Testing infrastructure as code
- Install
- Install JDK 7 or higher
- Download latest jenkins enterprise
- Start jenkins :
- java -jar jenkins.war
- service jenkins start
- Register to get an eval license
curl -L http://www.getchef.com/chef/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P chefdk
Usually there are at least 3 levels of testing
- Static code analysis and lint checking
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
We're using foodcritic for static code analysis. Foodcritic is a helpful lint tool you can use to check your Chef cookbooks for common problems.
It comes with 47 built-in rules that identify problems ranging from simple style inconsistencies to difficult to diagnose issues that will hurt in production.
Here is a way to run foodcritic and publish the results to jenkins
if [[ ! -d chef-ci-tools ]]; then
git clone https://github.com/woohgit/chef-ci-tools.git
bash chef-ci-tools/bin/chef-foodcritic-publisher.sh -X spec -f any -t "~FC003"
We're using ChefSpec for unit testing.
Use ChefSpec to simulate the convergence of resources on a node:
- Run the chef-client on your local machine
- Use chef-zero or chef-solo
- Is an extension of RSpec, a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby
- Is the fastest way to test resources
Here is a way to run ChefSpec and publish the results to jenkins. The assumption is that you have several cookbooks you are testing together (not a single cookbook).
rm -rf rspec_results
mkdir rspec_results
for cbname in `find cookbooks -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`;
rspec $cbname --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec_results/${cbname}-results.xml
We're using Minitest for integration testing.
We're spinning up a Vagrant virtual instance. Run chef-solo on it and analyzing the results.
Why using integration tests if we have unit tests? Well to make sure it does what it should do in a clean environment each time.
Here is a way to run minitest and publish the results to jenkins
cd tests/webserver
vagrant destroy -f
vagrant up
OPTIONS=`vagrant ssh-config | awk -v ORS=' ' '{print "-o " $1 "=" $2}'`
ssh ${OPTIONS} [email protected] "sudo chmod -R a+r /var/chef/"
echo "copy strace out.. if any..."
scp ${OPTIONS} [email protected]:/var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out ${WORKSPACE}/chef-stacktrace.out
echo "copy chef-solo-ci-reports..."
scp -r ${OPTIONS} vagrant@$ ${WORKSPACE}/
vagrant destroy -f
- ChefDK
- chef shell-init bash/zsh
- Ruby 2.0
- If ruby/gem binaries point to older version, re-link them to 2.0 versions
- Install ruby2.0-dev package as well - ohai depends on ruby2.0 >
- Install ruby1.9.1-dev - vagrant-chef-zero depends on it
- gem install rspec chefspec rspec_junit_formatter
- ChefSpec
- Jenkins
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant and plugins
- vagrant-berkshelf
- vagrant-chef-zero
- vagrant-login
- vagrant-omnibus
- vagrant-share
- vagrant-triggers
- Foodcritic
- Ruby-Dev
- Perl
First, start up your jenkins and create the jobs located in the jenkins_jobs
$ wget --no-check-certificate http://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
$ java -jar ./jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job cookbooks-lint-check < jenkins_jobs/cookbooks-lint-check.config.xml
$ java -jar ./jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job cookbooks-unit-tests < jenkins_jobs/cookbooks-unit-tests.config.xml
$ java -jar ./jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job cookbooks-integration-tests < jenkins_jobs/cookbooks-integration-tests.config.xml
$ java -jar ./jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job cookbooks-workflow < jenkins_jobs/cookbooks-workflow.config.xml