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Implement a concat operation on BitMapNode to merge the CHAMP structures
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DavidGregory084 committed May 24, 2022
1 parent ea31a5d commit e7343e8
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Showing 3 changed files with 156 additions and 20 deletions.
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions core/src/main/scala-2.12/cats/data/HashMapCompat.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ private[data] trait HashMapCompat[K, +V] { self: HashMap[K, V] =>
final def concat[VV >: V](traversable: TraversableOnce[(K, VV)]): HashMap[K, VV] = {
val newRootNode = traversable.foldLeft(self.rootNode: HashMap.Node[K, VV]) { case (node, (k, v)) =>
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = true, 0)
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = true, depth = 0)

if (newRootNode eq self.rootNode)
Expand All @@ -50,13 +50,9 @@ private[data] trait HashMapCompat[K, +V] { self: HashMap[K, V] =>
final def concat[VV >: V](hm: HashMap[K, VV]): HashMap[K, VV] = {
val newRootNode = if (self.size <= hm.size) {
self.iterator.foldLeft(hm.rootNode) { case (node, (k, v)) =>
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = false, 0)
hm.rootNode.concat(self.rootNode, replaceExisting = false, depth = 0)
} else {
hm.iterator.foldLeft(self.rootNode: HashMap.Node[K, VV]) { case (node, (k, v)) =>
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = true, 0)
self.rootNode.concat(hm.rootNode, replaceExisting = true, depth = 0)

if (newRootNode eq self.rootNode)
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions core/src/main/scala-2.13+/cats/data/HashMapCompat.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ private[data] trait HashMapCompat[K, +V] extends IterableOnce[(K, V)] { self: Ha
final def concat[VV >: V](iterable: IterableOnce[(K, VV)]): HashMap[K, VV] = {
val newRootNode = iterable match {
case hm: HashMap[K, V] @unchecked if self.size <= hm.size =>
self.iterator.foldLeft(hm.rootNode: HashMap.Node[K, VV]) { case (node, (k, v)) =>
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = false, 0)
case hm: HashMap[K, V] @unchecked =>
if (self.size <= hm.size) {
hm.rootNode.concat(self.rootNode, replaceExisting = false, depth = 0)
} else {
self.rootNode.concat(hm.rootNode, replaceExisting = true, depth = 0)
case _ =>
iterable.iterator.foldLeft(self.rootNode: HashMap.Node[K, VV]) { case (node, (k, v)) =>
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = true, 0)
node.updated(k, improve(self.hashKey.hash(k)), v, replaceExisting = true, depth = 0)

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156 changes: 147 additions & 9 deletions core/src/main/scala/cats/data/HashMap.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
def get(key: K, keyHash: Int, depth: Int): Option[V]

* The current trie node updated to add the provided key-value pair.
* Return the current trie node updated to include the provided key-value pair.
* @param newKey the key to add.
* @param newKeyHash the hash of the key to add.
Expand All @@ -405,6 +405,16 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
def updated[VV >: V](newKey: K, newKeyHash: Int, value: VV, replaceExisting: Boolean, depth: Int): Node[K, VV]

* Return the current trie node updated to include all of the key-value pairs of `that`.
* @param that the trie node to concatenate with this one.
* @param replaceExisting whether to replace existing values with those from `that` if a matching key already exists.
* @param depth the 0-indexed depth in the trie structure.
* @return a new [[HashMap.Node]] containing all elements of this trie node and `that`.
def concat[VV >: V](that: Node[K, VV], replaceExisting: Boolean, depth: Int): Node[K, VV]

* The current trie node updated to remove the provided key.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,6 +575,31 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {

final def concat[VV >: V](that: Node[K, VV], replaceExisting: Boolean, depth: Int): Node[K, VV] =
that match {
case that: CollisionNode[K, VV] @unchecked if this.collisionHash == that.collisionHash =>
val builder = Vector.newBuilder[(K, VV)]
builder.sizeHint(this.size + that.size)
if (replaceExisting) {
builder ++= that.contents.toVector
this.contents.toVector.foreach { case kv @ (key, _) =>
if (!that.contents.exists { case (k, _) => hashKey.eqv(key, k) })
builder += kv
} else {
builder ++= this.contents.toVector
that.contents.toVector.foreach { case kv @ (key, _) =>
if (!contents.exists { case (k, _) => hashKey.eqv(key, k) })
builder += kv
new CollisionNode[K, VV](collisionHash, NonEmptyVector.fromVectorUnsafe(builder.result()))
case _: CollisionNode[_, _] =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to merge collision nodes with mismatched collision hashes")
case _: BitMapNode[_, _] =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to merge a collision node with a bitmap node")

final def ===[VV >: V](that: Node[K, VV])(implicit eqValue: Eq[VV]): Boolean = {
(this eq that) || {
that match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,7 +778,7 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
rightHash: Int,
rightValue: VV,
depth: Int
): Node[K, VV] = {
): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val newNode = mergeValues(left, leftHash, leftValue, right, rightHash, rightValue, depth)
val valueIndex = Node.StrideLength * Node.indexFrom(keyValueMap, bitPos)
val nodeIndex = contents.length - Node.StrideLength - Node.indexFrom(nodeMap, bitPos)
Expand All @@ -765,22 +800,35 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
new BitMapNode[K, V](keyValueMap ^ bitPos, nodeMap | bitPos, newContents, size + 1)

final private def replaceNode[VV >: V](index: Int, oldNode: Node[K, VV], newNode: Node[K, VV]): Node[K, VV] = {
final private def replaceNode[VV >: V](
index: Int,
oldNode: Node[K, VV],
newNode: Node[K, VV]
): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val targetIndex = contents.length - 1 - index
val newContents = new Array[Any](contents.length)
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, newContents, 0, contents.length)
newContents(targetIndex) = newNode
new BitMapNode[K, V](keyValueMap, nodeMap, newContents, size + (newNode.size - oldNode.size))

final private def appendNode[VV >: V](bitPos: Int, newNode: Node[K, VV]): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val newContents = new Array[Any](contents.length + 1)
val nodeIndex = newContents.length - 1 - Node.indexFrom(nodeMap, bitPos)
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, newContents, 0, nodeIndex)
newContents(nodeIndex) = newNode
System.arraycopy(contents, nodeIndex, newContents, nodeIndex + 1, newContents.length - 1 - nodeIndex)
new BitMapNode[K, V](keyValueMap, nodeMap | bitPos, newContents, size + newNode.size)

final private def updateNode[VV >: V](
bitPos: Int,
newKey: K,
newKeyHash: Int,
newValue: VV,
replaceExisting: Boolean,
depth: Int
): Node[K, VV] = {
): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val index = Node.indexFrom(nodeMap, bitPos)
val subNode = getNode(index)
val newSubNode = subNode.updated(newKey, newKeyHash, newValue, replaceExisting, depth + 1)
Expand All @@ -791,7 +839,7 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
replaceNode(index, subNode, newSubNode)

final private def replaceValueAtIndex[VV >: V](index: Int, newValue: VV): Node[K, VV] = {
final private def replaceValueAtIndex[VV >: V](index: Int, newValue: VV): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val valueIndex = Node.StrideLength * index + 1
val newContents = new Array[Any](contents.length)
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, newContents, 0, contents.length)
Expand All @@ -806,7 +854,7 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {
newValue: VV,
replaceExisting: Boolean,
depth: Int
): Node[K, VV] = {
): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val index = Node.indexFrom(keyValueMap, bitPos)
val existingKey = getKey(index)
val existingValue = getValue(index)
Expand All @@ -829,7 +877,7 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {

final private def appendKeyValue[VV >: V](bitPos: Int, newKey: K, newValue: VV): Node[K, VV] = {
final private def appendKeyValue[VV >: V](bitPos: Int, newKey: K, newValue: VV): BitMapNode[K, VV] = {
val index = Node.StrideLength * Node.indexFrom(keyValueMap, bitPos)
val newContents = new Array[Any](contents.length + Node.StrideLength)
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, newContents, 0, index)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,13 +906,13 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {

final private def removeKeyValue(bitPos: Int, removeKey: K, removeKeyHash: Int, depth: Int): Node[K, V] = {
final private def removeKeyValue(bitPos: Int, removeKey: K, removeKeyHash: Int, depth: Int): BitMapNode[K, V] = {
val index = Node.indexFrom(keyValueMap, bitPos)
val existingKey = getKey(index)
if (!hashKey.eqv(existingKey, removeKey)) {
} else if (allElementsCount == 1) {
Node.empty[K, V]
new BitMapNode[K, V](0, 0, Array.empty[Any], 0)
} else {
val keyIndex = Node.StrideLength * index
val newContents = new Array[Any](contents.length - Node.StrideLength)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,6 +1006,96 @@ object HashMap extends HashMapInstances with HashMapCompatCompanion {

final def concat[VV >: V](that: Node[K, VV], replaceExisting: Boolean, depth: Int): Node[K, VV] = that match {
case that: BitMapNode[K, VV] @unchecked =>
var newNode: BitMapNode[K, VV] = this

var index = 0
var thisNodeMap = newNode.nodeMap
var thatNodeMap = that.nodeMap
val maxNewNodeIndex = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(Integer.highestOneBit(thatNodeMap))
while (index <= maxNewNodeIndex) {
val thisHasNode = (thisNodeMap & 1) == 1
val thatHasNode = (thatNodeMap & 1) == 1
if (thisHasNode && thatHasNode) {
// Merge `this` and `that` nodes
val bitPos = Node.bitPosFrom(index)
val thisIndex = Node.indexFrom(newNode.nodeMap, bitPos)
val thisNode = newNode.getNode(thisIndex)
val thatNode = that.getNode(Node.indexFrom(that.nodeMap, bitPos))
val mergedNode = thisNode.concat(thatNode, replaceExisting, depth + 1)
newNode = newNode.replaceNode(thisIndex, thisNode, mergedNode)
} else if (thatHasNode) {
// Copy node from `that`
val bitPos = Node.bitPosFrom(index)
val thatNodeIndex = Node.indexFrom(that.nodeMap, bitPos)
val thatNode = that.getNode(thatNodeIndex)
newNode = newNode.appendNode(bitPos, thatNode)

thisNodeMap >>= 1
thatNodeMap >>= 1
index += 1

index = 0
var thisKeyValueMap = this.keyValueMap
var thatKeyValueMap = that.keyValueMap
val bothKeyValueMap = thisKeyValueMap | thatKeyValueMap
val maxKeyValueIndex = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(Integer.highestOneBit(bothKeyValueMap))
while (index <= maxKeyValueIndex) {
val thisHasKeyValue = (thisKeyValueMap & 1) == 1
val thatHasKeyValue = (thatKeyValueMap & 1) == 1
if (thisHasKeyValue && thatHasKeyValue) {
// Merge `this` and `that` key value pair
val bitPos = Node.bitPosFrom(index)
val thatIndex = Node.indexFrom(that.keyValueMap, bitPos)
val thatKey = that.getKey(thatIndex)
val thatValue = that.getValue(thatIndex)
newNode = newNode.updateKeyValue(
} else if (thisHasKeyValue) {
val bitPos = Node.bitPosFrom(index)
if (newNode.hasNodeAt(bitPos)) {
// Move `this` key-value pair into `that`'s node for this hash
val valueIndex = Node.indexFrom(this.keyValueMap, bitPos)
val thisKey = this.getKey(valueIndex)
val thisKeyHash = improve(hashKey.hash(thisKey))
val thisValue = this.getValue(valueIndex)
newNode = newNode.removeKeyValue(bitPos, thisKey, thisKeyHash, depth)
newNode = newNode.updateNode(bitPos, thisKey, thisKeyHash, thisValue, !replaceExisting, depth)
} else if (thatHasKeyValue) {
// Move `that` key value pair into `this`
val bitPos = Node.bitPosFrom(index)
val thatIndex = Node.indexFrom(that.keyValueMap, bitPos)
val thatKey = that.getKey(thatIndex)
val thatKeyHash = improve(hashKey.hash(thatKey))
val thatValue = that.getValue(thatIndex)
if (newNode.hasNodeAt(bitPos)) {
newNode = newNode.updateNode(bitPos, thatKey, thatKeyHash, thatValue, replaceExisting, depth)
} else {
newNode = newNode.appendKeyValue(bitPos, thatKey, thatValue)

thisKeyValueMap >>= 1
thatKeyValueMap >>= 1
index += 1


case _: CollisionNode[_, _] =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to merge a bitmap node with a collision node")

final override def ===[VV >: V](that: Node[K, VV])(implicit eqValue: Eq[VV]): Boolean = {
(this eq that) || {
that match {
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