE_OPTS="-enablePassThrough false" -e TZ="Canada/Pacific" --name selenium-local --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-firefox-debug:3.7.1-argon
    docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 5900:5900 -e SE_OPTS="-enablePassThrough false" -e TZ="Canada/Pacific" --name selenium-local --shm-size 2g selenium/standalone-chrome-debug:3.7.1-argon

To view the browser, run VNC viewer on host (the default password is secret), e.g.: vncviewer localhost::5900

To view the WebDriver Hub status, open the following URL on the host:

  • Create a network bridge to connect iPeer, Canvas, and Selenium together
    docker network create canvas_ipeer_network_it
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network_it ipeer_app_unittest
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network_it ipeer_web_unittest
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network_it docker-canvas_app_1
    docker network connect canvas_ipeer_network_it selenium-local
  • To start the integration test, run an interactive shell in the test app container and run the commands in container, e.g.:
    docker exec -it ipeer_app_unittest bash    # start an interactive shell to run the following commands
    vendor/bin/phing init-test-db    # preload iPeer db with sample data
    cake/console/cake -app app testsuite app group system    # run all system test cases
    cake/console/cake -app app testsuite app case system/studentSimple    # run a specific test case

Running Virtual Development Server

Virtual Environment Setup:

  1. Install VirtualBox at

  2. Install Vagrant at

  3. Go to the iPeer root directory in the terminal. Then run the following commands:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    vagrant box add ipeerbox
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
    vagrant up
  4. Go to localhost:2000 in your browser.

Using a different port (the port number must be available on both the virtual and host environment):

  1. change the line in file puppet/dev.pp from

     port => 2000,

to (eg. port 8888)

    port => 8888,
  1. AND change the line in file app/tests/cases/controllers/v1_controller.test.php from

     $server = 'http://localhost:2000';


    $server = 'http://localhost:8888';

Running Tests:

Go to the iPeer root directory. Then run the following commands vagrant ssh cd /var/www phing test

For more vagrant commands go to

Running Tests

Integration Tests


Runing the tests:

cd iPeer
cake/console/cake -app app testsuite app group system

It is better not to touch the mouse or keyboard during the tests.

Configuring Caliper

In order to enable Caliper, both CALIPER_HOST and CALIPER_API_KEY must be set.

CALIPER_HOST: Set the Caliper LRS url.

CALIPER_API_KEY: API key for sending Caliper events to the LRS.

CALIPER_BASE_URL: Optionally set a base url to use for all events. This is useful to help keep statement urls consistent if the url of your instance changes over time or is accessible though different routes (ex http+https or multiple sub-domains). (Uses base url of request by default).

You may optionally override the user default IRI (from $base_url/users/view/$user_id) to something more identifiable when setting both CALIPER_ACTOR_BASE_URL and CALIPER_ACTOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_PARAM.

CALIPER_ACTOR_BASE_URL: Optionally set the actor's homepage to something else. This will be string formated to allow CALIPER_ACTOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_PARAM to be inserted into it (use %s where you want the unique identifier to appear). ex:

CALIPER_ACTOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_PARAM: Optionally set the actor's unique identifier using any column from the user table (ex: username, id, email). Will be inserted into the CALIPER_ACTOR_BASE_URL string.

iPeer 3.4.9

  • Fix unsecure form submission when deployed load balancer with SSL offload (#663)
  • Add github action to build docker
  • Swich to xdebug 3 config and use env vars instead xdebug.ini
  • Fix another 502 Bad gateway error related to user page
  • Fix 502 timeout when adding new event with certain template
  • Update Guard plugin to 1.0.8
  • Merge pull request #665 from josephkh/567-mixed-evaluation-ordering
  • Fixed the order of questions in mixed evaluation in students view
  • Fix issue with the functionality of exporting to PDF
  • Change String::tokenize to CakeString::tokenize
  • Add pdo_mysql to dockerfile
  • Better detection of https requests

iPeer 3.4.8

  • Fix a bug preventing instructor adding survey based event

iPeer 3.4.7

  • Increase PHP memory limit for docker container
  • Fix logging issue for docker container

iPeer 3.4.6

  • FIX mixeval edit (#660)
  • Update cake-guard to 1.0.7 to support eldap
  • Fix docker-compose build (#645)
  • Update cake-guard to 1.0.6
  • Update composer deps
  • Fix mixed content issue
  • Fix fresh installation and simplify Dockerfile and docker-compose
  • Redirect ipeer logs to stdout/stderr and optimize composer
  • Update
  • Update
  • Caliper session hashing (#636)
  • Caliper v1p2 update
  • Merge pull request #631 from ubc/fix-tests
  • Fix events model test
  • Add steps on how to run test cases in containers

iPeer 3.4.5

Skip this version. Failed release

iPeer 3.4.4

  • Added Caliper and delayed jobs support
  • Utilize Canvas's new gradebook Posting Policy
  • Add term field to courses.

After deployment, login to the url /upgrade as administrator to upgrade the DB. Otherwise users won't be able to load the homepage.

iPeer 3.4.3

  • Fix problems with instructors not able to copy evaluation templates

iPeer 3.4.2

  • Fix problems with Simple Evaluations page not displayed properly

iPeer 3.4.1

  • Fix problems with the emailer

iPeer 3.4.0

  • Update iPeer to run under PHP 7.2.

iPeer 3.3.4

  • Fixed the problem of not importing group membership from Canvas when all group members are new iPeer users.
  • Display course term next to course name when selecting Canvas courses for import
  • Add purpose/description to the Canvas access token

iPeer 3.3.3

  • Fixed the problem of new users created with role=0 when importing groups with Canvas
  • Fixed #596 import student number from Canvas sis_user_id

iPeer 3.3.2

  • Simplify Canvas group import and export
  • Import instructors and TAs (as instructors) from Canvas when importing users
  • For Mixed evaluation, clear the comment field if the question type is graded Likert or ScoreDropdown (#565)

iPeer 3.3.1

  • Push Evaluation Grades to Canvas

iPeer 3.3.0

  • Updated UI/UX to make iPeer more modern
  • Added Canvas integration
  • Fixed grades api for mixed eval
  • Fixed edit event template issue

iPeer 3.2.0

  • Fixed wrong score calculation when using rubric with zero mark enabled
  • Validated Rubric and Mixeval form data
  • Fixed #532 permission issue when re-add user
  • Fixed empty email body when there is no special merge field
  • Commented out volume mount for ipeer app docker image
  • Fixed the permission issue in docker image
  • Added docker instructions to readme
  • Added image directive in docker-compose
  • Added AWS deployment script
  • Added a simple health endpoint
  • Added deployment instruction/scripts for GCE
  • Removed config dir and database writable checking
  • More strict checking for env vars
  • Updateed build.xml and travis.yml to use environment vars
  • Set default Session.model value
  • Added web container for static file serving
  • Updated cake guard
  • Used table to detect installation and refactor installation
  • Added docker support
  • Updated translation file
  • Updated deployment script for travis

iPeer 3.1.9

  • Fixed #527 wrong grades calculated during the grade through API
  • Updated guard template file to guard_default.php
  • Fixed #530 CI tests
  • Fixed System Parameter unit test
  • Fixed #526 Sections will be submitted automatically before the evaluation is submitted
  • Added travis CI support
  • Added course creation instructions system parameter
  • Merge pull request #519 from ubc/andrew-3.1.x
  • Merge pull request #521 from ubc/448-3.1.x
  • Merge pull request #520 from ubc/491-3.1.x
  • Fixed #448 - Rubric evaluation form has accordion closed by default
  • Added permissions for event/export and event/import in delta 11
  • Event CSV import date format restriction loosened (will use any date string with compatible with strtotime function) - Fixed testCsvExport unit test data
  • Fixed a range calculation issue with the getPenaltyByPenaltiesAndDaysLate function (added case to unit tests)
  • Fixed #517 - Simple Eval and Mixed Eval now take into account penalties for students who do not submit their evaluations
  • Improved Performance on PDF export although it still takes a long time
  • Improved performance to export CSV
  • Improved performance for simpleEvalScore and mixedEvalScore by removing the unneeded associated results from the query (no longer requires paging) - Further improved performance for rubricEvalScore by only fetching the EvaluationRubricDetail association (event is not needed) - Added some documentation to rubricEvalScore for why it is fetching in chunks
  • Improved performance for simpleEvalScore, mixedEvalScore, and rubricEvalScore functions to handle larger class sizes
  • Improved general performance for Grades API
  • Added new function getPenaltyByPenaltiesAndDaysLate to Penalty model with unit tests
  • Fixed issues with installation steps for Vagrant and Puppet
  • Moved guard into composer
  • Switched mayflower php module
  • Added missing fixtures
  • Fixed #491 Implemented event import and export
  • Fixed emails templates filling in wrong names.
  • Added ipeer_test database to puppet dev.pp

iPeer 3.1.8

  • Fixed #494 the incorrect timezone adjustment
  • Removed result release date from survey event view
  • Fixed #508, Extract only model,view and controller for i18n
  • Fixed the issue that no event listed when user has dual roles
  • Allowed partial submission for rubric eval
  • Added composer
  • Changed criteria comment field in evaluation_rubric_details to text
  • Fixed wrong calculation in grade API
  • Fixed missing student in eval when he/she has non student role

iPeer 3.1.7

  • Fixed course enrolment not saved on hidden page on user edit
  • Added License file
  • Changed the box Vagrant is using
  • Trimed the input from CSV file
  • Allowed users to hold multiple roles in different courses #413
  • Fixed issue showing blank page when admin click on list events

iPeer 3.1.6

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fix #492, incorrect warning on editing event when there is no group changes
  • Fix #498, v1_controller accounts for different role permissions in Connect and iPeer during add/update of user in iPeer
  • Fix #499, if a FacultyAdmin teaches courses outside of their faculty (rare case), both sets of courses now appear in user's Home page and Courses page.
  • Removed ‘Submission Confirmation’ email template
  • Fixed sending email notification to that user that have their password reset
  • Modified the wording to describe the penalty settings

iPeer 3.1.5

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fixed emails templates filling in wrong names.
  • Fixed bug where empty ipeer evaluation reminder emails were sent
  • Added system.version parameter to delta7
  • Updated vagrant and puppet modules
  • Fixed missing formLoaded parameter in event editing
  • Fixed the failed test and update version in sample data
  • Moved delta 5 into delta 4 and remove sql mode in 6
  • Fixed some bugs && temporarily removed show student events
  • Fixed releasing comments for student view of evaluation results
  • Added commands to refresh the cache directory into the upgrade script
  • Implemented some validations to event edit
  • Fixed super admins unable to view all instructors and faculty admins
  • Created upgrade script to version 3.1.4
  • Fixed events add/edit event forms

iPeer 3.1.4

This is a maintenance release.

  • Increase the script exec time on export action
  • removed disabling edit group buttons when submissions have already
  • added pseudo data for rubric view
  • fixed broken link for adding survey questions when using
  • added individual criterion comments to the rubric csv export

iPeer 3.1.3

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fix a bug causing upgrade from 2.x failed
  • Improved the language on Student Result Mode help text

iPeer 3.1.2

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fix #567, grade release button failed when install in subdir
  • Fix cron email job failed when register_argc_argv is off
  • Update guard plugin
  • Update requirement to PHP 5.3
  • Fix #564, students unable to submit 0 mark in the mixeval

iPeer 3.1.1

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fix mixeval scale was incorrect rendered when upgrade 3.1
  • Modified build script to run in Vagrant and Ticket #548
  • Fix #557, filters are failed on lists on dreamhost
  • Fix #542
  • Update guard plugin
  • Catch the exception with more information printed
  • Fix mixeval result rendering error
  • Fix #558, 404 when student submitting evaluation
  • Refactor mixeval to use unified preview
  • Refactor rubric form to show header in view page
  • Fix #555, merge user search failed when installed on subdirectory
  • Fix #554, confirm button on upgrade page on firefox
  • Fix #556, use relative URL for css background image
  • Fix #543 remove the criteria hint text from rubric
  • Remove the orphan entries in mixeval_question_descs
  • Fix missing Content-length in response of API call
  • Fix API return 404 when no department is setup
  • Fixed problem with exporting evaluation results to csv
  • Fixed the inability to view students' survey

iPeer 3.1.0

This is a feature release that has a few exciting new features:

  • New mixed evaluation question type called Score Dropdown
  • New interface to add or remove instructors and tutors from courses
  • Permissions Editor
  • Basic evaluation results view for students
  • Email reminders for submitting evaluations
  • New auto-release evaluation results option. Results can be release without review
  • PDF export for evaluation results
  • Ability to import groups with student numbers
  • New option to update or merge for users and groups import
  • Account Consolidation
  • Moving students between courses with the same survey
  • Bulk moving students between courses
  • Google Analytics Support
  • Support for PagodaBox for easier instance set up
  • Login logging
  • Improved interfaces for mixed evaluation and survey templates

iPeer 3.0.8

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fix the API logging message missing info
  • Text Wrap for Survey Response and Timezone Fix
  • Fixed Firefox issue with mixed eval scale weight

iPeer 3.0.8

This is a maintenance release.

  • Fixed reported bug in student index
  • Fixed courses edit for instructors and tutors
  • Modified courses/edit for instructor in no faculties
  • Fixed a timezone bug.
  • Added a small event model test
  • Fixed survey group member model tests

iPeer 3.0.7

This is a maintenance release.

  • Change mysql NOW() to php date
  • Add "mail" as default email sending method in scheduled email
  • Fixed #504

iPeer 3.0.6

This is a maintenance release. It fixes a few bugs related to the building block API and web interface.

  • Fixed a bug in the api
  • Modified groupMembers and enrolment in the api
  • Updated guard plugin
  • Fixed a bug when adding 0 member to course using API
  • Fixed zero_mark bug for rubric view and rubric evaluation forms
  • Fixed non-existing users added to group as id 0 by API
  • Fixed #480, removed auth error on login page when redirect from app root
  • Moved API log into logs/api.log
  • Fixed a style issue
  • Fixed failed to add user when user data has tab (\t) in API

iPeer 3.0.5

This is a maintenance release. It fixes a few bugs related to the building block API and web interface.

  • Fixed events add/edit toggle
  • Fixed #491 Adding class member failed when duplicate username in request
  • Fixed #490 Denied access to admin/department page
  • Fixed #489 Invalid signature error when installed on subdirectory

iPeer 3.0.4

This is a maintenance release. It is recommended to upgrade to this version as it fixes a one critical bug.

  • Fix submissions for simple evaluation are not stored correctly

iPeer 3.0.3

This is a maintenance release. It is recommended to upgrade to this version as it fixes a one critical bug.

  • Fix incorrect question number in mixeval
  • Using student first submission timestamp as late penalty criteria
  • Fix mixeval descriptor overflow issue

iPeer 3.0.2

This is a maintenance release. It is recommended to upgrade to this version as it fixes a few critical bugs.

  • Disable submission confirmation email
  • Fix some bugs & outdated instructions
  • Fix change password for editProfile
  • Fix some bugs for email templates
  • Fix warnings caused by empty courseId in group controller
  • Fix user can't login with session transfer if there is an old session
  • Unify the views in v1 controller
  • Fix preview button on add event page in IE and FF
  • Allow fall back to mail in template email
  • Fix incorrect logging when sending submission email failed.
  • Fix missing names in the email after creating user
  • Disable the type checking for upload csv file for now
  • Fix #471, add extra file type to allow upload for user import
  • Fix that email failed to send when stmp parameters are not set
  • Fix #464. The student view of mixeval result was not showing correctly.
  • Update guard to allow login in with PUID as username in cwl module

iPeer 3.0.1

This is a maintenance release. It is recommended to upgrade to this version as it fixes a few critical bugs.

  • Fix old survey event can't be edited
  • Fix penalty display when only 1 penalty present.
  • Remove result release date from event form for surveys
  • Fix it couldn't add question in survey in IE and Firefox
  • Fix a teammaker xml issue when student survey response id is NULL
  • Fix Survey result link on instructor/admin home.
  • Fix old survey result do not show on viewEvaluationResult
  • Exclude dropped student from survey result summary
  • Fix survey save for "Choose any of" questions
  • Fix unable to add text answers to surveys
  • Fix master question losing responses & deletion
  • Fix previous submissions not loading
  • Fix Survey Question - Add/Remove Answer not working

iPeer 3.0.0

More than 74 bug fixes or improvements from 3.0.0 Beta

  • Better CSV export. More efficient and better format for process
  • Upgrade scripts allowing to upgrade from 2.x
  • Better student home page
  • Confirmation email after evaluation submitted
  • New color theme
  • And more

iPeer 3.0.0 Beta

New Features:

  • Improved Installation and Upgrade Wizard
  • The new Tutur Role and Faculty Admin Role
  • Evaluation Absence and Mark Deduction
  • Fine-grainded Access Control
  • New APIs
  • Group Export
  • Group Email
  • CWL/Shibboleth, LDAP Authentication
  • Basic LTI Support
  • Internationalization (i18N) support
  • Upgrade to CakePHP Framework 1.3
  • A lot bug fixes
  • And more

iPeer 2.2

Changelog from 2.1

  1. Students are now able to view released evaluation results (grades and comments) These results are anonymous, and randomly ordered. Fixed for Rubrics and Mixed Evaluations.
  2. Import from CSV changes for Students/Groups: Email and password are optional. Password will be randomly generated if it is omitted from the import file. Column orders are changed. Please see the sample file on import page. Mac/Windows Excel CSV format is supported. Default course is set to blank when importing student.
  3. Export Changes Corrected Export Evaluation result calculations. Evaluation result export with details.
  4. Copy mixed evaluation function is now working.
  5. Small GUI Changes: Changed phrasing and language to make things more clear. More clear notice if student did not finish all questions on student portal.
  6. General bug fixes, including some code clean-up.
  7. New Listing component Replaces most lists in iPeer with a unified component (with notable exception of Advanced Search). Easy to use for end-users, and to implement and augment by developers.

Changelog from 2.0

  1. Over 180 bugs are fixed
  2. Major browsers are supported
  3. PHP 5.3 is supported
  4. Improved security and permission checking
  5. Improved installation script and new upgrade script
  6. Now exports comments in the CSV file
  7. Import Students/Groups from CSV file now functional
  8. Instructors can only add students to the courses the instructor teaches
  9. Instructors can no longer remove students from courses the instructor does not teach
  10. Instructors can no longer remove students from the database
  11. An instructor can no longer remove himself/herself from the course
  12. Group email links are removed temporarily

Changelog from 2.0.8

  1. Bug fix: #1725231 , #1725229 (see bugs list in SF for details)
  2. Modify default login page to remove unnecessary JavaScript codes

upgrade from 1.6:

  1. copy the ipeer_export folder OUTSIDE of your iPeer 2 folder
  2. run it from your browser http://yourserverpath/ipeer_export/ipeer_export.php
  3. type the user/pass and whatnot to get the xml file of your database
  4. save it for now and continue on to installation of iPeer 2.

iPeer 2 install:

requirements: mod_rewrite for apache PHP 4.3.10+ with GD extension MYSQL 4+ PEAR with XML_RPC module (optional, only needed when using CWL)

  1. run http://yourserverpath/youripeerpath/install (trailing slash may be required) 1b. create a database in MySql
  2. follow the instructions for the install 2a. if you are upgrading, select UPGRADE and load the xml file there. -- in install4, make sure you set the absolute path to your path!
  3. once the install is complete, delete controllers/install_controller.php and /ipeer_export directory.

please note:

  1. The database config file /app/config/database.php must be writable during installation.
  2. After installation, please make database.php read only. It is VERY important.
  3. To change file permission, you may either use a FTP client or do it directly through command line (if you have shell access to your server. In unix, you may use chmod command to do it)

please report any bugs you find on sourceforge. we can't fix it if we don't know about it.

any suggestion or question? please let us know


-if you type http://yourserverpath/youripeerpath/ and you get http://yourserverpath/loginout/login, your mod_rewrite is not set up properly. make sure the line in http.conf has 'AllowOverride All'.